Magnes-Android Ver. 5.5.1 Release Notes


Last updated: Mar 10th, 7:10pm

In this release note, we'd like to inform you of the recommended upgrade to Magnes 5.5.1 Android SDK related to the policies implemented at the Google Play Store that require explicit consent from the user for any personal and sensitive data collected by third-party SDKs.

Currently, the Magnes SDK collects location data, which is considered personal and sensitive. This collection relies on parent app permissions and does not request permission explicitly.

To comply with the data collection policy of Google Play Store, PayPal has released the Magnes Android SDK version 5.5.1 which will fetch location data only if user consent has been shared by the merchant app. The steps to implement this consent sharing logic are outlined under the "steps to upgrade" section in the release FAQs.

It is highly recommended that you upgrade to Magnes 5.5.1 SDK or there will be a risk of your new or updated app getting rejected by Google Play Store. Please note, the decision of rejection or acceptance will be at the full discretion of Google Play Store.

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Release FAQs

Q: Why is this upgrade required?

Merchants are having their apps rejected from the Google Play store due to "Violation of User Data, Permissions and APIs that Access Sensitive Information Policies" within the Braintree/PayPal data collector libraries. We have learned that the location data collection within the Magnes SDK was non-compliant, and it has been resolved now.

Q: When will Google start the location policy enforcement for third-party SDKs?

Google's policy is not new and is already enforced for all merchants. All merchants are recommended to file an appeal with the Play Store and request an extension to allow time to upgrade so that there is no impact to the app. In your appeal, please state that you are requesting an extension while implementing a fix in the underlying Braintree/PayPal SDK with location access. After submitting the appeal, please reach out to Braintree Support with the package ID of your appeal request.

Q: What happens if the upgrade is not completed?

There will be a risk of your new or updated app getting rejected by the Google Play store. Please note that the decision to accept or reject your updated app will be at the full discretion of Google Play Store.

Q: Are there any changes on the data fields being collected in Magnes 5.5.1?

Magnes 5.5.1 SDK will fetch location details only if consent has been given. Below are the field details:

  • latitude
  • longitude
  • location_area_code(gsm)
  • cell_id(gsm)
  • base_station_id(cdma)
  • cdma_network_id(cdma)
  • cdma_system_id(cdma)
  • bssid
  • ssid
  • bssid_array

Please work with your Technical Account Manager from PayPal if that option is available.

If you don't have an assigned Technical Account Manager or if you need any technical integration support, please visit and submit a support ticket.

Q: What are the steps required to upgrade to Magnes 5.5.1?

  1. Download the latest .aar file from the Magnet 5.5.1 repository.
  2. In your project workspace, locate the existing .aar and file and replace it with the latest 5.5.1 version.

Q: What are the code changes required after updating to Magnes 5.5.1?

While configuring MagnesSettings Builder, make sure to pass the location consent value to the SetHasUserLocationConsent API. By default this value is set to false.

For those merchants who required advanced fraud protection for using location, users need to explicitly provide consent to share their location.

    1MagnesSettings.Builder magnesSettings = new MagnesSettings.Builder(@NonNull Context context)
    2 ...
    3 .setHasUserLocationConsent(boolean hasUserLocationConsent)
    4 ...
    5 .build();
    6 MagnesSDK.getInstance().setUp(magnesSettings);

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