

Last updated: Aug 15th, 6:20am

Error Codes

Return URL errors

PayPal generally handles most errors internally. In some situations, PayPal might return the user to the merchant's redirect_uri with an error_description and error parameters. This table describes the possible errors:

Error Error   description Description Recommendation
RESTRICTED_ACCOUNT Not applicable Possible issue with user account. For assistance, user must contact PayPal. Notify the user that a problem occurred linking their account. For assistance, user must contact PayPal.
COUNTRY_NOT_SUPPORTED Not applicable This product is not available in your country. Contact PayPal for assistance.
REFERRAL_EXPIRED Not applicable User clicked or was directed to a link that took more than 15 minutes to open. Relaunch the flow by starting with the referral ID creation.
SESSION_TIMEOUT Not applicable Too much time spent trying to complete the process or the PayPal configuration was not set up correctly.
  • If timeout happens during testing, escalate the error to your PayPal account manager.
  • If this error occurs only once in live PayPal, relaunch the linking flow from the beginning of card selection/referral ID creation.
  • If you repeatedly run into issues after going live, escalate to your PayPal account manager.
    • | | `CREATE_ACCOUNT_ERROR` | Not applicable | PayPal might be experiencing site issues |
      • If the error happens during testing, escalate the error to your PayPal account manager.
      • If this error occurs only once in live PayPal, relaunch the linking flow from the beginning of card selection/referral ID creation.
      • If you repeatedly run into issues after going live, escalate to your PayPal account manager.
      | | `INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR` | Not applicable | PayPal might be experiencing site issues |
      • If the error happens during testing, escalate the error to your PayPal account manager.
      • If live, and one off, relaunch the linking flow from the beginning of card selection/referral ID creation.
      • If you repeatedly run into issues after going live, escalate to your PayPal account manager.

| | `ACCESS_DENIED`| Consent denied | User clicked the **Not Now** option on the PayPal consent screen. | Notify the user to click **Agree** on the final consent screen to complete the linking flow. Then, prompt the user to restart the process. |

API Errors

Status code and name Methods Details
POST /v1/payment-networks/linked-instruments
    1POST /v1/payment-networks/card-accounts/
    2 id
    3 /remove

      1PATCH /v1/payment-networks/card-accounts/
      2 id
      Invalid data provided. Identifies any kind of input error.
      details contains JSON path of the error.
      401 Unauthorized
      POST v1/payment-networks/linked-instruments
        1POST /v1/payment-networks/card-accounts/
        2 id
        3 /remove

          1PATCH /v1/payment-networks/card-accounts/
          2 id
          Invalid access token used.
            1"error": "invalid_token",
            2"error_description": "Access Token not found in cache"
            403 Forbidden NOT_AUTHORIZED
            POST /v1/payment-networks/linked-instruments
              1POST /v1/payment-networks/card-accounts/
              2 id
              3 /remove

                1PATCH /v1/payment-networks/card-accounts/
                2 id
                Authorization failed due to insufficient permissions.
                Partner didn't have right permissions for making this call.
                422 Unprocessable Entity
                  1POST /v1/payment-networks/card-accounts/
                  2 id
                  3 /remove

                    1PATCH /v1/payment-networks/card-accounts/
                    2 id
                    500 Internal Server Error INTERNAL_ERROR
                    POST /v1/payment-networks/linked-instruments
                      1POST /v1/payment-networks/card-accounts/
                      2 id
                      3 /remove

                        1PATCH /v1/payment-networks/card-accounts/
                        2 id
                        An internal server error has occurred. Internal server error.

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