Test Invoicing

APILegacyLast updated: May 18th 2022, @ 4:02:27 pm

You can run negative tests on your integration to manage the responses you give to your customers.

Know before you code

Before you trigger a simulation, you'll need to you need to get an access token.

Simulation methods

To trigger a simulation for the Invoices API, you can use a JSON pointer in the request payload or use a path parameter in the request URI.

Use a JSON pointer in the request payload

TriggerTest valueSimulated error response


curl -X POST \
  https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com/v2/invoicing/invoices \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <Access Token>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
                    "reference": "ERRINV002"


    "localizedMessage": "No permission for the requested operation. ",
    "name": "PERMISSION_DENIED",
    "message": "No permission for the requested operation. ",
    "details": [
            "issue": "No permission for the requested operation. "
    "information_link": "https://developer.paypal.com/docs/archive/permissions-service/",
    "debug_id": "6e07326c281c4"

Use a path parameter in the request URI

Trigger or test valueSimulated error response


curl -X GET \
  https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com/v2/invoicing/invoices/INV2-ABCD-1234-EINV-0010 \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <Access Token>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'


    "name": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND",
    "message": "The specified resource does not exist.",
    "debug_id": "98b2b9d2d89cb",
    "links": [
            "href": "https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/invoicing/#errors",
            "rel": "information_link"

Test values

Use the following test values to trigger positive and negative responses for these invoice actions:

Note: Test values are case sensitive.

Generate invoice number

Negative response test values

Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate the following error responses at POST /v2/invoicing/invoices/generate-next-invoice-number.

TriggerTest valueSimulated error response

Create invoices

Negative response test values

Use the JSON pointer method to simulate the following error responses at POST v2/invoicing/invoices/.

TriggerTest valueSimulated positive response

Get invoice

Negative response test values

Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate the following error responses at GET /v2/invoicing/invoices/{invoice_id}.

Trigger or test valueSimulated error response

Delete invoice

Positive response test values

Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate the following response at DELETE /v2/invoicing/invoices/{invoice_id}.

Trigger or test valueSimulated positive response
/v2/invoicing/invoices/INV2-ABCD-1234-EINV-0059PAYLOAD WITH 200 RESPONSE CODE

Negative response test values

Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate the following error responses at DELETE /v2/invoicing/invoices/{invoice_id}.

Trigger or test valueSimulated positive response

Fully update invoice details

Negative response test values

Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate the following error responses at PUT /v2/invoicing/invoices/{invoice_id}.

Trigger or test valueSimulated error response

Cancel sent invoice

Positive response test values

Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate the following response at POST /v2/invoicing/invoices/{invoice_id}/cancel.

Trigger or test valueSimulated positive response
/v2/invoicing/invoices/INV2-ABCD-1234-EINV-0029/cancelPAYLOAD WITH 204 RESPONSE CODE

Negative response test values

Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate the following error responses at POST /v2/invoicing/invoices/{invoice_id}/cancel.

Trigger or test valueSimulated positive response

Record payment for invoice

Positive response test values

Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate the following response at POST /v2/invoicing/invoices/{invoice_id}/payments.

Trigger or test valueSimulated positive response
/v2/invoicing/invoices/INV2-ABCD-1234-EINV-0037/paymentsPAYLOAD WITH 200 RESPONSE CODE

Negative response test values

Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate the following error responses at POST /v2/invoicing/invoices/{invoice_id}/payments.

Trigger or test valueSimulated error response

Delete payment

Positive response test values

Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate the following response at DELETE /v2/invoicing/invoices/INV2-ABCD-1234-EFGH-5678/payments/{transaction_id}.

Trigger or test valueSimulated positive response
/v2/invoicing/invoices/INV2-ABCD-1234-EFGH-5678/payments/EXT-ABCDEFGHERRINV042PAYLOAD WITH 200 RESPONSE CODE

Negative response test values

Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate the following error responses at DELETE /v2/invoicing/invoices/INV2-ABCD-1234-EFGH-5678/payments/{transaction_id}.

Trigger or test valueSimulated error response

Record refund for invoice

Positive response test values

Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate the following response at POST /v2/invoicing/invoices/{invoice_id}/refunds.

Trigger or test valueSimulated positive response
/v2/invoicing/invoices/INV2-ABCD-1234-EINV-0049/refundsPAYLOAD WITH 200 RESPONSE CODE

Negative response test values

Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate the following error responses at POST /v2/invoicing/invoices/{invoice_id}/refunds.

Trigger or test valueSimulated error response

Delete refund

Positive response test values

Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate the following response at DELETE /v2/invoicing/invoices/{invoice_id}/refunds/{transaction_id}.

Trigger or test valueSimulated positive response
/v2/invoicing/invoices/INV2-ABCD-1234-EFGH-5678/refunds/EXT-ABCDEFGHERRINV054PAYLOAD WITH 200 RESPONSE CODE

Negative response test values

Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate the following error responses at DELETE /v2/invoicing/invoices/{invoice_id}/refunds/{transaction_id}/delete.

Trigger or test valueSimulated error response

Send invoice reminder

Positive response test values

Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate the following response at POST /v2/invoicing/invoices/{invoice_id}/remind.

Trigger or test valueSimulated positive response
/v2/invoicing/invoices/INV2-ABCD-1234-EINV-0023/remindPAYLOAD WITH 200 RESPONSE CODE

Negative response test values

Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate the following error responses at POST /v2/invoicing/invoices/{invoice_id}/remind.

Trigger or test valueSimulated error response

Send invoice

Positive response test values

Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate the following response at POST /v2/invoicing/invoices/{invoice_id}/send.

Trigger or test valueSimulated positive response
/v2/invoicing/invoices/INV2-ABCD-1234-EINV-0016/sendPAYLOAD WITH 200 RESPONSE CODE

Negative response test values

Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate the following error responses at POST /v2/invoicing/invoices/{invoice_id}/send.

Trigger or test valueSimulated error response

Search invoices

Negative response test values

Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate the following error responses at POST /v2/invoicing/search-invoices.

Trigger or test valueSimulated error response