Alternative Payment Methods
With alternative payment methods, customers across the globe can pay with their bank accounts, wallets, and other local payment methods instead of only relying on card or PayPal wallet.
See the Alternative payment methods page for more information.
Alternative payment methods use the same API requests as the other Orders v2 API samples in PayPal Checkout and Expanded Checkout. These payment methods include Apple Pay, Google Pay, and other location-based payment methods.
Apple Pay
Apple Pay requires a JavaScript SDK integration to work with the Orders v2 API. See the Integrate Apple Pay with JS SDK for direct merchants page for more information.
ApplePay flow with Orders and PayPal JS SDK
Google Pay
Google Pay requires a JavaScript SDK integration to work with the Orders v2 API, similar to Apple Pay. See the Integrate Google Pay with JS SDK for direct merchants page for more information.
Other location-based payment methods
There are a few other location-based payment methods that you can use while creating your order, such as Bancontact, BLIK, and eps.