Confirm user data


Last updated: Sept 23rd, 8:16pm

When you onboard a new user with the Consumer Referral API, you can identify their name and/or address as trusted and confirmed from the partner. This enables them to onboard without proving that data and results in a more seamless onboarding experience for new users.

You can confirm only the name and phone, only the address, or both the name/phone and the address.

The following code snippet shows the confirmation flag set to confirmed for an address:

    2 {
    3 "address":{
    4 "line1":"2141 N 1st Street",
    5 "line2":"",
    6 "city":"San Jose",
    7 "state":"California",
    8 "country_code":"US",
    9 "postal_code":"95131"
    10 },
    11 "address_type":"HOME",
    12 "confirmation":{
    13 "status":"CONFIRMED"
    14 }
    15 }

    If only the address has been confirmed from the partner, the user confirms the name and phone during onboarding as shown here:


    The following code snippet shows a confirmed name:

      2 "names":[
      3 {
      4 "given_name":"Mike",
      5 "surname":"Sanders",
      6 "confirmation":{
      7 "status":"CONFIRMED"
      8 }
      9 }
      10 ],
      11 "phone_contacts":[
      12 {
      13 "phone":{
      14 "country_code":"1",
      15 "national_number":"4083131000"
      16 },

      If only the name has been confirmed by the partner, the user confirms the address during onboarding as shown here:


      If both the name and address have been confirmed by the partner, both of these screen are skipped and the user goes directly to the email address and password.



      See Provide Lifecycle Updates to keep customer data up to date.

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