Samsung Pay

Samsung Pay provides an in-app purchasing experience that allows customers with supported Samsung devices to pay with payment methods stored in their Samsung Pay app.

For more details on compatibility and availability, see our Samsung Pay support article.

Creating transactionsAnchorIcon

You can create a Samsung Pay transaction using the chargePaymentMethod mutation while suppling an amount and paymentMethodId.

  1. Mutation
mutation ChargePaymentMethod($input: ChargePaymentMethodInput!) {
  chargePaymentMethod(input: $input) {
    transaction {
      paymentMethodSnapshot {
        ... on CreditCardDetails {
          origin {
            details {
              ... on SamsungPayOriginDetails {
  1. Variables
  "input": {
    "paymentMethodId": "id_of_payment_method",
    "transaction": { "amount": "1.00" }
  1. Response
  "data": {
    "chargePaymentMethod": {
      "transaction": {
        "id": "id_of_transaction",
        "legacyId": "legacy_id_of_transaction",
        "status": "SUBMITTED_FOR_SETTLEMENT",
        "paymentMethodSnapshot": {
          "origin": {
            "type": "SAMSUNG_PAY",
            "details": { "bin": "bank_identification_number" }
  "extensions": { "requestId": "a-uuid-for-the-request" }

Vaulting Samsung PayAnchorIcon

Samsung Pay cards can only be saved to your Vault for specific use cases; see the support article for details.

If your use case is supported, you can store a customer's Samsung Pay card in your Vault in one of the following ways: