Change payment methods


Last updated: Sept 23rd, 9:29pm

Give your buyers the option to change the payment method for a specific transaction. For example, buyers might choose a credit card with more points or a bank account with more funds.

This page is for merchants who have a PayPal v1/billing agreements REST API billing agreement with their buyer. When changing the payment method, the buyer can select an existing payment method or add a new one.

Know before you code

  • The buyer must already have a billing agreement with the merchant before they can change their payment method. The billing agreement ID should be in your records.
  • The buyer can change the payment option only if they're present to complete the transaction.
  • This integration works for intent sale and authorize transactions.
  • This integration uses the v1/payments REST API.

How it works

The following is a sample workflow:

  1. Create a payment resource by calling the v1/payments API and passing the Billing Agreement ID in the application_context object.
  2. Get the HATEOAS URL from the response.
  3. On your website, display a hyperlink using the HATEOAS URL. Give the hyperlink a name, such as Options. You can use JavaScript to create a pop-up window when the user selects the hyperlink.
    Figure 1: Checkout page with the option to change the payment method.
  4. Your buyer selects the hyperlink and changes the payment method.
  5. Your buyer proceeds with payment.

Step 1: Create a payment resource

Copy the following code and modify it.

Sample request

API endpoint used: Create payment

    1curl -v -X POST\
    2-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    3-H "Authorization: Bearer Access-Token" \
    4-d '{
    5 "intent": "sale",
    6 "payer": {
    7 "payment_method": "paypal"
    8 },
    9 "application_context": {
    10 "preferred_payment_source": {
    11 "token": {
    12 "id": "B-2J280200NT939550G",
    13 "type": "BILLING_AGREEMENT"
    14 }
    15 }
    16 },
    17 "transactions": [
    18 {
    19 "amount": {
    20 "total": "3.11",
    21 "currency": "USD",
    22 "details": {
    23 "subtotal": "3.00",
    24 "tax": "0.07",
    25 "shipping": "0.03",
    26 "handling_fee": "1.00",
    27 "shipping_discount": "-1.00",
    28 "insurance": "0.01"
    29 }
    30 },
    31 "description": "The payment transaction description.",
    32 "custom": "EBAY_EMS_90048630024435",
    33 "payment_options": {
    34 "allowed_payment_method": "INSTANT_FUNDING_SOURCE"
    35 },
    36 "soft_descriptor": "ECHI5786786",
    37 "item_list": {
    38 "items": [
    39 {
    40 "name": "hat",
    41 "description": "Brown hat.",
    42 "quantity": "5",
    43 "price": "0.3",
    44 "tax": "0.01",
    45 "sku": "1",
    46 "currency": "USD"
    47 },
    48 {
    49 "name": "handbag",
    50 "description": "Black handbag.",
    51 "quantity": "1",
    52 "price": "1.5",
    53 "tax": "0.02",
    54 "sku": "product34",
    55 "currency": "USD"
    56 }
    57 ],
    58 "shipping_address": {
    59 "recipient_name": "Brian Robinson",
    60 "line1": "4th Floor",
    61 "line2": "Unit #34",
    62 "city": "San Jose",
    63 "country_code": "US",
    64 "postal_code": "95131",
    65 "phone": "011862212345678",
    66 "state": "CA"
    67 }
    68 }
    69 }
    70 ],
    71 "note_to_payer": "Contact us for any questions on your order.",
    72 "redirect_urls": {
    73 "return_url": "",
    74 "cancel_url": ""
    75 }

    Modify the code

    After you copy the code in the sample request, modify the following:

    • Change Access-Token to your access token.
    • Change return_url to the URL of the webpage where buyers land after completing a successful form submission.
    • Change cancel_url to the URL of the webpage where buyers land after cancelling a form submission.

    Step result

    A successful request returns:

    • A return status code of HTTP 201 Created.
    • A payment ID. In the sample response, the ID is PAYID-L2ZMPHI0XY83144MV337250T.
    • Multiple HATEOAS links.

    Sample response

      2 "id": "PAYID-L2ZMPHI0XY83144MV337250T",
      3 "intent": "sale",
      4 "state": "created",
      5 "payer": {
      6 "payment_method": "paypal"
      7 },
      8 "application_context": {
      9 "preferred_payment_source": {
      10 "token": {
      11 "id": "B-02R904040B876314G",
      12 "type": "BILLING_AGREEMENT"
      13 }
      14 }
      15 },
      16 "transactions": [
      17 {
      18 "amount": {
      19 "total": "30.11",
      20 "currency": "USD",
      21 "details": {
      22 "subtotal": "30.00",
      23 "tax": "0.07",
      24 "shipping": "0.03",
      25 "insurance": "0.01",
      26 "handling_fee": "1.00",
      27 "shipping_discount": "-1.00"
      28 }
      29 },
      30 "description": "The payment transaction description.",
      31 "custom": "EBAY_EMS_90048630024435",
      32 "soft_descriptor": "ECHI5786786",
      33 "payment_options": {
      34 "allowed_payment_method": "INSTANT_FUNDING_SOURCE",
      35 "recurring_flag": false,
      36 "skip_fmf": false
      37 },
      38 "item_list": {
      39 "items": [
      40 {
      41 "name": "hat",
      42 "sku": "1",
      43 "description": "Brown hat.",
      44 "price": "3.00",
      45 "currency": "USD",
      46 "tax": "0.01",
      47 "quantity": 5
      48 },
      49 {
      50 "name": "handbag",
      51 "sku": "product34",
      52 "description": "Black handbag.",
      53 "price": "15.00",
      54 "currency": "USD",
      55 "tax": "0.02",
      56 "quantity": 1
      57 }
      58 ],
      59 "shipping_address": {
      60 "recipient_name": "Brian Robinson",
      61 "line1": "4th Floor",
      62 "line2": "Unit #34",
      63 "city": "San Jose",
      64 "state": "CA",
      65 "postal_code": "95131",
      66 "country_code": "US",
      67 "phone": "011862212345678"
      68 }
      69 },
      70 "related_resources": []
      71 }
      72 ],
      73 "note_to_payer": "Contact us for any questions on your order.",
      74 "create_time": "2020-05-06T14:20:13Z",
      75 "links": [
      76 {
      77 "href": "",
      78 "rel": "self",
      79 "method": "GET"
      80 },
      81 {
      82 "href": "",
      83 "rel": "approval_url",
      84 "method": "REDIRECT"
      85 },
      86 {
      87 "href": "",
      88 "rel": "execute",
      89 "method": "POST"
      90 }
      91 ]

      Step 2: Redirect the buyer

      Use the HATEOAS URL returned in step 1 to redirect the buyer so they can log in to their PayPal account, choose the payment method, and approve the transaction.

        2"href": "{id}",
        3"rel": "approve",
        4"method": "GET"

        Step 3: Make the payment

        After the buyer chooses the payment method and approves the transaction, the PayPal window closes. The API then redirects the buyer to the return_url from the Create payment API call.

        Once the buyer confirms their payment method, make the payment by calling the HATEOAS link with rel:execute to complete the transaction.

        Copy the following code:

        Sample request

        API endpoint used: Execute the payment

          1curl -v -X POST{payment_id}/execute\
          2-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
          3-H "Authorization: Bearer Access-Token" \
          4-d '{
          5 "payer_id": "4BFTN5WTU4HME"

          After you copy the code in the sample request, replace payment_id with the ID of the payment that you need to execute.

          The payer_id is the ID of the payer that PayPal passes in the return_url.

          Step result

          A successful request returns:

          • The HTTP 201 Created status code.
          • A JSON response body that shows the executed payment details.

          Sample response

            2 {
            3 "id": "PAYID-L2ZMPHI0XY83144MV337250T",
            4 "intent": "sale",
            5 "state": "approved",
            6 "cart": "28010880FR2210136",
            7 "payer": {
            8 "payment_method": "paypal",
            9 "status": "VERIFIED",
            10 "payer_info": {
            11 "email": "",
            12 "first_name": "John",
            13 "last_name": "Doe",
            14 "payer_id": "4BFTN5WTU4HME",
            15 "shipping_address": {
            16 "recipient_name": "Brian Robinson",
            17 "line1": "4th Floor",
            18 "line2": "Unit #34",
            19 "city": "San Jose",
            20 "state": "CA",
            21 "postal_code": "95131",
            22 "country_code": "US"
            23 },
            24 "country_code": "US"
            25 }
            26 },
            27 "transactions": [
            28 {
            29 "amount": {
            30 "total": "30.11",
            31 "currency": "USD",
            32 "details": {
            33 "subtotal": "30.00",
            34 "tax": "0.07",
            35 "shipping": "0.03",
            36 "insurance": "0.01",
            37 "handling_fee": "1.00",
            38 "shipping_discount": "-1.00"
            39 }
            40 },
            41 "payee": {
            42 "merchant_id": "AXQJVJNJYCL2J",
            43 "email": ""
            44 },
            45 "description": "The payment transaction description.",
            46 "custom": "EBAY_EMS_90048630024435",
            47 "soft_descriptor": "PAYPAL *JEETPATELST ECHI5786786",
            48 "item_list": {
            49 "items": [
            50 {
            51 "name": "hat",
            52 "sku": "1",
            53 "description": "Brown hat.",
            54 "price": "3.00",
            55 "currency": "USD",
            56 "tax": "0.01",
            57 "quantity": 5
            58 },
            59 {
            60 "name": "handbag",
            61 "sku": "product34",
            62 "description": "Black handbag.",
            63 "price": "15.00",
            64 "currency": "USD",
            65 "tax": "0.02",
            66 "quantity": 1
            67 }
            68 ],
            69 "shipping_address": {
            70 "recipient_name": "Brian Robinson",
            71 "line1": "4th Floor",
            72 "line2": "Unit #34",
            73 "city": "San Jose",
            74 "state": "CA",
            75 "postal_code": "95131",
            76 "country_code": "US"
            77 },
            78 "shipping_phone_number": "011862212345678"
            79 },
            80 "related_resources": [
            81 {
            82 "sale": {
            83 "id": "4FR33985CW436351L",
            84 "state": "completed",
            85 "amount": {
            86 "total": "30.11",
            87 "currency": "USD",
            88 "details": {
            89 "subtotal": "30.00",
            90 "tax": "0.07",
            91 "shipping": "0.03",
            92 "insurance": "0.01",
            93 "handling_fee": "1.00",
            94 "shipping_discount": "-1.00"
            95 }
            96 },
            97 "payment_mode": "INSTANT_TRANSFER",
            98 "protection_eligibility": "ELIGIBLE",
            99 "protection_eligibility_type": "ITEM_NOT_RECEIVED_ELIGIBLE,UNAUTHORIZED_PAYMENT_ELIGIBLE",
            100 "transaction_fee": {
            101 "value": "1.17",
            102 "currency": "USD"
            103 },
            104 "receivable_amount": {
            105 "value": "30.11",
            106 "currency": "USD"
            107 },
            108 "exchange_rate": "0.692213615971749",
            109 "parent_payment": "PAYID-L26E5MY3U933524UB102730M",
            110 "create_time": "2020-05-13T19:49:25Z",
            111 "update_time": "2020-05-13T19:49:25Z",
            112 "links": [
            113 {
            114 "href": "",
            115 "rel": "self",
            116 "method": "GET"
            117 },
            118 {
            119 "href": "",
            120 "rel": "refund",
            121 "method": "POST"
            122 },
            123 {
            124 "href": "",
            125 "rel": "parent_payment",
            126 "method": "GET"
            127 }
            128 ],
            129 "soft_descriptor": "PAYPAL *JEETPATELST ECHI5786786"
            130 }
            131 }
            132 ]
            133 }
            134 ],
            135 "failed_transactions": [],
            136 "create_time": "2020-05-13T19:46:58Z",
            137 "update_time": "2020-05-13T19:49:25Z",
            138 "links": [
            139 {
            140 "href": "",
            141 "rel": "self",
            142 "method": "GET"
            143 }
            144 ]
            145 }

            See also

            Billing Agreements and Reference Transactions

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