PayPal Referral Program for Developers

Earn a Commission For Merchants You Refer to PayPal

The PayPal Referral Program for Developers gives you the opportunity to earn a commission for merchants referred to PayPal.

Apply TodayExplore our FAQs

Applying for the referral program is free, easy to do, and you can earn up to $2,500 for qualified merchants in just a few simple steps

Man looking at the laptop screen
Step one

Complete Application form

Two men looking at the laptop screen
Step two

Meet with a Program Representative

Two people laughing while walking on the street
Step three

Review your welcome email and submit referrals

Hand holding a PayPal debit card
Step four

Earn cash for qualified referrals

Apply Today

You can earn between $500 and $2,500 in commission for a qualified merchant referral.

  • There is no maximum number of merchants you can refer.1

1Referred merchant must meet program requirements. Referred merchant's transaction volume is monitored for 60 days. Monitoring begins upon referred merchant's first PayPal payments transaction. The amount of a one-time payout commission is based on the annualized volume in the first 60 days.

2Developer will receive total commission earned in a quarter for all referred merchants, less any taxes required by law, as applicable, within 90 days after the end of each calendar quarter.

Average Merchant PayPal Transaction Volume
Annualized based on volume in the first 60 days
Payout Amount
One-time payment per merchant referred
Up to $1,000,000 $500.00
$1,000,000 to $3,000,000 $1,000.00
$1,000,000 to $5,000,000 $2,000.00
$5,000,000 and greater $2,500.00
Commission Payout

90 days after the end of each calendar quarter

Program Application


I have read and acknowledged the PayPal Privacy Policy and agree that PayPal may contact me at the email above to obtain more information.

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Paypal Developer Referral Program

Frequently Asked Questions

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