View transactions on the activities page

DocsLegacyLast updated: October 12th 2021, @ 6:58:00 pm

Use the Activities page to view payouts transactions that are processed for your account. By default, the Activities page displays a list of the transactions from the last 30 days, but you can also specify a different date range. Payouts transactions are identified by Payout in the transaction title.

Get payouts transaction logs

To get a list of payouts transaction logs:

  1. Log in to your PayPal business account.
  2. At the top of the page, click Activities.
  3. On the Activities page, specify your search criteria:
    • For All Transactions, select Payouts.
    • Specify additional criteria, as needed.

The page displays a list of transaction logs that match your search criteria.

A transaction log contains a summary of a payout transaction, such as the date and time processed, and transaction status. It also contains detailed transaction information for each recipient.

If the payout required currency conversion, a transaction log includes the exchange rate, fee, and total amount in both currencies.

View transaction details

To view transaction details:

  1. In the transaction list on the Activities page, click on the title of the transaction log that you want to review.
  2. On the Mass Payment Details page, click View Details to open the BatchLog.txt dialog box.
  3. Open the log or save it to a file.
  4. If the payout required currency conversion, the log includes the exchange rate, fee, and total amount in both currencies.

Transaction activity log error and reason codes

The following table contains reason, error code, and descriptions of Payout errors reported in the transaction activity log:

ReasonCode errorDescription
400ITEM_ALREADY_CANCELLEDThe requested item is already cancelled.
400ITEM_CANCELLATION_FAILEDThe requested item is already cancelled.
400ITEM_INCORRECT_STATUSYou can only cancel items that have an Unclaimed state.
400USER_BUSINESS_ERRORA user business error occurred.
403REQUIRED_SCOPE_MISSINGThe access token does not have the required scope.
403SENDER_ACCOUNT_UNVERIFIEDTo send a payout, you must have a verified PayPal account. To verify your account, confirm your bank account or credit card. For assistance, contact your account manager or our customer service team for assistance.
429RATE_LIMIT_VALIDATION_FAILURESThe request has been blocked due to multiple failed attempts. Try again later.
504REQUEST_TIMEOUT_EXCEEDEDA system that processes the request did not respond to the server within the timeout period. Retry the request in a few minutes.
1000UNDEFINEDAn error occurred while processing this payout request. In a few minutes, either retry the request or make a new request.
1002INSUFFICIENT_FUNDSTo complete the payout, you must add funds to your account.
1003USER_COUNTRY_NOT_ALLOWEDYour address is in a country where payouts are not allowed. For assistance, contact your account manager or our customer service team.
1004USER_FUNDING_SOURCE_INELIGIBLEThe funding source for this payout is not allowed. Try again by using your PayPal balance instead.
This payout is pending because the recipient has set their account preferences to review credits in this currency. The recipient has been notified. Check back later for the status of this payout.
3004SELF_PAY_NOT_ALLOWEDYou can’t send a payout to yourself. Try sending it to a different account.
3014SENDER_ACCOUNT_LOCKEDYou can’t send a payout now, because your account is locked or inactive. For assistance, contact your account manager or our customer service team.
3015RECEIVER_ACCOUNT_LOCKEDWe were not able to send a payout because the recipient’s account is inactive or locked. Funds have been returned to the your account.
3017SPENDING_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDYou’ve exceeded your spending limit. For assistance, contact your account manager or our customer service team.
3047ACCOUNT_RESTRICTEDAccess to your account has been restricted. For assistance, contact your account manager or our customer service team.
3078NEGATIVE_BALANCEYou have insufficient funds in your PayPal balance. You'll need to add funds to your account to complete the payout.
3107REFUSED_RECEIVER_REFUSEDThe recipient has refused this payout in this currency. Try resending in a different currency.
3141REFUSED_ACTION_DENIEDAccess has been denied as the send money option is not allowed for this merchant.
3148RECEIVER_COUNTRY_NOT_ALLOWEDPayPal can’t send this payout because the recipient lives in a country where payouts are not allowed.
3501INVALID_EMAIL_IDThe email ID entered for this recipient is invalid.
3547SENDER_STATE_RESTRICTEDAs your address is in a restricted state, payments can't be sent.
3558RECEIVER_STATE_RESTRICTEDPayPal can’t send this payout because the recipient lives in a state where payouts are not allowed.
3769CLOSED_MARKETThis account is not allowed to receive payouts from other countries. Try resending this payout to another account.
4002INTERNAL_ERRORAn internal error occurred during payout request processing. Retry this payout as a new batch or file.
8304ACCOUNT_UNCONFIRMED_EMAILTo send payouts, you must be a verified PayPal account holder. To verify your account, confirm your email and your bank account or credit card. For assistance, contact your account manager or our customer service team.
8319ZERO_AMOUNTProvide a valid payment amount.
8330RECEIVING_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDThe recipient cannot accept this payout because it exceeds the amount they can receive at this time. Resubmit your payout request for a different amount.
8331DUPLICATE_ITEMThis transaction is duplicated in this batch. Check the reference ID and sender ID.
9302RISK_DECLINEThis transaction was declined due to risk concerns.
The recipient lives in a country that is not allowed to accept this payout.
The funding source that was selected for this payout is not allowed. Try again by using your PayPal balance instead.
9502GAMING_INVALID_PAYMENT_FLOWThis payment flow is not allowed for gaming merchant accounts.
11711TRANSACTION_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDThis payout request has exceeded the limit for this type of transaction. The funds have been returned to your account.
This currency cannot be accepted for this recipient’s account. You can resend this payout with a different currency.
14550CURRENCY_COMPLIANCEDue to currency compliance regulations, this transaction is not allowed.
14763REGULATORY_PENDINGThis transaction is pending while it is reviewed for compliance with government regulations.
14764REGULATORY_BLOCKEDThis transaction is blocked due to regulatory compliance restrictions.
14765RECEIVER_UNREGISTEREDThe recipient for this payout does not have an account. A link to sign up for an account was sent to the recipient. However, if the recipient does not claim this payout within 30 days, the funds are returned to your account.
14766RECEIVER_UNCONFIRMEDThe recipient’s email or phone number is unconfirmed. Until the recipient confirms their account information, any payments made to this account are marked as Unclaimed. Funds will be returned to your account if they are not claimed within 30 days.
14767RECEIVER_YOUTH_ACCOUNTPayPal wasn't able to send a payout because the recipient has a youth account. Check with the recipient for an alternate account to receive the payout.
An error occurred while processing this payout request. In a few minutes, try resending as part of a new request or file. For assistance, contact your account manager or our customer service team.
14800POS_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDYou have exceeded the POS cumulative spending limit. For assistance, contact your account manager or our customer service team.
This payout request wasn't completed because the recipient hasn't verified their account. Your account is only allowed to send payouts to verified accounts.
14802NON_HOLDING_CURRENCYYour account does not have a PayPal balance in this currency. Try again with a currency that has funds in your PayPal account, or change your account settings to this currency.

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