Enable PayPal App-to-App


Last updated: Aug 15th, 6:16am

The PayPal App-to-App feature supports a more seamless flow for mobile customers. This feature can be used by customers with both the partner mobile app and the PayPal mobile app installed on their phones.

App-to-App user flow

Customers start in the partner mobile app, flow to the PayPal mobile app, then flow back to the partner mobile app.


Sample consumer referral response

With the App-to-App feature, PayPal returns a universal link in the action_url field of the consumer referral response. Use this URL in subsequent redirections to PayPal as shown in the following examples.

For more information about consumer referral resources, see create a consumer referral resource.

    2 "referral_id": "QUFHSlBOcmZuLzE4OE10ZXI0alFDTFo1MVFzUGx6WUY3Mk9ZYTRudVJuZGxDTUhHZEMyUkNkaFg3UktqcmFYWQ",
    3 "person_details": {
    4 "names": [{
    5 "given_name": "Jane",
    6 "surname": "Doe"
    7 }],
    8 "phone_contacts": [{
    9 "phone": {
    10 "country_code": "1",
    11 "national_number": "4083131000"
    12 },
    13 "phone_type": "MOBILE"
    14 }],
    15 "addresses": [{
    16 "address": {
    17 "line1": "2141 N 1st Street",
    18 "line2": "",
    19 "city": "San Jose",
    20 "state": "California",
    21 "country_code": "US",
    22 "postal_code": "95131"
    23 },
    24 "address_type": "HOME"
    25 }],
    26 "email_addresses": [{
    27 "email_address": "example@example.com",
    28 "confirmed": false,
    29 "primary": true
    30 }],
    31 "identity_documents": [],
    32 "locale": "en_US"
    33 },
    34 "links": [{
    35 "rel": "action_url",
    36 "href": "https://www.paypal.com/consumeronboarding/start?referralid=QUFHSlBOcmZuLzE4OE10ZXI0alFDTFo1MVFzUGx6WUY3Mk9ZYTRudVJuZGxDTUhHZEMyUkNkaFg3UktqcmFYWQ",
    37 "method": "GET"
    38 }]

    Sample redirect URL to PayPal

    The returned universal link starts with https://www.paypal.com/consumeronboarding/start

      1https://www.paypal.com/consumeronboarding/start?referralid= QUFHSlBOcmZuLzE4OE10ZXI0alFDTFo1MVFzUGx6WUY3Mk9ZYTRudVJuZGxDTUhHZEMyUkNkaFg3UktqcmFYWQ &redirect_uri=https://partner-return-url &state=channel=Mobile&Linkid=test&scope=scope_group_provisioning_platform

      If the customer installed the PayPal app on their mobile device, the operating system detects the PayPal app and opens the experience in the PayPal app instead of the browser.

      If you accept cookies, we’ll use them to improve and customize your experience and enable our partners to show you personalized PayPal ads when you visit other sites. Manage cookies and learn more