Issue a refund


Last updated: Sept 24th, 5:55am

Refund a captured payment by ID calling the /v2/payments/captures/CAPTURE-ID/refund endpoint.

Pass the standard Content-Type and Authorization request headers along with the PayPal-Request-Id.

In a live environment, pass the PayPal-Auth-Assertion header.

Pass the PayPal-Auth-Assertion header with the standard Content-Type, Authorization, and PayPal-Request-ID headers. The value of the PayPal-Auth-Assertion header can be generated as follows:

    1const clientId = "CLIENT-ID";
    2const sellerPayerId = "SELLER=PAYER=ID"
    3const jwt = getAuthAssertionValue(clientId, sellerPayerId);
    5function getAuthAssertionValue(clientId, sellerPayerId) {
    6 const header = {
    7 "alg": "none"
    8 };
    9 const encodedHeader = base64url(header);
    10 const payload = {
    11 "iss": clientId,
    12 "payer_id": sellerPayerId
    13 };
    14 const encodedPayload = base64url(payload);
    15 return `${encodedHeader}.${encodedPayload}.`;
    17function base64url(json) {
    18 return btoa(JSON.stringify(json))
    19 .replace(/=+$/, '')
    20 .replace(/\+/g, '-')
    21 .replace(/\//g, '_');

    Modify the code

    • Use the client ID of the platform or marketplace from the PayPal Developer dashboard for clientID.
    • The sellerPayerId is the payer ID of the reciving seller's PayPal account. You can also use email instead of payer_id and supply the email address of the seller's PayPal account.

    Example functions to generate the PayPal-Auth-Assertion header:


      1const clientID = "Acuy17p2LcOf9RMv8SUVBb3wic3FPEP2NHFFqfSCBRFrNFdmbC1JQ0w8HIKRxW3RDy2R8QTL93eptFYl";
      2const merchantIDOrEmail = "";
      3const auth1 = Buffer.from('\{"alg":"none"\}').toString(\"base64\");
      4const auth2 = Buffer.from(
      5 \`\{\"iss\":$\{clientID\},\"payer_id\":$\{merchantIDOrEmail\}\}\`
      7const authAssertionHeader = \`$\{auth1\}.$\{auth2\}.\`;


        1import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
        2public class Base64Encode \{
        3 public static void main(String[] args)
        4 \{
        5 String header = \"\{\"alg\":\"none\"}\";
        6 String payload = "\{\"email\":\"\",\"iss\":\"Acuy17p2LcOf9RMv8SUVBb3wic3FPEP2NHFFqfSCBRFrNFdmbC1JQ0w8HIKRxW3RDy2R8QTL93eptFYl\"\}";
        7 //iss is the client id of the actor and email is the email id of the subject
        8 byte[] encodedBytes = Base64.encodeBase64(header.getBytes());
        9 System.out.println(\"Header encoded \" + new String(encodedBytes));
        10 byte[] encodedBytesPayload = Base64.encodeBase64(payload.getBytes());
        11 System.out.println(\"Payload encoded \" + new String(encodedBytesPayload));
        12 System.out.println(\"Paypal-Auth-Assertion=\" + new String(encodedBytes) + \".\" + new String(encodedBytesPayload) + \".\");
        13 \}

        Fully refund order

        For a full refund, include an empty payload in the JSON request body.

        Sample request

          2curl -v -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS-TOKEN" -H "PayPal-Request-Id: "BN-CODE" -d '{}

          Partially refund order

          For a partial refund, include an amount object in the JSON request body.

          Sample request

            2curl -v -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS-TOKEN" -H "PayPal-Request-Id: BN-CODE" -d '{
            3 "amount": {
            4 "value": "10.99",
            5 "currency_code": "USD"
            6 },
            7 "invoice_id": "INVOICE-123",
            8 "note_to_payer": "Defective product"

            Sample response

            A successful request returns the HTTP 201 Created status code and a JSON response body that shows refund details.

              3 "id": "1JU08902781691411",
              4 "status": "COMPLETED",
              5 "links": [
              6 {
              7 "rel": "self",
              8 "method": "GET",
              9 "href": ""
              10 },
              11 {
              12 "rel": "up",
              13 "method": "GET",
              14 "href": ""
              15 }
              16 ]


              For more information about the refunds API, see the Payment API refund resource.

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