Sample Magnes Payloads


Last updated: Sept 27th, 10:26pm

This page provides sample payloads as an aid in interpreting the results of your Magnes app. The samples include one payload each of Android and iOS data, listed by parameter names in alphabetical order.

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Android sample payload

    2 "android_id": "e54d2783a24c5a93",
    3 "app_first_install_time": 1485391650466,
    4 "app_guid": "16dd2f5f-3496-4953-8021-00b45950bdeb",
    5 "app_id": "",
    6 "app_last_update_time": 1486085153926,
    7 "app_version": "1.0",
    8 "bssid": "6c:f3:7f:b9:1e:90",
    9 "bssid_array": ["6c:f3:7f:b9:1e:90","6c:f3:7f:b9:1e:92"],
    10 "cdma_network_id": -1,
    11 "cdma_system_id": -1,
    12 "cell_id": 21181955,
    13 "comp_version": "3.5.7.release",
    14 "conf_url": "",
    15 "conf_version": "3.0",
    16 "conn_type": "MOBILE",
    17 "dc_id": "50fd71cdaeb32cfc7421703646d30489",
    18 "device_id": "352530080310824",
    19 "device_model": "Pixel XL",
    20 "device_name": "marlin",
    21 "device_uptime": 798843490,
    22 "ds": false,
    23 "gsf_id": "3d6eefb279e2e84a",
    24 "ip_addresses": ["","fe80::c8ec:37ff:fe6b:6141%dummy0","2607:fb90:a74b:2d64:ba05:3877:ad93:4bdd","fe80::ba05:3877:ad93:4bdd%rmnet_data0","fe80::5df9:65ee:ffa6:96ce %rmnet_data7","fe80::a918:e8bd:ad79:d8cc%r_rmnet_data0"],
    25 "ip_addrs": "",
    26 "is_emulator": false,
    27 "is_rooted": false,
    28 "known_apps": [" my-org"],
    29 "linker_id": "f76d48e7-63f8-4be9-bd4d-08edaa4d59b3",
    30 "locale_country": "US",
    31 "locale_lang": "en",
    32 "location": {"lat":37.3760446,"lng":-121.9216664,"acc":19.872,"timestamp":1486085186851},
    33 "location_area_code": "14940",
    34 "location_auth_status": "unknown",
    35 "mac_addrs": "02:00:00:00:00:00",
    36 "network_operator": "310260",
    37 "notif_token": "test notif token",
    38 "os_type": "Android",
    39 "os_version": "7.1.1",
    40 "pairing_id": "1d7706b1f3ba46bdbe46832aa99852cf",
    41 "payload_type": "full",
    42 "phone_type": "gsm",
    43 "pm": "fe3e",
    44 "risk_comp_session_id": "1fe8a38f-c4ad-4cbe-84bb-e340d953160b",
    45 "roaming": false,
    46 "serial_number": "HT68J0207231",
    47 "sim_operator_name": "T-Mobile",
    48 "sim_serial_number": "8901260533554717229",
    49 "sms_enabled": true,
    50 "source_app": 0,
    51 "source_app_version": "1.9.9",
    52 "ssid": "PayPalGuest",
    53 "subscriber_id": "310260535471755",
    54 "timestamp": 1486085312082,
    55 "total_storage_space": 26109874176,
    56 "tz": "-28800000",
    57 "tz_name": "Pacific Standard Time",
    58 "vpn_setting": "tun0"

    iOS sample payload

      2 "app_guid": "b286802c-de9d-4c30-8ecb-42c2d2dfe3e4",
      3 "app_id": "com.paypal.Dyson",
      4 "app_version": "1.0",
      5 "c": "48",
      6 "cloud_identifier": "7027fff5-fde0-44ab-8b25-6cb4a928de8f",
      7 "comp_version": "3.5.7",
      8 "conf_url": "https:\/\/\/webstatic\/risk\/dyson_config_ios_v4.json",
      9 "conf_version": "4.0",
      10 "conn_type": "wifi",
      11 "dc_id": "11e7d85632c3142b07ffeee4516629a3",
      12 "device_model": "Simulator",
      13 "device_name": "Eddie's Papa",
      14 "ds": false,
      15 "email_configured": false,
      16 "ip_addresses": ["::1","","fe80::1","fe80::c6b3:1ff:febd:30c9","", "fe80::c034:cdff:fe5c:13e3"],
      17 "ip_addrs": "",
      18 "is_emulator": true,
      19 "is_rooted": false,
      20 "known_apps": [""],
      21 "linker_id": "a0cefbe4-b445-47d1-a964-bd39e8c0ea8d",
      22 "local_identifier": "0579a19c-f302-4242-a481-a2f49689a6ff",
      23 "locale_country": "US",
      24 "locale_lang": "en",
      25 "location": {"lng":-122.03076342,"lat":37.33123666,"timestamp":1486084281488,"acc":30},
      26 "location_auth_status": "denied",
      27 "notif_token": "null",
      28 "os_type": "iOS",
      29 "os_version": "10.1",
      30 "pairing_id": "b2d32ea3df86477da25523d1cc19d37b",
      31 "payload_type": "full",
      32 "pin_lock_last_timestamp": null,
      33 "pm": "338723cb",
      34 "risk_comp_session_id": "8fb8114e-2079-436a-bec9-583bffcb108c",
      35 "sms_enabled": false,
      36 "source_app": 10,
      37 "source_app_version": "1.0",
      38 "timestamp": 1486084490678,
      39 "total_storage_space": 499082485760,
      40 "tz": "-28800000",
      41 "tz_name": "America\/Los_Angeles",
      42 "vendor_identifier": "20C722AF-BDC7-4107-8C07-5FA1875AA7F1",
      43 "vpn_setting": "tun0"

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