Integrate Adaptive Payments with Transaction Risk


Last updated: Sept 23rd, 4:27pm

PayPal partners and merchants can Set transaction context to send additional data about a customer to PayPal so that PayPal can complete a pre-transaction risk management evaluation before PayPal processes the customer transaction.

Use the Adaptive Payments API to send money in simple to complex scenarios. For example, use it to build a small send money application for a social networking site or to build a robust payroll system. You can integrate the REST Transaction Risk API Set transaction context feature with Adaptive Payments.

Integration process flow

This sequence diagram illustrates the integration process flow:


Integration steps

1. Required Set up your development environment.
2. Required Set the transaction context. To Integrate Adaptive Payments with Transaction Risk, you must first set the transaction context. You pass a merchant_id and tracking_id in the call.
3. Required Make the Adaptive Payment Pay API call to transfer funds. Add the tracking ID that you specified in the set the transaction context call. PayPal recognizes that the Adaptive Payment token matches a set the transaction context call. PayPal uses the transaction data context to complete additional risk management before it processes the payment.

Set up your development environment

Before you can integrate Adaptive Payments, you must set up your development environment. After you get a token that lets you access protected REST API resources, you create sandbox accounts to test your web and mobile apps. For details, see Get started.

Then, return to this page to integrate Adaptive Payments.

Set the transaction context

For information, see Set transaction context.

Use the token value from the response in the previous step as the tracking_id parameter and use the merchant ID from PayPal business account profile page as the merchant_id parameter in the request:

    1curl -v -X PUT<merchant_id>/<tracking_id> \
    2 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    3 -H 'Authorization: Bearer <Access-Token> \
    4-d '{
    5 "additional_data": [{
    6 "key": "test1",
    7 "value": "abc"
    8 },
    9 {
    10 "key": "test2",
    11 "value": "aaa"
    12 }
    13 ]

    Transfer funds

    Use the Adaptive Payments Pay API operation to transfer funds from a sender's PayPal account to one or more receivers' PayPal accounts.

    Specify the tracking_id value that you used in the set the transaction context call in the tracking_id parameter:

      1curl -s --insecure \
      2 -H "X-PAYPAL-SECURITY-USERID: insert_merchant_user_name_here" \
      3 -H "X-PAYPAL-SECURITY-PASSWORD: insert_merchant_password_here" \
      4 -H "X-PAYPAL-SECURITY-SIGNATURE: insert_merchant_signature_here" \
      7 -H "X-PAYPAL-APPLICATION-ID: app_id" \
      8 -d "actionType=PAY \
      9 & \
      10 &cancelUrl= \
      11 ¤cyCode=USD \
      12 &receiverList.receiver(0).email=receiver@domain \
      13 &receiverList.receiver(0).amount=100.00 \
      14 &requestEnvelope.errorLanguage=en_US \
      15 &returnUrl= \
      16 &tracking_id=<tracking_id>" # Use the tracking_id that you used in SetTransactionContext

      Additional information

      For information about classic payment calls, see:

      NVP SOAP
      CreateBillingAgreement API Operation (NVP) CreateBillingAgreement API Operation (SOAP)
      DoReferenceTransaction API Operation (NVP) DoReferenceTransaction API Operation (SOAP)
      DoExpressCheckoutPayment API Operation (NVP) DoExpressCheckoutPayment API Operation (SOAP)
      GetExpressCheckoutDetails API Operation (NVP) GetExpressCheckoutDetails API Operation (SOAP)
      Pay API Operation
      SetExpressCheckout API Operation (NVP) SetExpressCheckout API Operation (SOAP)

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