Consumer Referrals Integration Guide
Last updated: Sept 14th, 12:34am
Partners can use the Consumer Referrals API to refer consumers to PayPal.
Internal applications can use this API to list and onboard the referred consumers.
Integration steps
1. | Required | Set up your development environment. |
2. | Required | Create a consumer referral. |
Set up your development environment
Before you can integrate Consumer Referrals, you must set up your development environment. After you get a token that lets you access protected REST API resources, you create sandbox accounts to test your web and mobile apps. For details, see Get started.
Then, return to this page to integrate Consumer Referrals.
Create consumer referral
A partner can create a consumer referral that contains the details for the referred consumer.
To create a consumer referral, you must include a paypal_account_properties
object in the request. You can optionally include the following objects in the request:
Object | Description |
person_details |
The consumer's personal details. |
partner_specific_identifiers |
The IDs for the consumer in the partner's system. |
financial_instruments |
The financial instruments (FI) to add to the account. |
1curl -v -X POST \2-H "Content-Type: application/json" \3-H "Authorization: Bearer <Access-Token>" \4-d '{5 "person_details": {6 "names": [{7 "given_name": "Niklas",8 "surname": "Frangos"9 }],10 "phone_contacts": [{11 "phone": {12 "country_code": "43",13 "national_number": "123456789"14 },15 "phone_type": "MOBILE"16 }],17 "addresses": [{18 "address": {19 "line1": "20/Wolfengasse 3",20 "line2": "Fleischmarkt",21 "city": "Vienna",22 "country_code": "AT",23 "postal_code": "A-1010"24 },25 "address_type": "HOME"26 }],27 "email_addresses": [{28 "email_address": "",29 "primary": true,30 "confirmed": false31 }],32 "locale": "en_US"33 },34 "paypal_account_properties": {35 "account_country_code": "AT"36 },37 "financial_instruments": {38 "bank_accounts": [{39 "account_number": "AT045723300000057855",40 "account_number_type": "IBAN",41 "account_type": "CHECKING",42 "currency_code": "EUR",43 "country_code": "AT"44 }],45 "card_accounts": [{46 "account_number": "4238017685994436",47 "type": "VISA",48 "expiry_month": "11",49 "expiry_year": "2018",50 "billing_address": {51 "line1": "20/Wolfengasse 3",52 "line2": "Fleischmarkt",53 "city": "Vienna",54 "country_code": "AT",55 "postal_code": "A-1010"56 }57 }]58 }59}'
The response shows the details for the consumer referral:
1{2 "referral_id": "PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlbmNvZGluZz0iVVRGLTgiPz48RmluYW5jaWFsSW5zdHJ1bWVudF9EZXByZW",3 "person_details": {4 "names": [{5 "given_name": "Niklas",6 "surname": "Frangos"7 }],8 "phone_contacts": [{9 "phone": {10 "country_code": "43",11 "national_number": "123456789"12 },13 "phone_type": "MOBILE"14 }],15 "addresses": [{16 "address": {17 "line1": "20/Wolfengasse 3",18 "line2": "Fleischmarkt",19 "city": "Vienna",20 "country_code": "AT",21 "postal_code": "A-1010"22 },23 "address_type": "HOME"24 }],25 "email_addresses": [{26 "email_address": "",27 "primary": true,28 "confirmed": false29 }]30 },31 "links": [{32 "href": "",33 "rel": "action_url",34 "method": "POST"35 }]36}
Continue to the Consumer Referrals API Reference.