Offer a trial period

DocsCurrentLast updated: June 20th 2023, @ 2:08:42 pm

Use a trial period to let subscribers try your product at a free or discounted price before regular billing cycles start. After the trial period ends, the regular billing period for the subscription begins. You can have up to 2 trial periods per plan.

The following sample requests show how to offer trial periods. Use these samples to adjust your code when you create a plan.

Example: Music service

The following example creates a trial period with the following characteristics:

  • $0 for the first month.
  • $15 per month following the trial period.

1curl -v –X POST
2-H "Accept: application/json"
3-H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS-TOKEN"
4-H "Content-Type: application/json"
5-H "PayPal-Request-Id: PLAN-18062020-002"
6-d '{
7"name": "Premium Music Plus",
8"description": "A premium plan with music download feature",
9"product_id": "PROD-5RN21878H3527870P",
10"billing_cycles": [{
11 "frequency": {
12 "interval_unit": "MONTH",
13 "interval_count": 1
14 },
15 "tenure_type": "TRIAL",
16 "sequence": 1,
17 "total_cycles": 1,
18 "pricing_scheme": {
19 "fixed_price": {
20 "value": "0",
21 "currency_code": "USD"
22 }
23 }
24}, {
25 "frequency": {
26 "interval_unit": "MONTH",
27 "interval_count": 1
28 },
29 "tenure_type": "REGULAR",
30 "sequence": 2,
31 "total_cycles": 0,
32 "pricing_scheme": {
33 "fixed_price": {
34 "value": "15",
35 "currency_code": "USD"
36 }
37 }
38}], "payment_preferences": {
39 "auto_bill_outstanding": true,
40 "payment_failure_threshold": 1
41 }

Example: Online tutorial service

The following example creates a trial period with the following characteristics:

  • $0 free trial for the first week.
  • $5 per week discounted trial for the next 3 weeks.
  • $10 per week following the trial period.

1curl -v –X POST
2-H "Accept: application/json"
3-H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS-TOKEN"
4-H "Content-Type: application/json"
5-H "PayPal-Request-Id: PLAN-18062020-003"
6-d '{
7 "name": "Music Tutorial Premium Plus",
8 "description": "Offering a premium music tutorial with download feature",
9 "product_id": "PROD-5RN21878H3527870P",
10 "billing_cycles": [{
11 "frequency": {
12 "interval_unit": "WEEK",
13 "interval_count": 1
14 },
15 "tenure_type": "TRIAL",
16 "sequence": 1,
17 "total_cycles": 1,
18 "pricing_scheme": {
19 "fixed_price": {
20 "value": "0",
21 "currency_code": "USD"
22 }
23 }
24}, {
25 "frequency": {
26 "interval_unit": "WEEK",
27 "interval_count": 1
28 },
29 "tenure_type": "TRIAL",
30 "sequence": 2,
31 "total_cycles": 3,
32 "pricing_scheme": {
33 "fixed_price": {
34 "value": "5",
35 "currency_code": "USD"
36 }
37 }
38}, {
39 "frequency": {
40 "interval_unit": "WEEK",
41 "interval_count": 1
42 },
43 "tenure_type": "REGULAR",
44 "sequence": 3,
45 "total_cycles": 0,
46 "pricing_scheme": {
47 "fixed_price": {
48 "value": "10",
49 "currency_code": "USD"
50 }
51 }
52}], "payment_preferences": {
53 "auto_bill_outstanding": true,
54 "payment_failure_threshold": 1
55 }

See also