Generate reports
Last updated: Aug 15th, 7:09am
Reports help you manage day-to-day operations by providing transaction-level insight.
Contact your account manager or Merchant Technical Support to set up report access and parameters. Then, create a secure FTP user account on the PayPal site.
The following reports are available:
- Decline Analysis Report. Shows details of all card processor declines that happened during a reporting timeframe. This helps to analyze reasons for processor declines and to take corrective action as required.
- Marketplace Case Reconciliation Report. Shows details for case management processes, including details for cases that were opened or closed during the reporting time frame.
- Partner Fee Reconciliation Report. Shows details for the transactions that affect the partner-fee account. Enables you to reconcile and manage revenue through partner fees.
- Payouts Reconciliation Report. Shows details for platform activity. Enables you to reconcile the end-to-end money flow and transactions.
- Financial Detail Report. Shows a detailed view of the activity on a partner's financial account.
- Financial Summary Report. Shows a summary of the activity on a partner's financial accounts.
- Partner Merchant Settlement Report. Shows a detailed view of all merchant activities on a partner's platform.
- Pricing Transaction Report. Shows a detailed view of different types of costs incurred on the transactions occurring on a partner platform.
- Pricing Transaction Revision Report. Shows a detailed view of a revised or updated cost for a transaction that happened prior to the current month.
- Pricing Program Summary Report. Shows a summary view of the interchange and assessment program and their costs.
- Pricing Summary Report. Shows a summary view of the pricing or costs incurred for transactions.
About the reports
All Partner reports adhere to the following limitations or conditions:
- Timing. Reports are generated every 24 hours and placed on the SFTP server by 12pm daily in the leading time zone of the reporting window.
- Data format. Reports are available in CSV delimited format.
- Character encoding. UTF-8.
- Retention. Reports are available via the SFTP server for 45 days after its delivery to the server.
- File record limit. A report file has a 10k file size limit. If a day's transactions exceed this file size limit, PayPal splits the report across multiple files.