Update merchant account information

Last updated: Aug 15th, 7:02am

After creating an account, you can update and edit a merchant's information. Some information can only be edited while an account is being verified. Other information can't change after application submission, and require a new account to be opened.

Sample request

    2 {
    3 "op": "add",
    4 "path": "/individual_owners/@id=='PERSON-ID'/identification_documents",
    5 "value": [
    6 {
    8 "identification_number": "111222333",
    9 "issuing_country_code": "US"
    10 }
    11 ]
    12 },
    13 {
    14 "op": "add",
    15 "path": "/attributes",
    16 "value": [
    17 {
    18 "name": "SELF_CERTIFICATION",
    19 "value": "true"
    20 }
    21 ]
    22 }

    Sample response

    A successful request returns an HTTP 200 OK status code and a JSON response body that shows the seller's managed account details.

      2 "description": "Updates a managed account with Prefer header for full representation",
      3 "title": "Update Managed Account with Prefer header for full representation",
      4 "runnable": true,
      5 "operationId": "managed-accounts.patch",
      6 "request": {
      7 "path": "v3/customer/managed-accounts/QTA74RYDFH72U",
      8 "method": "PATCH",
      9 "headers": {
      10 "Authorization": "Bearer A21AAE0MLEfojbg0cozdiqZYpUmMqgjVzH6jdm6cLKtlQT2fVQBPZtLhIPor-F_2_WJOEoHqh_YDlJnQavfWmg1QKuxWBjV6Q",
      11 "Content-Type": "application/json",
      12 "Prefer": "return=representation"
      13 },
      14 "body": [
      15 {
      16 "op": "add",
      17 "path": "/business_entity/attributes",
      18 "value": {
      19 "name": "PASSIVE_INCOME",
      20 "value": "no"
      21 }
      22 },
      23 {
      24 "op": "add",
      25 "path": "/business_entity/attributes",
      26 "value": {
      27 "name": "PASSIVE_ASSET",
      28 "value": "no"
      29 }
      30 }
      31 ]
      32 },
      33 "response": {
      34 "status": "200 OK",
      35 "headers": {
      36 "Content-Type": "application/json"
      37 },
      38 "body": {
      39 "account_id": "QTA74RYDFH72U",
      40 "external_id": "EXT-1551896108",
      41 "legal_country_code": "GB",
      42 "organization": "eu/uk/marketplaces",
      43 "user_id": "USER-1551896108",
      44 "primary_currency_code": "EUR",
      45 "individual_owners": [
      46 {
      47 "id": "R5QWUY",
      48 "names": [
      49 {
      50 "type": "LEGAL",
      51 "given_name": "Mary",
      52 "surname": "Collins",
      53 "id": "PF24LA"
      54 }
      55 ],
      56 "addresses": [
      57 {
      58 "id": "DW34UQ",
      59 "type": "HOME",
      60 "address_line_1": "62 Jedburgh Road",
      61 "admin_area_2": "LENCHWICK",
      62 "postal_code": "WR11 0XJ",
      63 "country_code": "GB"
      64 }
      65 ],
      66 "citizenship": "GB",
      67 "birth_details": {
      68 "date_of_birth": "1990-01-01"
      69 },
      70 "identification_documents": [
      71 {
      72 "id": "TY34BE",
      73 "type": "PASSPORT",
      74 "identification_number": "5333324428",
      75 "issue_date": "2015-03-04",
      76 "expiry_date": "2025-03-04",
      77 "issuing_country_code": "GB"
      78 }
      79 ]
      80 }
      81 ],
      82 "business_entity": {
      83 "type": "INDIVIDUAL",
      84 "merchant_category_code": "5931",
      85 "names": [
      86 {
      87 "type": "LEGAL",
      88 "business_name": "Demo Inc.",
      89 "id": "KW22QT"
      90 }
      91 ],
      92 "addresses": [
      93 {
      94 "type": "BUSINESS",
      95 "address_line_1": "62 Jedburgh Road",
      96 "admin_area_2": "LENCHWICK",
      97 "postal_code": "WR11 0XJ",
      98 "country_code": "GB",
      99 "id": "BA90DU"
      100 }
      101 ],
      102 "attributes": [
      103 {
      104 "name": "PASSIVE_INCOME",
      105 "value": "no"
      106 },
      107 {
      108 "name": "PASSIVE_ASSET",
      109 "value": "no"
      110 }
      111 ]
      112 },
      113 "agreements": [
      114 {
      115 "type": "TERMS_ACCEPTED",
      116 "accepted_time": "2019-05-02T01:23:45.678Z"
      117 }
      118 ],
      119 "secondary_currency_codes": [
      120 "GBP"
      121 ],
      122 "financial_instruments": {
      123 "banks": [
      124 {
      125 "id": "BA-KTJ7Z4FBMELZA",
      126 "mandate": {
      127 "reference_number": "47291214733235"
      128 },
      129 "last_4_digits": "6789",
      130 "account_number_type": "BASIC_BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER",
      131 "routing_number": "082902139",
      132 "bank_name": "Bank of England",
      133 "bic": "BKENGB2L",
      134 "account_holder_details": {
      135 "name": "Mary James Collins"
      136 }
      137 }
      138 ]
      139 },
      140 "soft_descriptor": "DEMO_INC",
      141 "capabilities": [
      142 {
      143 "name": "RECEIVE_MONEY",
      144 "status": "ACTIVE",
      145 "limits": [
      146 {
      147 "type": "AMOUNT",
      148 "unit": "EUR",
      149 "value": "1000",
      150 "remaining_value": "925"
      151 },
      152 {
      153 "type": "NONE",
      154 "unit": "DAYS",
      155 "value": "90",
      156 "remaining_value": "75"
      157 }
      158 ]
      159 },
      160 {
      161 "name": "WITHDRAW_MONEY",
      162 "status": "ACTIVE",
      163 "limits": [
      164 {
      165 "type": "AMOUNT",
      166 "unit": "EUR",
      167 "value": "1000",
      168 "remaining_value": "925"
      169 },
      170 {
      171 "type": "NONE",
      172 "unit": "DAYS",
      173 "value": "90",
      174 "remaining_value": "75"
      175 }
      176 ]
      177 }
      178 ],
      179 "links": [
      180 {
      181 "rel": "self",
      182 "href": "https://api-m.paypal.com/v3/customer/managed-accounts/QTA74RYDFH72U",
      183 "method": "GET"
      184 },
      185 {
      186 "rel": "edit",
      187 "href": "https://api-m.paypal.com/v3/customer/managed-accounts/QTA74RYDFH72U",
      188 "method": "PATCH"
      189 },
      190 {
      191 "rel": "replace",
      192 "href": "https://api-m.paypal.com/v3/customer/managed-accounts/QTA74RYDFH74R",
      193 "method": "PUT"
      194 }
      195 ]
      196 }
      197 }


      The following table lists the possible paths where you can replace, add, or delete information by using the PATCH operation.

      /individual_owners/@id/identification_documents YesYesNo

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