Magnes Payload Parameters
Last updated: Sept 27th, 10:10pm
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Parameter name | Type | Description | Android | iOS | |
`android_id` | String | 64-bit number (as a hex String) that the OS randomly generates when the user first sets up the device. The ID changes when factory settings of the device are restored. **Note**: When a device has multiple users, each user appears as a separate device. This results in a unique `android_id` for each user. | Required | Not available | |
`app_first_install_time` | Long | The timestamp when the app was first installed | Required | Not available | |
`app_guid` | String | A unique installation identifier of the app. If the app is re-installed, a new `app_guid` is generated. Maximum length: 36 characters. | Required | Required | |
`app_id` | String | The identifier of the app using the Magnes Hybrid source code (host app) | Required | Required | |
`app_last_update_time` | Long | The version number of the hosting app | Required | Not available | |
`app_version` | String | The version number of the hosting app | Required | Required | |
`base_station_id` | String | The base station identification number for CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) phones. This returns `-1` for an unknown base station. | Optional | Not available | |
`bssid` | String | Base Service Set Identifier (MAC address) of the WiFi AP (access point). This is available only when the device is connected to WiFi. | Optional | Optional | |
`bssid_arr` | Array | The top two strength `bssid`s (MAC of AP). One of them is the one to which the device is currently connected. Permission: `ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION` or `ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION` | Required | Not available | |
`c` | String | A counter for the number of payloads that the current device has submitted. | Required | Required | |
`cdma_network_id` | INT | The CDMA system identification as a purely numeric value. This returns `-1` if unknown. | Optional | Not available | |
`cdma_system_id` | INT | The CDMA system identification as a purely numeric value. This returns `-1` if unknown. | Optional | Not available | |
`cell_id` | String | The current cell site identifier for GSM phones | Optional | Not available | |
`cloud_identifier` | String | The cloud identifier stored in a syncable iCloud keychain entity. | Not available | Required | |
`comp_version` | String | The Magnes Hybrid version number, hardcoded as `3.6.0` | Required | Required | |
`conf_url` | String | Android: ``, iOS: `` | Required | Required | |
`conf_version` | String | Android: 3.0 iOS: 4.0 | Required | Required | |
`conn_type` | String | The current network connection type as a human-readable string. Examples: Android `WIFI` or `MOBILE` iOS `WiFi` or `Cellular` | Required | Required | |
`dc_id` | String | A checksum based on the `app_guid` and `timestamp`. | Required | Required | |
`device_id` | String | The device ID as reported by the OS. GSM device: `IMEI`, CDMA device: `MEID` or `ESN`, No device: null | Permission required | Not available | |
`device_model` | String | The phone model. | Required | Required | |
`device_name` | String | The user-defined name of the device. | Required | Required | |
`device_uptime` | String | The length of time (in milliseconds) since the most recent reboot of the operating system, not counting time spent in deep sleep. | Required | Not available | |
`ds` | String | Returns `true` if the device is set with Daylight Saving Time (DST) enabled; `false` otherwise. | Required | Required | |
`email_configured` | Boolean | Returns `true` if the device has been configured with an email account; `false` otherwise. | Not available | Required | |
`gsf_id` | String | 16-digit hex string randomly generated on the device. **Note:** If the device is reset to factory settings, it is assigned a new ID. | Required | Not available | |
`ip_addresses` | Array | An array that contains the addresses of all network interfaces found on the device. If available, IPV6 would be included. | Required | Required | |
`ip_addrs` | String | The device IP address | Required | Required | |
`is_emulator` | Boolean | Returns `true` if the device is suspected of being an emulator; `false` otherwise. | Required | Required | |
`is_rooted` | Boolean | Returns `true` if the device is suspected of being rooted (Android) or jail-broken (iOS); `false` otherwise. | Required | Required | |
`known_apps` | String | List of apps that are currently installed on the device (from an enumerated check list). | Required | Not available | |
`linker_id` | String | A persistent ID that Magnes Hybrid assigns to the device. All Android or iOS apps on the same device share the same ID. | Permission required | Required | |
`local_identifier` | String | Local identifier stored in a file marked as `DoNotBackup` and `DoNotSync` | Not available | Required | |
`locale_country` | String | The 2-character country code (ISO 3166-1) for the locale, or an empty string if none is defined. | Required | Required | |
`locale_lang` | String | The 2-character language code (ISO 639-1) for the locale, or an empty string if none is defined. | Required | Required | |
`location` | Object | The location of the device. Contains: Latitude (LAT), Longitude (LNG), Accuracy (ACC), and Time stamp (Timestamp). **Note:** This is available only if the user has granted sufficient permission related to location. | Permission required | Permission required | |
`location_area_code` | String | The GSM location area code of the current cell site, or `-1` if unknown. | Required | Not available | |
`location_auth_status` | String | This returns the status if the app has access to the location. | Not available | Required | |
`mac_addrs` | String | The MAC address of the device | Required | Not available | |
`network_operator` | String | The numeric name (mobile country code plus mobile network code) of the current registered operator. **Note:** This is only available if the user is registered to a network. The result may be unreliable on CDMA networks. | Optional | Not available | |
`notif_token` | String | Android: C2DM (Cloud to Device Messaging) registration ID, OS: APNS token | Required | Required | |
`os_type` | String | The OS that is running at the time of data collection. | Required | Required | |
`os_version` | String | The currently installed version of the OS as a user-visible version string. | Required | Required | |
`payload_type` | String | The payload type is either `Full` or `Incremental`. **Note:** All new instances are `Full`, but the parameter supports the legacy `Incremental`. | Required | Required | |
`PayPal-Client-Metadata_Id` | String | A unique 32-character string that pairs the Magnes payload with the payment context. | Required | Required | |
`phone_type` | String | The device radio type used to transmit voice calls: `GSM`, `CDMA`, or `None` | Required | Not available | |
`pin_lock_last_timestamp` | Long | The most recent time that a PIN was used to lock the device. | Not available | Required | |
`proxy_setting` | String | Proxy service information. **Note:** Available only when connected to a proxy service `(host=slc-enc-02, port=80, type=kCFProxyTypeHTTP)` | Optional | Optional | |
`risk_comp_session_id` | String | The Magnes Hybrid session ID. A new session ID is generated each time a full payload update is created and sent. | Required | Required | |
`roaming` | Boolean | Returns `true` if the phone is currently in roaming condition; `false` otherwise. | Required | Not available | |
`serial_number` | String | The Android serial number (available for Android 2.3 and later versions). **Note:** It is available via `androidos.Build.SERIAL`. Devices without telephony are required to report a unique device ID. | Required | Not available | |
`sim_operator_name` | String | The SPN (Service Provider Name). **Note:** This is available only when the SIM is inserted in the device. | Optional | Not available | |
`sim_serial_number` | String | The SIM serial number. **Note:** This is available only when the SIM is inserted in the device. Returns null if none is available. | Optional | Not available | |
`sms_enabled` | Boolean | Returns `true` if text messaging is enabled on the device; `false` otherwise. | Required | Required | |
`source_app` | INT | A number enumerating the source of the host app. Always `0` for this type of integration. | Required | Required | |
`source_app_version` | String | The source app version; for this type of integration, it is the host `app_version`. | Required | Required | |
`ssid` | String | The SSID; the network name of the WiFi network. **Note:** This is available only when connected to a WiFi network. This may return ` | Optional | Optional | |
`subscriber_id` | String | The unique subscriber ID. It is the IMSI for a GSM phone. This returns `null` if unavailable. | Required | Not available | |
`timestamp` | Long | The 13-digit Unix timestamp of payload creation time (in milliseconds) | Required | Required | |
`total_storage_space` | Long | The total storage in bytes available on the device. | Required | Required | |
`tz` | String | Time zone offset in milliseconds. Daylight Saving Time (DST) is applied if appropriate. | Required | Required | |
`tz_name` | String | The human-readable name of the time zone. | Required | Required | |
`vendor_identifier` | String | Identifier that is visible and shared across apps from the same vendor (Team ID). The identifier is deleted when the last app from the vendor is removed. A user cannot delete or change the identifier in any other way. **Note:** It is invisible to other apps that do not belong to the same vendor. | Not available | Required | |
`VPN_setting` | String | The VPN interface name. **Note:** This is available only when connected to a VPN service (TAP, TUN, or POP) | Optional | Optional |