User Starts from Partner Website Integration
Last updated: Feb 7th, 4:36pm
Important: PayPal Provisioning Platform is a limited-release solution available only to select partners at this time. For more information, reach out to your PayPal Account Manager.
When you want to start the user at your Partner website, you can choose different ways to complete the integration. You can either send two separate API calls to first onboard the account information then to add card data, or you can include the account information and card data in a single API call.
Both of these techniques require you to first onboard the user and link their data.
- For details on how to add more cards outside the initial integration flow, see Add more cards.
- For details on how to add card art in a separate API call, see Add card art.
Select how to send the data
To integrate P3 from the partner site, create a consumer referral resource and send the user's card information.
Select one of these two ways to send card information, depending on whether you want customers to be able to start P3 from PayPal:
Integration Technique | Advantage |
Use two API calls | PayPal recommends this technique. The integration uses a call to the Consumer Referrals API to send user account data and uses a separate call to the Linked Instruments (Payment Network Transactions API) to send card data. This technique provides more flexibility when integrating the PayPal-initiated P3 flow. This technique can be used when the user originates from either the partner or PayPal site. |
Use one API call | The integration sends a single call to the Consumer Referrals API to provide both user and card data. Choose this technique when the partner doesn't want customers to start P3 from PayPal. |
Both techniques share the same steps to onboard a user, redirect a user to PayPal, and redirect a user to the partner site. The following sections include flow diagrams and code samples for each integration approach.
Integrate using two API calls
This approach makes a call to the Consumer Referrals API and a separate call to the Linked Instruments (Payment Network Transactions API).
Partner-initiated flow sequence diagram using two API calls
The following diagram illustrates the end-to-end partner-initiated flow using two API calls. The steps listed in the following sections refer to steps in the sequence diagram.
Follow these steps to integrate a partner-initiated flow using two separate API calls.
- Live:
- Test/Sandbox:
Select card to link and obtain authorization
Steps 1-2a: Enable user to select a card to link and make a first-party oAuth v2 call to return the access token needed. In this step, QWF0bmFXZ3d5d0p0
... TVERuYWEzTGx6dnJJR3d2Yi0=
is the Base64-encoded client id:secret
1POST /v1/oauth2/token HTTP/1.12Host: api-m.sandbox.paypal.com3Accept: application/json4Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded5Authorization: Basic6QWF0bmFXZ3d5d0p0VkdManlQdU1yLUpiOUxvdWIxbUJEaV9nUDBSRlR5eUN2MFVva3dxZllYWmp5YjRrNUpZTDJxbVg2emYxRkxiUFZMYmU6RUtoUHI1YlozbnJJVU1sU2lFN1dteHV1am9FS1g4RlcyaHBJS3NJak1HSkhoM3YtcVZESXY2ay14ZzFLMmxTVERuYWEzTGx6dnJJR3d2Yi0=
In the response "A21AAHCQhC6ue2JTf6DN
is the access token.
1{"scope":" openid","nonce":"2017-03-29T01:56:06ZhE-XlvFxz5ns7ceDQrw9405NpDZB_bbinI26J65ItiA","access_token":"A21AAHCQhC6ue2JTf6DNPSEXbDfhTTblcjdFUn3oNfHkYfabdv7Tw8D5bbPANpEf5fUzd4xFFB_wGVUTE8B8gx1lTpdwbKHJg","token_type":"Bearer","app_id":"APP-80W284485P519543T","expires_in":32399}
Create a consumer referral resource with user data
Steps 3-3a: Create a consumer referral resource for a customer with a credit card. This sample doesn't send card art or linked instruments. In this step, A21AAH...bKHJg
is the access token from Step 2a response.
Note: PayPal only accepts five-digit zip codes. Nine-digit zip codes are interpreted as a new address.
1curl -v -X POST \2 -H "PayPal-Request-Id: 12345" \3 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \4 -H "Authorization: Bearer5 A21AAHCQhC6ue2JTf6DNPSEXbDfhTTblcjdFUn3oNfHkYfabdv7Tw8D5bbPANpEf5fUzd4xFFB_wGVUTE8B8gx1lTpdwbKHJg" \6 -d '{7 "person_details":{8 "names":[9 {10 "given_name":"Mike",11 "surname":"Sanders"12 }13 ],14 "phone_contacts":[15 {16 "phone":{17 "country_code":"1",18 "national_number":"4083131000"19 },20 "phone_type":"HOME"21 }22 ],23 "addresses":[24 {25 "address":{26 "line1":"2141 N 1st Street",27 "line2":"",28 "city":"San Jose",29 "state":"California",30 "country_code":"US",31 "postal_code":"95131"32 },33 "address_type":"HOME"34 }35 ],36 "email_addresses":[37 {38 "email_address":"",39 "primary":true,40 "confirmed":true41 }42 ],43 "locale":"en_US"44 },45 "paypal_account_properties":{46 "account_country_code":"US"47 }48 }
In the response QUFHSlBO...qcmFYWQ
is the PayPal login redirect url with multiple query parameters.
1{"referral_id":"QUFHSlBOcmZuLzE4OE10ZXI0alFDTFo1MVFzUGx6WUY3Mk9ZYTRudVJuZGxDTUhHZEMyUkNkaFg3UktqcmFYWQ","person_details":{"names":[{"given_name":"Super","surname":"Mario"}],"phone_contacts":[{"phone":{"country_code":"1","national_number":"4083131000"},"phone_type":"MOBILE"}],"addresses":[{"address":{"line1":"2141 N 1st Street","line2":"","city":"San Jose","state":"California","country_code":"US","postal_code":"95131"},"address_type":"HOME"}],"email_addresses":[{"email_address":"","confirmed":false,"primary":true}],"identity_documents":[],"locale":"en_US"},"links":[{"rel":"action_url","href":"","method":"GET"}]}
Linked Instruments call with card data and reference_instrument_id
Steps 4-4b: Pass the referral_id
from the Consumer Referral API request into the Linked Instruments (Payment Network Transactions API) method. In this step, 1234
is the unique id for idempotency.
1POST /v1/payment-networks/linked-instruments HTTP/1.12Host: api-m.sandbox.paypal.com3Content-Type: application/json4Authorization: Bearer A21AAEPYT7ek70fthWyH8rd6LAxcoIKuTlYiou_imD9inhkB6GAg7tcxXW5yeZTOHf2oAqSbZ43HouRHELrUzlRUROLOSKimA5PayPal-Request-Id: 123456Accept: application/json7Accept-Language: en_US8Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
In the request:
is the referral ID.GPPSTXo6oYXfH1OxQSTVKw
is the JWE encrypted PAN number. See Encryption for more information.B2121XYZ
is the partner-providedreference_financial_instrument_id
to be echoed back in webhook payload.
1{2 "partner_data":{3 "consumer":{4 "authentication_factors":{5 "cvv":false,6 "challenge_questions":true,7 "logged_in":true,8 "otp_methods":[9 "SMS",10 "EMAIL"11 ],12 "biometric_methods":[13 "FACE_RECOGNITION"14 ],15 "trusted_device_factors":[16 "TRUSTED_DEVICE_FINGERPRINT_MATCH"17 ]18 }19 }20 },21 "referral_id":" QUFHSlBOcmZuLzE4OE10ZXI0alFDTFo1MVFzUGx6WUY3Mk9ZYTRudVJuZGxDTUhHZEMyUkNkaFg3UktqcmFYWQ",22 "card_accounts":[23 {24 "identifier":"eyJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2IiwiYWxnIjoiUlNBLU9BRVAifQ.FNGgAyitajvujmUMOnXQsSrsEv8jUaBTx3gmaCbspSxqKtiu_8NPLIRoEp3sUhM_SoYfmK4GP--iOST215W7XopN_awjnjDYGuMYd31lT1o02xg1wJjibdHtQpcW3RrBFoEyvmrfN44ZSaXhgkhwaZ1cGR_KgbdvtWm2xEaCV_W6HC78gs5A_4REftp40CT9hC-9lq1TQZh5pQxSRnmPihDfBbkXIm5Arciiyu5f7c6GP_TwRFJmA3gsBFVugUvonT_2QCLAgIASFsFUjvfuxGWgI03diGsKAWxvTniwAW05PnSG5ApK0mykuV50GyJBm9GIcWj1kgZuZcLO3FknWQ.maRfYRn9ObALsUzMLC2spQ.k0BiPAMLNwRIPYRsDnhs7ZBKYWDZghKrqPsD5Ukdefg.GPPSTXo6oYXfH1OxQSTVKw",25 "reference_financial_instrument_id":"B2121XYZ",26 "expiry_date":"2020-12",27 "billing_address":{28 "address_line_1":"2211 N 1st Street",29 "admin_area_1":"CA",30 "admin_area_2":"San Jose",31 "country_code":"US",32 "postal_code":"95035"33 },34 "account_holder_name":{35 "given_name":"John",36 "surname":"Smith"37 }38 }39 ]40}
In the response 30ffdc0d4e3ce
is used to log all debug IDs for PayPal support.
1HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted2Date: Thu, 05 Mar 2020 21:01:41 GMT3Server: Apache4paypal-debug-id: 30ffdc0d4e3ce5PayPal-Request-Id: 1234567{"links":[{"href":"","rel":"redirect","method":"GET","encType":"application/json"}]}
Redirect user to PayPal
Steps 5-8: After you pass in the referral_id
, if Step 4a response returns a 202 success
, redirect the user to PayPal for login and consent. Otherwise see API Error codes for a list of the error codes that can be returned here. QUFHSlBOcm...scope_group_provisioning_platform
shows how to construct redirect url with referral id, partner return url, state, and scope parameters.
1 QUFHSlBOcmZuLzE4OE10ZXI0alFDTFo1MVFzUGx6WUY3Mk9ZYTRudVJuZGxDTUhHZEMyUkNkaFg3UktqcmFYWQ &redirect_uri=https://partner-return-url &state=channel=Mobile&Linkid=test&scope=scope_group_provisioning_platform
Listen to Webhook payload sent to partner
Step 9: Receive webhook payload. In this step,:
= Echo back thereference_financial_instrument_id
sent by partner in Linked Instrument call. Thepartner_financial_instrument_id
is the PayPal card identifier needed to make Lifecycle API calls."paypal_customer_id": "6PN79VDMX6566"
is the PayPal encrypted account number needed for PayPal support.
1{2 "id": "WH-9LG8099179700735B-801161897N370874M",3 "event_version": "1.0",4 "create_time": "2020-02-05T22:29:38.000Z",5 "resource_type": "INSTRUMENT",6 "event_type": "PAYMENT_NETWORKS.INSTRUMENT.LINKED-ACCOUNT-UPDATED",7 "summary": "An instrument was successfully added.",8 "resource": {9 "partner_financial_instrument_id": "B2121XYZ",10 "financial_instrument_id": "CC-HFPEET8KTJF9L",11 "event": {12 "event_type": "INSTRUMENT_ADDED",13 "event_reason": "USER_INITIATED"14 },15 "customer": {16 "paypal_customer_id": "6PN79VDMX6566"17 }18 },19 "links": [20 {21 "href": "https:\/\/\/v1\/notifications\/webhooks-events\/WH-9LG8099179700735B-801161897N370874M",22 "rel": "self",23 "method": "GET"24 },25 {26 "href": "https:\/\/\/v1\/notifications\/webhooks-events\/WH-9LG8099179700735B-801161897N370874M\/resend",27 "rel": "resend",28 "method": "POST"29 ]30}
Confirm card to use
Step 11: User opts to Set Preferred Card on PayPal Wallet.
Store user and card
Step 12: PayPal stores User and Card in permanent storage.
Return to partner with authorization code
Steps 13-14: Return to the partner using the return URL. In this step, QWF0bmFXZ3d5d0...JJR3d2Yi0=
is the Base64-encoded client id : secret
Exchange refresh token with authorization code
Step 15: Exchange authorization code for a refresh token.
1POST /v1/oauth2/token HTTP/1.12Authorization: Basic QWF0bmFXZ3d5d0p0VkdManlQdU1yLUpiOUxvdWIxbUJEaV9nUDBSRlR5eUN2MFVva3dxZllYWmp5YjRrNUpZTDJxbVg2emYxRkxiUFZMYmU6RUtoUHI1YlozbnJJVU1sU2lFN1dteHV1am9FS1g4RlcyaHBJS3NJak1HSkhoM3YtcVZESXY2ay14ZzFLMmxTVERuYWEzTGx6dnJJR3d2Yi0=3Host: api-m.sandbox.paypal.com4Accept: application/json5Accept-Language: en_US6Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
In the request C21AAFQ_fy...NJpWs2sA
is the authorization code from Step 13.
In the response:
is the refresh token to be stored for future lifecycle calls to obtain access token.A23AAH0nv7...7BNsg
is the first-time access token. This token expires in 8 hours. It can be ignored if it is not initially needed.
1{"token_type":"Bearer","expires_in":"28799","refresh_token":"R23AAGPIvifgk-ZFFDfuv10JwJwVcQ3mab2NefbOPawZ2rfguplZw3FS9qpTUWmJe88Ty5DuO7zDUIdgpvBAO91VzWF-u9wez1P3TlbrE-5ddd71NXKwaqMgE3CGTN8CrllwcVAEwB7pXu0NqLNyg", "access_token":"A23AAH0nv75jRyVVGz8B3kVRI59GGnANLgeMnwDJB6qap8LOPkBfe_KpIqxMQPgCH_pryUTv33KhmwdmT4A3votjFOP07BNsg"}
Integrate using one API call
This approach sends the user and card data in a single call to the Consumer Referrals API call. This method can be used when the P3 flow initiates from the partner site only.
Partner-initiated flow using a single API call
The following diagram shows the flow in which the Consumer Referrals API combines both the user and card data into a single API call.
oAuth v2 first party call
Steps 1-2a: Select card to link and obtain first-party authorization. In this step, QWF0bmFXZ3d5d0p0
... TVERuYWEzTGx6dnJJR3d2Yi0=
is the Base64-encoded client id:secret
1POST /v1/oauth2/token HTTP/1.12Host: api-m.sandbox.paypal.com3Accept: application/json4Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded5Authorization: Basic6QWF0bmFXZ3d5d0p0VkdManlQdU1yLUpiOUxvdWIxbUJEaV9nUDBSRlR5eUN2MFVva3dxZllYWmp5YjRrNUpZTDJxbVg2emYxRkxiUFZMYmU6RUtoUHI1YlozbnJJVU1sU2lFN1dteHV1am9FS1g4RlcyaHBJS3NJak1HSkhoM3YtcVZESXY2ay14ZzFLMmxTVERuYWEzTGx6dnJJR3d2Yi0=
In the response A21AAHCQhC6ue2JTf6DN
is the access token.
1{"scope":" openid","nonce":"2017-03-29T01:56:06ZhE-XlvFxz5ns7ceDQrw9405NpDZB_bbinI26J65ItiA","access_token":"A21AAHCQhC6ue2JTf6DNPSEXbDfhTTblcjdFUn3oNfHkYfabdv7Tw8D5bbPANpEf5fUzd4xFFB_wGVUTE8B8gx1lTpdwbKHJg","token_type":"Bearer","app_id":"APP-80W284485P519543T","expires_in":32399}
Consumer Referral call with user and card data
Steps 3-4: Note that when you use two api calls, the Consumer Referral API call in Step 3 includes just the user payload. When you combine the APIs into a single call, the Consumer Referral API call in Step 3 includes card payload
as well as user payload
. In this step, A21AAHCQhC6ue2JTf6
... TE8B8gx1lTpdwbKHJg
is the access token from the Step 2a response.
Note: PayPal only accepts five-digit zip codes. Nine-digit zip codes are interpreted as a new address.
1POST /v1/customer/consumer-referrals HTTP/1.12Host: api-m.sandbox.paypal.com3Content-Type: application/json4Authorization: Bearer A21AAHCQhC6ue2JTf6DNPSEXbDfhTTblcjdFUn3oNfHkYfabdv7Tw8D5bbPANpEf5fUzd4xFFB_wGVUTE8B8gx1lTpdwbKHJg5Accept: application/json6Accept-Language: en_US7Content-Length: 1311
1{2 "person_details": {3 "names": [4 {5 "given_name": "Mike",6 "surname": "Sanders"7 }8 ],9 "phone_contacts": [10 {11 "phone": {12 "country_code": "1",13 "national_number": "4083131000"14 },15 "phone_type": "HOME"16 }17 ],18 "addresses": [19 {20 "address": {21 "line1": "2141 N 1st Street",22 "line2": "",23 "city": "San Jose",24 "state": "California",25 "country_code": "US",26 "postal_code": "95131"27 },28 "address_type": "HOME"29 }30 ],31 "email_addresses": [32 {33 "email_address": "",34 "primary": true,35 "confirmed": true36 }37 ],38 "locale": "en_US"39 },40 "paypal_account_properties": {41 "account_country_code": "US"42 },43 "linked_instruments": {44 "card_accounts": [45 {46 "identifier": "6011493404351851",47 "reference_financial_instrument_id": "ref1234",48 "expiry_date": "2020-12",49 "billing_address": {50 "address_line_1": "2211 N 1st Street",51 "admin_area_1": "CA",52 "admin_area_2": "San Jose",53 "country_code": "US",54 "postal_code": "95035"55 },56 "account_holder_name": {57 "given_name": "Mike",58 "surname": "Sanders"59 }6061 }62 ]63 }64}
In the response QUFIOUhDa
is the PayPal login redirect url with multiple query parameters.
1{"referral_id":"QUFIOUhDaVl0SlNMVkRleTFBdS9XaERibG5WWHhid2hpVHg1RS8zOUE3Nld5d0EwUi93aldFVXZhUHJXaGNpSA","person_details":{"names":[{"given_name":"Mike","surname":"Sanders"}],"phone_contacts":[{"phone":{"country_code":"1","national_number":"4083131000"},"phone_type":"HOME"}],"addresses":[{"address":{"line1":"2141 N 1st Street","line2":"","city":"San Jose","state":"California","country_code":"US","postal_code":"95131"},"address_type":"HOME"}],"email_addresses":[{"email_address":"","confirmed":true,"primary":true}],"identity_documents":[],"locale":"en_US"},"links":[{"rel":"action_url","href":"","method":"GET"}]
Redirect to PayPal for login and consent
Steps 5-9: Construct redirect url with referral ID, partner return url, state, and scope parameters and confirm. In this step, QUFHSI...FYWQ
shows how to construct the redirect URL with referral_id, partner return URL, state, and scope parameters.
1 QUFHSlBOcmZuLzE4OE10ZXI0alFDTFo1MVFzUGx6WUY3Mk9ZYTRudVJuZGxDTUhHZEMyUkNkaFg3UktqcmFYWQ &redirect_uri=https://partner-return-url &state=channel=Mobile&Linkid=test&scope=scope_group_provisioning_platform
Webhook payload sent to partner
Step 10: In this step,:
"partner_financial_instrument_id": "B2121XYZ"
echoes backreference_financial_instrument_id
sent by partner in the Linked Instrument call. In this propertypartner_financial_instrument_id
."financial_instrument_id": "CC-HFPEET8KTJF9L"
is the PayPal card identifier needed to make lifecycle calls.paypal_customer_id": "6PN79VDMX6566"
is the PayPal-encrypted account number needed for PayPal support.
1{2 "id": "WH-9LG8099179700735B-801161897N370874M",3 "event_version": "1.0",4 "create_time": "2020-02-05T22:29:38.000Z",5 "resource_type": "INSTRUMENT",6 "event_type": "PAYMENT_NETWORKS.INSTRUMENT.LINKED-ACCOUNT-UPDATED",7 "summary": "An instrument was successfully added.",8 "resource": {9 "partner_financial_instrument_id": "B2121XYZ",10 "financial_instrument_id": "CC-HFPEET8KTJF9L",11 "event": {12 "event_type": "INSTRUMENT_ADDED",13 "event_reason": "USER_INITIATED"14 },15 "customer": {16 "paypal_customer_id": "6PN79VDMX6566"17 }18 },19 "links": [20 {21 "href": "https:\/\/\/v1\/notifications\/webhooks-events\/WH-9LG8099179700735B-801161897N370874M",22 "rel": "self",23 "method": "GET"24 },25 {26 "href": "https:\/\/\/v1\/notifications\/webhooks-events\/WH-9LG8099179700735B-801161897N370874M\/resend",27 "rel": "resend",28 "method": "POST"2930 ]31}
Return to partner with authorization code
Step 13: Use authorization code to return to the partner return URL. In this step, partner-return-url
is the redirect url.
oAuth call to exchange refresh token with authorization code
Steps 15: Exchange refresh token. In this step, QWF0bmFXZ3d5d0p0VkdManl
... TGx6dnJJR3d2Yi0=
is the Base64-encoded client id:secret
1POST /v1/oauth2/token HTTP/1.12Authorization: Basic QWF0bmFXZ3d5d0p0VkdManlQdU1yLUpiOUxvdWIxbUJEaV9nUDBSRlR5eUN2MFVva3dxZllYWmp5YjRrNUpZTDJxbVg2emYxRkxiUFZMYmU6RUtoUHI1YlozbnJJVU1sU2lFN1dteHV1am9FS1g4RlcyaHBJS3NJak1HSkhoM3YtcVZESXY2ay14ZzFLMmxTVERuYWEzTGx6dnJJR3d2Yi0=3Host: api-m.sandbox.paypal.com4Accept: application/json5Accept-Language: en_US6Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
In this request C21AAFQ_fyBghy0cey3BBFE
... tBCFsb_NJpWs2sA
is the authorization code from Step 13.
In this response:
is the refresh token to be stored for future lifecycle calls to get access token.A23AAH0nv75jRyVVGz8B3
is the first-time access token. It expires in 8 hours. It can be ignored if not needed initially.
1{"token_type":"Bearer","expires_in":"28799","refresh_token":"R23AAGPIvifgk-ZFFDfuv10JwJwVcQ3mab2NefbOPawZ2rfguplZw3FS9qpTUWmJe88Ty5DuO7zDUIdgpvBAO91VzWF-u9wez1P3TlbrE-5ddd71NXKwaqMgE3CGTN8CrllwcVAEwB7pXu0NqLNyg", "access_token":"A23AAH0nv75jRyVVGz8B3kVRI59GGnANLgeMnwDJB6qap8LOPkBfe_KpIqxMQPgCH_pryUTv33KhmwdmT4A3votjFOP07BNsg"}
Store user and card data
Step 15a: Response
1{{"token_type":"Bearer","expires_in":"28799","refresh_token":"R23AAGPIvifgk-ZFFDfuv10JwJwVcQ3mab2NefbOPawZ2rfguplZw3FS9qpTUWmJe88Ty5DuO7zDUIdgpvBAO91VzWF-u9wez1P3TlbrE-5ddd71NXKwaqMgE3CGTN8CrllwcVAEwB7pXu0NqLNyg", "access_token":"A23AAH0nv75jRyVVGz8B3kVRI59GGnANLgeMnwDJB6qap8LOPkBfe_KpIqxMQPgCH_pryUTv33KhmwdmT4A3votjFOP07BNsg"}
See User starts from PayPal if the partner wants users to be able to also start P3 from PayPal in addition to starting from the partner site. It's easier to make this addition if you have already implemented the integrate using two APIs approach.
- See Integration Features for optional features you can add to your integrations to enhance the user experience.