IPN and PDT variables


Last updated: Aug 15th, 6:08am

PayPal returns variables for the following message types:

  • Instant Payment Notification (IPN)
  • Payment Data Transfer (PDT)

IPN and PDT variable names are case-sensitive. Most constant values are lowercase. The constant values for payment_status have an initial capital letter.

IPN transaction types

Back-end or administrative processes can perform specific actions based on the kind of IPN message received. You can use the txn_type variable in the message to trigger the kind of processing you want to perform.

Transaction Type txn_typeDescription
Credit card chargeback if the case_type variable contains chargeback.
adjustmentA dispute has been resolved and closed.
cartPayment received for multiple items; source is Express Checkout or the PayPal Shopping Cart.
express_checkoutPayment received for a single item; source is Express Checkout.
masspayPayment sent using Mass Pay.
merch_pmtMonthly subscription paid for Website Payments Pro, Reference transactions, or Billing Agreements.
mp_cancelBilling agreement canceled.
new_caseA new dispute was filed.
payoutA payout related to a global shipping transaction was completed.
pro_hostedPayment received; source is Website Payments Pro Hosted Solution.
recurring_paymentRecurring payment received.
recurring_payment_expiredRecurring payment expired.
recurring_payment_failedRecurring payment failed. This transaction type is sent if:
  • The attempt to collect a recurring payment fails.
  • The "max failed payments" setting in the customer's recurring payment profile is 0. In this case, PayPal tries to collect the recurring payment an unlimited number of times without ever suspending the customer's recurring payments profile.
recurring_payment_profile_cancelRecurring payment profile canceled.
recurring_payment_profile_createdRecurring payment profile created.
recurring_payment_skippedRecurring payment skipped; it will be retried up to 3 times, 5 days apart.
recurring_payment_suspendedRecurring payment suspended. This transaction type is sent if PayPal tried to collect a recurring payment, but the related recurring payments profile has been suspended.
recurring_payment_suspended_due_to_max_failed_paymentRecurring payment failed and the related recurring payment profile has been suspended. This transaction type is sent if:
  • PayPal's attempt to collect a recurring payment failed.
  • The "max failed payments" setting in the customer's recurring payment profile is 1 or greater.
  • the number of attempts to collect payment has exceeded the value specified for "max failed payments". In this case, PayPal suspends the customer's recurring payment profile.
send_moneyPayment received; source is the Send Money tab on the PayPal website.
subscr_cancelSubscription canceled.
subscr_eotSubscription expired.
subscr_failedSubscription payment failed.
subscr_modifySubscription modified.
subscr_paymentSubscription payment received.
subscr_signupSubscription started.
virtual_terminalPayment received; source is Virtual Terminal.
web_acceptPayment received; source is any of the following:
  • A Direct Credit Card (Pro) transaction.
  • A Buy Now, Donation, or Smart Logo for eBay auctions button.

The following variables identify the merchant that receives a payment or notification and include transaction-specific information.

Variable NameDescription
businessEmail address or account ID of the payment recipient (that is, the merchant). Equivalent to the values of receiver_email (if payment is sent to primary account) and business set in the Website Payment HTML.
Length: 127 characters.
charsetCharacter set.
customCustom value as passed by you, the merchant. These are pass-through variables that are never presented to your customer. Length: 255 characters.
ipn_track_idInternal; only for use by MTS.
notify_versionMessage's version number.
parent_txn_idIn the case of a refund, reversal, or canceled reversal, this variable contains the txn_id of the original transaction, while txn_id contains a new ID for the new transaction. Length: 19 characters.
receipt_idUnique ID generated during guest checkout (payment by credit card without logging in).
receiver_emailPrimary email address of the payment recipient (the merchant). If the payment is sent to a non-primary email address on your PayPal account, the receiver_email is still your primary email. Length: 127 characters.
receiver_idUnique account ID of the payment recipient. For example, the merchant). This is the same as the recipient's referral ID. Length: 13 characters.
resendWhether this IPN message was resent (equals true); otherwise, this is the original message.
residence_countryISO 3166 country code associated with the country of residence. Length: 2 characters.
test_ipnWhether the message is a test message. Value is: 1 — the message is directed to the sandbox.
txn_idThe merchant's original transaction identification number for the payment from the buyer, against which the case was registered.
txn_typeThe kind of transaction for which the IPN message was sent.
verify_signEncrypted string used to validate the authenticity of the transaction.

Buyer information

Buyer information identifies the payer by payer ID or email address. Extra contact or shipping information may be provided.

Variable NameDescription
address_countryCountry of customer's address. Length: 64 characters.
address_cityCity of customer's address. Length: 40 characters.
address_country_codeISO 3166 country code associated with customer's address. Length: 2 characters.
address_nameName used with address (included when the customer provides a Gift Address). Length: 128 characters.
address_stateState of customer's address. Length: 40 characters.
address_statusWhether the customer provided a confirmed address. Value is:
  • confirmed — Customer provided a confirmed address.
  • unconfirmed — Customer provided an unconfirmed address.
address_streetCustomer's street address. Length: 200 characters.
address_zipZip code of customer's address. Length: 20 characters.
contact_phoneCustomer's telephone number. Length: 20 characters.
first_nameCustomer's first name. Length: 64 characters.
last_nameCustomer's last name. Length: 64 characters.
payer_business_nameCustomer's company name, if customer is a business. Length: 127 characters.
payer_emailCustomer's primary email address. Use this email to provide any credits. Length: 127 characters.
payer_idUnique customer ID. Length: 13 characters.

Payment information

Payment information identifies the amount and status of a payment transaction, including fees.

Variable NameDescription
auth_amountAuthorization amount.
auth_expAuthorization expiration date and time in the following format: HH:MM:SS DD Mmm YY, YYYY PST Length: 28 characters.
auth_idAuthorization identification number. Length: 19 characters.
auth_statusStatus of authorization.
discountThe total discount to be applied to a shopping cart in the currency of mc_currency.
echeck_time_processedThe time an eCheck was processed; for example, when the status changes to Success or Completed. The format is: hh:mm:ss MM DD, YYYY ZONE. For example, 04:55:30 May 26, 2011 PDT.
exchange_rateExchange rate used if a currency conversion occurred.
fraud_management_pending_filters_xOne or more filters that identify a triggering action associated with one of the following payment_status values: Pending, Completed, Denied, where x is a number starting with 1 that makes the IPN variable name unique; x is not the filter's ID number. The filters and their ID numbers:
  • 1—AVS No Match
  • 2—AVS Partial Match
  • 3—AVS Unavailable/Unsupported
  • 4—Card Security Code (CSC) Mismatch
  • 5—Maximum Transaction Amount
  • 6—Unconfirmed Address
  • 7—Country Monitor
  • 8—Large Order Number
  • 9—Billing/Shipping Address Mismatch
  • 10—Risky ZIP Code
  • 11—Suspected Freight Forwarder Check
  • 12—Total Purchase Price Minimum
  • 13—IP Address Velocity
  • 14—Risky Email Address Domain Check
  • 15—Risky Bank Identification Number (BIN) Check
  • 16—Risky IP Address Range
  • 17—PayPal Fraud Model
invoicePass-through variable you can use to identify your Invoice Number for this purchase. If omitted, no variable is passed back. Length: 127 characters.
item_namexItem name as passed by you, the merchant. Or, if not passed by you, as entered by your customer. If this is a shopping cart transaction, PayPal appends the number of the item. For example, item_name1, item_name2, and so on. Length: 127 characters.
item_numberxPass-through variable for you to track purchases. It will get passed back to you at the completion of the payment. If omitted, no variable will be passed back to you. If this is a shopping cart transaction, PayPal will append the number of the item. For example, item_number1, item_number2, and so on. Length: 127 characters.
  • For payment IPN notifications, this is the currency of the payment.
  • For non-payment subscription IPN notifications. For example, txn_type= signup, cancel, failed, eot, or modify), this is the currency of the subscription.
  • For payment subscription IPN notifications, it is the currency of the payment. For example, txn_type = subscr_payment).
mc_feeTransaction fee associated with the payment. mc_gross minus mc_fee equals the amount deposited into the receiver_email account. Equivalent to payment_fee for USD payments. If this amount is negative, it signifies a refund or reversal, and either of those payment statuses can be for the full or partial amount of the original transaction fee.
mc_grossFull amount of the customer's payment, before transaction fee is subtracted. Equivalent to payment_gross for USD payments. If this amount is negative, it signifies a refund or reversal, and either of those payment statuses can be for the full or partial amount of the original transaction.
mc_gross_xThe amount of shopping cart detail item prior to discount. The amount is in the currency of mc_currency, where x is the shopping cart detail item number. The value of mc_gross_x is mc_gross minus discount.
mc_handlingTotal handling amount associated with the transaction.
mc_shippingTotal shipping amount associated with the transaction.
mc_shippingxThis is the combined total of shipping1 and shipping2 Website Payments Standard variables, where x is the shopping cart detail item number. The shippingx variable is only shown when the merchant applies a shipping amount for a specific item. Because profile shipping might apply, the sum of shippingx might not be equal to shipping.
memoMemo as entered by your customer in PayPal Website Payments note field. Length: 255 characters.
num_cart_itemsIf this is a PayPal Shopping Cart transaction, number of items in cart.
option_name1Option 1 name as requested by you. PayPal appends the number of the item where x represents the number of the shopping cart detail item. For example, option_name1, option_name2). Length: 64 characters.
option_name2Option 2 name as requested by you. PayPal appends the number of the item where x represents the number of the shopping cart detail item. For example, option_name2, option_name2). Length: 64 characters.
option_selection1Option 1 choice as entered by your customer. PayPal appends the number of the item where x represents the number of the shopping cart detail item. For example, option_selection1, option_selection2). Length: 200 characters.
option_selection2Option 2 choice as entered by your customer. PayPal appends the number of the item where x represents the number of the shopping cart detail item. For example, option_selection1, option_selection2). Length: 200 characters.
payer_statusWhether the customer has a verified PayPal account.
  • verified — Customer has a verified PayPal account.
  • unverified — Customer has an unverified PayPal account.
payment_dateThe PayPal-generated time and date stamp in the format HH:MM:SS Mmm DD, YYYY PDT. Length: 28 characters.
payment_feeUSD transaction fee associated with the payment. payment_gross minus payment_fee equals the amount deposited into the receiver email account. Is empty for non-USD payments. If this amount is negative, it signifies a refund or reversal, and either of those payment statuses can be for the full or partial amount of the original transaction fee.
payment_fee_xIf the payment is USD, then the value is the same as that for mc_fee_x, where x is the record number; if the currency is not USD, then this is an empty string.
payment_grossFull USD amount of the customer's payment, before transaction fee is subtracted. Will be empty for non-USD payments. This is a deprecated field replaced by mc_gross. If this amount is negative, it signifies a refund or reversal, and either of those payment statuses can be for the full or partial amount of the original transaction.
payment_gross_xIf the payment is USD, then the value for this is the same as that for the mc_gross_x, where x is the record number the mass pay item. If the currency is not USD, this is an empty string.
payment_statusThe status of the payment:
  • Canceled_Reversal: A reversal has been canceled. For example, you won a dispute with the customer, and the funds for the transaction that was reversed have been returned to you.
  • Completed: The payment has been completed, and the funds have been added successfully to your account balance.
  • Created: A German ELV payment is made through Express Checkout.
  • Denied: The payment was denied. This happens only if the payment was previously pending because of one of the reasons listed for the pending_reason variable or the Fraud_Management_Filters_x variable.
  • Expired: This authorization has expired and cannot be captured.
  • Failed: The payment has failed. This happens only if the payment was made from your customer's bank account.
  • Pending: The payment is pending. See pending_reason for more information.
  • Refunded: You refunded the payment.
  • Reversed: A payment was reversed due to a chargeback or other type of reversal. The funds have been removed from your account balance and returned to the buyer. The reason for the reversal is specified in the reason_code element.
  • Processed: A payment has been accepted.
  • Voided: This authorization has been voided.
payment_typeecheck: This payment was funded with an eCheck. instant: This payment was funded with PayPal balance, credit card, or instant transfer.
pending_reasonThis variable is set only if payment_status is Pending:
  • address: Your Payment Receiving Preferences are set so that if a customer does not include a confirmed shipping address, you must manually accept or deny the payment. To change your preference, go to the Preferences section of your Profile.
  • authorization: You set the payment action to Authorization and have not yet captured funds.
  • delayed_disbursement: The transaction has been approved and is currently awaiting funding from the bank. This typically takes less than 48 hrs.
  • echeck: The payment is pending because it was made by an eCheck that has not yet cleared.
  • intl: The payment is pending because you hold a non-U.S. account and do not have a withdrawal mechanism. You must manually accept or deny this payment from your Account Overview.
  • multi_currency: You do not have a balance in the currency sent, and you do not have your profile's Payment Receiving Preferences option set to automatically convert and accept this payment. As a result, you must manually accept or deny this payment.
  • order: You set the payment action to Order and have not yet captured funds.
  • paymentreview: The payment is pending while it is reviewed by PayPal for risk.
  • regulatory_review: The payment is pending because PayPal is reviewing it for compliance with government regulations. PayPal will complete this review within 72 hours. When the review is complete, you will receive a second IPN message whose payment_status/reason_code variables indicate the result.
  • unilateral: The payment is pending because it was made to an email address that is not yet registered or confirmed.
  • upgrade: The payment is pending because it was made via credit card and you must upgrade your account to Business or Premier status before you can receive the funds. upgrade can also mean that you have reached the monthly limit for transactions on your account.
  • verify: The payment is pending because you are not yet verified. You must verify your account before you can accept this payment.
  • other: The payment is pending for a reason other than those listed above. For more information, contact PayPal Customer Service.
protection_eligibilityThe status of the seller's protection eligibility. Possible values: Eligible, Ineligible, Partially Eligible—Unauth Only, PartiallyEligible, None, Active Fraud Control—Unauth Premium Eligible.
quantityQuantity as entered by your customer or as passed by you, the merchant. If this is a shopping cart transaction, PayPal appends the number of the item. For example, quantity1, quantity2).
reason_codeThis variable is set if payment_status is Reversed, Refunded, Canceled_Reversal, or Denied:
  • adjustment_reversal: Reversal of an adjustment.
  • admin_fraud_reversal: The transaction has been reversed due to fraud detected by PayPal administrators.
  • admin_reversal: The transaction has been reversed by PayPal administrators.
  • buyer-complaint: The transaction has been reversed due to a complaint from your customer.
  • chargeback: The transaction has been reversed due to a chargeback by your customer.
  • chargeback_reimbursement: Reimbursement for a chargeback.
  • chargeback_settlement: Settlement of a chargeback.
  • guarantee: The transaction has been reversed because your customer exercised a money-back guarantee.
  • other: Unspecified reason.
  • refund: The transaction has been reversed because you gave the customer a refund.
  • regulatory_block: PayPal blocked the transaction due to a violation of a government regulation. In this case, payment_status is Denied.
  • regulatory_reject: PayPal rejected the transaction due to a violation of a government regulation and returned the funds to the buyer. In this case, payment_status is Denied.
  • regulatory_review_exceeding_sla: PayPal did not complete the review for compliance with government regulations within 72 hours, as required. Consequently, PayPal auto-reversed the transaction and returned the funds to the buyer. In this case, payment_status is Denied. Note that `sla` stands for `service level agreement`.
  • unauthorized_claim: The transaction has been reversed because it was not authorized by the buyer.
  • unauthorized_spoof: The transaction has been reversed due to a customer dispute in which an unauthorized spoof is suspected.
remaining_settleRemaining amount that can be captured with Authorization and Capture.
settle_amountAmount that is deposited into the account's primary balance after a currency conversion from automatic conversion (through your Payment Receiving Preferences) or manual conversion (through manually accepting a payment).
settle_currencyCurrency of settle_amount.
settlement_fee_amtThe transaction fee associated with the payment in the settlement currency. Applicable only for use cases where the PayPal fee is charged in the settlement currency.
settlement_fee_currencycodeCurrency of settlement_fee_amt.
shippingShipping charges associated with this transaction. Format: unsigned, no currency symbol, two decimal places.
shipping_methodThe name of a shipping method from the Shipping Calculations section of the merchant's account profile. The buyer selected the named shipping method for this transaction.
taxAmount of tax charged on payment. PayPal appends the number of the item. For example, item_name1, item_name2). The taxx variable is included only if there was a specific tax amount applied to a particular shopping cart item. Because total tax may apply to other items in the cart, the sum of taxx might not total to tax.
transaction_entityAuthorization and Capture transaction entity.


The following variables contain information about an auction.

Variable NameDescription
auction_buyer_idThe customer's auction ID. Length: 64 characters.
auction_closing_dateThe auction's close date in the format HH:MM:SS Mmm DD, YYYY PDT. Length: 28 characters.
auction_multi_itemThe number of items purchased in multi-item auction payments. It enables you to count the mc_gross or payment_gross for the first IPN you receive from a multi-item auction (auction_multi_item), since each item from the auction will generate an Instant Payment Notification showing the amount for the entire auction.
for_auctionThis is an auction payment—payments made using Pay for eBay Items or Smart Logos—as well as Send Money/Money Request payments with the type eBay items or Auction Goods (non-eBay).

Mass pay

The following variables contain information about mass payments, including transaction status, transaction amounts, and fees.

Variable NameDescription
masspay_txn_id_xFor Mass Payments, a unique transaction ID generated by the PayPal system, where x is the record number of the mass pay item. Length: 19 characters.
mc_currency_xFor Mass Payments, the currency of the amount and fee, where x is the record number the mass pay item.
mc_fee_xFor Mass Payments, the transaction fee associated with the payment, where x is the record number the mass pay item.
mc_gross_xThe gross amount for the amount, where x is the record number the mass pay item.
mc_handlingxThe x is the shopping cart detail item number. The handling_cart cart-wide Website Payments variable is also included in the mc_handling variable; for this reason, the sum of mc_handlingx might not be equal to mc_handling.
payment_dateFor Mass Payments, the first IPN is the date and time when the record set is processed in the format HH:MM:SS Mmm DD, YYYY PDT. Length: 28 characters.
payment_statusCompleted: For Mass Payments, this means that all of your payments have been claimed, or after a period of 30 days, unclaimed payments have been returned to you. Denied: For Mass Payments, this means that your funds were not sent and the Mass Payment was not initiated. This may have been caused by lack of funds. Processed: Your Mass Payment has been processed and all payments have been sent.
reason_code_xThis variable is set only if status = Failed.
Reason codeDescription
1001Receiver's account is invalid
1002Sender has insufficient funds
1003User's country is not allowed
1004User funding source is ineligible
1005PENDING_RECIPIENT_NON_HOLDING_CURRENCY_PAYMENT_PREFERENCE(1005, "PENDING_RECIPIENT_NON_HOLDING_CURRENCY_PAYMENT_PREFERENCE", "This payout is pending because the recipient has set their account preferences to review credits in this currency. The recipient has been notified. Check back later for the status of this payout.")
3004Cannot pay self
3014Sender's account is locked or inactive
3015Receiver's account is locked or inactive
3016Either the sender or receiver exceeded the transaction limit
3017Spending limit exceeded
3047User is restricted
3078Negative balance
3148Receiver's address is in a non-receivable country or a PayPal zero country
3501Email address invalid; try again with a valid email ID
3535Invalid currency
3547Sender's address is located in a restricted State (e.g., California)
3558Receiver's address is located in a restricted State (e.g., California)
3769Market closed and transaction is between 2 different countries
4001Internal error
4002Internal error
8319Zero amount
8330Receiving limit exceeded
8331Duplicate mass payment
9302Transaction was declined
11711Per-transaction sending limit exceeded
14159Transaction currency cannot be received by the recipient
14550Currency compliance
14761The mass payment was declined because the secondary user sending the mass payment has not been verified
14763Regulatory review - Pending
14764Regulatory review - Blocked
14765Receiver is unregistered
14766Receiver is unconfirmed
14767Receiver is a youth account
14800POS cumulative sending limit exceeded
receiver_email_xFor Mass Payments, the primary email address of the payment recipient, where x is the record number of the mass pay item. Length: 127 characters.
status_xFor Mass Payments, the status of the payment, where x is the record number:
  • Completed: The payment has been processed, regardless of whether this was originally a unilateral payment
  • Failed: The payment failed because of an insufficient PayPal balance.
  • Returned: When an unclaimed payment remains unclaimed for more than 30 days, it is returned to the sender.
  • Reversed: PayPal has reversed the transaction.
  • Unclaimed: This is for unilateral payments that are unclaimed.
  • Pending: The payment is pending because it is being reviewed for compliance with government regulations. The review will be completed and the payment status updates within 72 hours.
  • Blocked: This payment was blocked due to a violation of government regulations.
unique_id_xFor Mass Payments, the unique ID from input, where x is the record number. This allows the merchant to cross-reference the payment. Length: 13 characters.

Recurring payments

The following variables identify the amounts and status associated with recurring transactions.

VariablesProfile created messageRecurring payment message
Basic Information
Transaction Information
Currency and Exchange
Buyer Information
Recurring Payment
Other Information

Reference Transaction and Billing Agreements

Reference Transaction and Billing Agreements information identifies items about the transaction and billing agreement set by the merchant.

Variable NameDescription
address_countryCountry of customer's address. Length: 64 characters.
address_cityCity of customer's address. Length: 40 characters.
address_country_codeISO 3166 country code associated with customer's address. Length: 2 characters.
address_nameName used with address (included when the customer provides a Gift Address). Length: 128 characters.
address_stateState of customer's address. Length: 40 characters.
address_statusWhether the customer provided a confirmed address. Possible values are confirmed and unconfirmed.
address_streetCustomer's street address. Length: 200 characters.
address_zipZip code of customer's address. Length: 20 characters.
businessEmail address or account ID of the payment recipient (that is, the merchant). Equivalent to the values of receiver_email (if payment is sent to primary account) and business set in the Website Payment HTML. Length: 127 characters.
charsetCharacter set.
customCustom value as passed by you, the merchant. These are pass-through variables that are never presented to your customer. Length: 255 characters
discountThe total discount to be applied to a shopping cart in the currency of mc_currency.
first_nameCustomer's first name. Length: 64 characters.
invoicePass-through variable you can use to identify your invoice number for the purchase. If omitted, no variable is passed back. Length: 127 characters.
item_namexItem name as passed by you, the merchant. Or, if not passed by you, as entered by your customer. If this is a shopping cart transaction, PayPal will append the number of the item. For example, item_name1, item_name2. Length: 127 characters.
item_numberxPass-through variable for you to track purchases. It will get passed back to you at the completion of the payment. If omitted, no variable will be passed back to you. If this is a shopping cart transaction, PayPal will append the number of the item. For example, item_number1, item_number2. Length: 127 characters.
last_nameAccount holder's last name.
  • For payment IPN notifications, this is the currency of the payment.
  • For non-payment subscription IPN notifications. For example,, txn_type= signup, cancel, failed, eot, or modify, this is the currency of the subscription.
  • For payment subscription IPN notifications, it is the currency of the payment. For example, txn_type = subscr_payment.
mc_feeTransaction fee associated with the payment. mc_gross minus mc_fee equals the amount deposited into the receiver_email account. Equivalent to payment_fee for USD payments. If this amount is negative, it signifies a refund or reversal, and either of those payment statuses can be for the full or partial amount of the original transaction fee.
mc_grossFull amount of the customer's payment, before transaction fee is subtracted. Equivalent to payment_gross for USD payments. If this amount is negative, it signifies a refund or reversal, and either of those payment statuses can be for the full or partial amount of the original transaction.
mc_handlingTotal handling amount associated with the transaction.
mc_shippingTotal shipping amount associated with the transaction.
memoMemo as entered by your customer in PayPal Website Payments Pro note field. Length: 255 characters.
mp_currencyThe merchants primary currency.
mp_customCustom text passed by the merchant during DoReferenceTransaction call at creation.
mp_cycle_startThe month and day the agreement was created.
mp_descThe agreement description set in SetExpressCheckout call.
mp_idThe encrypted billing agreement ID.
mp_notificationSent to the merchant when an account is locked. All billing agreements for the account are canceled.
mp_pay_typeThe accepted payment type. Possible values are INSTANT, ANY, and ECHECK.
mp_statusThe agreement status. Possible values are A for an active agreement and I for an inactive agreement (equivalent to canceled).
notify_versionMessage's version number.
num_cart_itemsIf this is a PayPal Shopping Cart transaction, number of items in cart.
payer_emailCustomer's primary email address. Use this email to provide any credits. Length: 127 characters.
payer_idUnique customer ID. Length: 13 characters.
payer_statusWhether the customer has a verified PayPal account. Possible values are verified or unverified.
payment_dateThe PayPal-generated time and date stamp in the format HH:MM:SS Mmm DD, YYYY PDT. Length: 28 characters.
payment_feeUSD transaction fee associated with the payment. payment_gross minus payment_fee equals the amount deposited into the receiver email account. Is empty for non-USD payments. If this amount is negative, it signifies a refund or reversal, and either of those payment statuses can be for the full or partial amount of the original transaction fee.
payment_typeecheck: This payment was funded with an eCheck. instant: This payment was funded with PayPal balance, credit card, or Instant Transfer.
payment_grossFull USD amount of the customer's payment, before transaction fee is subtracted. Will be empty for non-USD payments. This is a deprecated field replaced by mc_gross. If this amount is negative, it signifies a refund or reversal, and either of those payment statuses can be for the full or partial amount of the original transaction.
protection_eligibilityThe status of the seller's protection eligibility. Possible values: Eligible, Ineligible, Partially Eligible—Unauth Only, PartiallyEligible, None, Active Fraud Control—Unauth Premium Eligible.
quantityxQuantity as entered by your customer or as passed by you, the merchant. If this is a shopping cart transaction, PayPal appends the number of the item. For example, quantity1, quantity2).
receiver_emailPrimary email address of the payment recipient (that is, the merchant). If the payment is sent to a non-primary email address on your PayPal account, the receiver_email is still your primary email. Length: 127 characters.
receiver_idUnique account ID of the payment recipient. For example, the merchant). This is the same as the recipient's referral ID. Length: 13 characters.
residence_countryISO 3166 country code associated with the country of residence.
Length: 2 characters
shipping_discountThe discount amount for shipping charges in amount, not percentage.
shipping_methodThe name of a shipping method from the Shipping Calculations section of the merchant's account profile. The buyer selected the named shipping method for this transaction.
taxAmount of tax charged on payment. PayPal appends the number of the item. For example, item_name1, item_name2). The taxx variable is included only if there was a specific tax amount applied to a particular shopping cart item. Because total tax may apply to other items in the cart, the sum of taxx might not total to tax.
transaction_subjectA note or memo for the transaction. Applicable only after notify_version >=2.6.
txn_idThe merchant's original transaction identification number for the payment from the buyer, against which the case was registered.
txn_typeThe type of transaction. Possible values are merch_pmt, mp_cancel, and mp_signup.
verify_signEncrypted string used to validate the authenticity of the transaction.


Subscription information identifies the amounts and parameters associated with subscription transactions.

Variable NameDescription
amount1(Optional) Amount of payment for trial period 1 for USD payments; otherwise blank.
amount2(Optional) Amount of payment for trial period 2 for USD payments; otherwise blank.
amount3Amount of payment for regular subscription period for USD payments; otherwise blank.
mc_amount1(Optional) Amount of payment for trial period 1, regardless of currency.
mc_amount2(Optional) Amount of payment for trial period 2, regardless of currency.
mc_amount3Amount of payment for regular subscription period, regardless of currency.
password(Optional) Password generated by PayPal and given to subscriber to access the subscription (password will be encrypted). Length: 24 characters.
period1(Optional) Trial subscription interval in days, weeks, months, years (example: a 4 day interval is "period1: 4 D").
period2(Optional) Trial subscription interval in days, weeks, months, or years.
period3Regular subscription interval in days, weeks, months, or years.
reattemptIndicates whether reattempts should occur upon payment failures. 1 is yes, blank is no.
recurringIndicates whether regular rate recurs. 1 is yes, blank is no.
retry_atDate PayPal will retry a failed subscription payment.
subscr_dateStart date or cancellation date depending on whether transaction is subscr_signup or subscr_cancel. Time/Date stamp generated by PayPal in the format HH:MM:SS Mmm DD, YYYY PDT.
subscr_effectiveDate when the subscription modification will be effective (only for txn_type = subscr_modify). Time/Date stamp generated by PayPal in the format HH:MM:SS Mmm DD, YYYY PDT
subscr_idID generated by PayPal for the subscriber. Length: 19 characters.
username(Optional) Username generated by PayPal and given to subscriber to access the subscription. Length: 64 characters

Summary of subscription variables

VariableSignupCancelModifyUSD PaymentMulti-CurrencyPaymentRefundFailedEOT
Basic Information
Advanced and Custom Information

Transaction Information

Currency and Exchange information
Buyer Information
Subscription Information

Dispute resolution

The following variables identify the case ID and status of a dispute.

Variable NameDescription
buyer_additional_informationNotes the buyer entered into the Resolution Center.
case_creation_dateDate and time case was registered in the format HH:MM:SS Mmm DD, YYYY PDT.
case_idCase identification number.
  • Original Formats: PP-nnn-nnn-nnn-nnn where n is any numeric character and PP-D-xxxx where xxxx is an integer, and the D indicates a dispute.
  • New Format: PP-R-XXX-NNNNNN where R is the resolution, XXX is randomly generated letters, and N is a unique numeric sequence. Example: PP-R-BFV-90020010.
Make sure that your IPN integration can accept and process both formats. As a best practice, you are encouraged to integrate flexibly so that any future changes to IPN value parameters can be made without the need for integration change.
  • chargeback: A buyer has filed a chargeback with his credit card company, which has notified PayPal of the reason for the chargeback.
  • complaint: A buyer has logged a complaint through the PayPal Resolution Center.
  • dispute: A buyer and seller post communications to one another through the Resolution Center to try to work out issues without intervention by PayPal.
  • bankreturn: An ACH return was initiated from the buyer's bank, and the money was removed from the seller's PayPal account.
reason_codeReason for the case. Values for case_type set to complaint or dispute:
  • non_receipt: Buyer claims that he did not receive goods or service.
  • not_as_described: Buyer claims that the goods or service received differ from merchant's description of the goods or service.
  • unauthorized_claim: Buyer claims that an unauthorized payment was made for this particular transaction.
Values for case_type set to chargeback:
  • unauthorized
  • non_receipt: Buyer claims that he did not receive goods or service.
  • duplicate: Buyer claims that a possible duplicate payment was made to the merchant.
  • merchandise: Buyer claims that the received merchandise is unsatisfactory, defective, or damaged.
  • special: Some other reason. Usually, special indicates a credit card processing error for which the merchant is not responsible and for which no debit to the merchant will result. PayPal must review the documentation from the credit card company to determine the nature of the dispute and possibly contact the merchant to resolve it.
  • adjustment_reimburse: A case that has been resolved and closed requires a reimbursement.
  • billing: Buyer claims that the received merchandise is unsatisfactory, defective, or damaged.

Global shipping program message

PayPal generates an IPN message for transactions related to eBay's Global Shipping Program. These messages relate to the third party logistics (3PL) domestic fulfillment center address where merchants should ship merchandise for buyers.

fulfillment_address_countryCountry of fulfillment center address. Length: 64 characters.
fulfillment_address_cityCity of fulfillment center address. Length: 40 characters.
fulfillment_address_country_codeISO 3166 country code associated with fulfillment center address. Length: 2 characters.
fulfillment_address_nameName used with fulfillment center address. Length: 128 characters.
fulfillment_address_stateState of fulfillment center address. Length: 40 characters.
fulfillment_address_streetStreet of fulfillment center address. Length: 200 characters.
fulfillment_address_zipZip code of fulfillment center address. Length: 20 characters.

Pay message

PayPal generates an IPN message that contains information about the pay request or payment in response to the Adaptive Payments Pay and ExecutePayment API operations.

transaction_typeThe type of transaction. Value is:
  • Adaptive Payment PAY. This notification occurs when is a payment is made due to a Pay Request. The variables for the Adaptive Payment Pay notification are similar to the PaymentDetailsResponse fields.
  • Adjustment. This can be for a chargeback, reversal, or refund; check the reason_code to see which it is.
statusThe status of the payment. Value is:
  • CANCELED — The Preapproval agreement was cancelled.m
  • CREATED — The payment request was received; funds will be transferred once the payment is approved.
  • COMPLETED — The payment was successful.
  • INCOMPLETE — Some transfers succeeded and some failed for a parallel payment or, for a delayed chained payment, secondary receivers have not been paid.
  • ERROR — The payment failed and all attempted transfers failed or all completed transfers were successfully reversed.
  • REVERSALERROR — One or more transfers failed when attempting to reverse a payment.
  • PROCESSING — The payment is in progress.
  • PENDING — The payment is awaiting processing.
sender_emailSender's email address.
action_typeWhether the Pay API is used with or without the SetPaymentOptions and ExecutePayment API operations. Value is:
  • PAY — If you are not using the SetPaymentOptions and ExecutePayment API operations.
  • CREATE — If you are using the SetPaymentOptions and ExecutePayment API operations.
payment_request_dateThe date on which the payment request was initiated.
reverse_all_parallel_payments_on_errorWhether the payment request specified to reverse parallel payments if an error occurs. Value is:
  • true — Each parallel payment is reversed if an error occurs.
  • false — Only incomplete payments are reversed (default).
transaction[n].idThe transaction ID, where [n] is a number from 0 to 5. For simple, single receiver payments, this number will be 0. Numbers larger than 0 indicate the payment to a particular receiver in chained and parallel payments.
transaction[n].statusThe transaction status, where [n] is a number from 0 to 5. For simple single-receiver payments, this number will be 0. Numbers larger than 0 indicate the payment to a particular receiver in chained and parallel payments. Value is:

  • Completed.
  • Pending.
  • Refunded.
transaction[n].id_for_senderThe transaction ID for the sender, where [n] is a number from 0 to 5. For simple, single receiver payments, this number will be 0. Numbers larger than 0 indicate the payment to a particular receiver in chained and parallel payments.
transaction[n].status_for_sender_txnThe transaction status, where [n] is a number from 0 to 5. For simple single-receiver payments, this number will be 0. Numbers larger than 0 indicate the payment to a particular receiver in chained and parallel payments. Value is:
  • COMPLETED — The sender's transaction has completed.
  • PENDING — The transaction is awaiting further processing.
  • CREATED — The payment request was received; funds will be transferred once approval is received.
  • PARTIALLY_REFUNDED — Transaction was partially refunded.
  • DENIED — The transaction was rejected by the receiver.
  • PROCESSING — The transaction is in progress.
  • REVERSED — The payment was returned to the sender.
  • REFUNDED — The payment was refunded.
  • FAILED — The payment failed.
transaction[n].refund_idThe identification number for the refund.
transaction[n].refund_amountThe amount that was refunded.
transaction[n].refund_account_chargedThe email address of the debit account of the refund.
transaction[n].receiverThe receiver's email address for the transaction.
transaction[n].invoiceIdThe invoice number for this transaction.
transaction[n].amountThe payment amount of the transaction.
transaction[n].is_primary_receiverWhether there is a primary receiver for this transaction, which indicates whether the transaction is a chained payment. Value is:
  • true — There is a primary receiver (chained payment).
  • false — There is no primary receiver (simple or parallel payment).
return_urlThe URL to which the sender's browser is redirected after approving a payment on paypal.com. Use the pay key to identify the payment: `payKey=$ payKey `.
cancel_urlThe URL to which the sender's browser is redirected if the sender cancels the approval for a payment on paypal.com. Use the pay key to identify the payment: `payKey=$ payKey `.
ipn_notification_urlThe URL to which all IPN messages for this payment are sent.
pay_keyThe pay key that identifies this payment. This is a token that is assigned by the Pay API after a PayRequest message is received and can be used in other Adaptive Payments APIs as well as the cancelURL and returnURL to identify this payment. The pay key is valid for 3 hours.
memoA note associated with the payment.
fees_payerThe payer of PayPal fees. Value is:
  • SENDER — Sender pays all fees (for personal, implicit simple/parallel payments; do not use for chained or unilateral payments).
  • PRIMARYRECEIVER — Primary receiver pays all fees (chained payments only).
  • EACHRECEIVER — Each receiver pays their own fee (default, personal and unilateral payments).
  • SECONDARYONLY — Secondary receivers pay all fees (use only for chained payments with one secondary receiver).
trackingIdThe tracking ID that was specified for this payment in the PaymentDetailsRequest message.
preapproval_keyThe preapproval key returned after a PreapprovalRequest, or the preapproval key that identifies the preapproval key sent with a PayRequest.
reason_codeWhether this transaction is a chargeback, partial, or reversal. Value is:
  • Chargeback Settlement — Transaction is a chargeback.
  • Admin reversal — Transaction was reversed by PayPal administrators.
  • Refund — Transaction was partially or fully refunded.

Preapproval message

PayPal generates an IPN message that contains information about a preapproval in response to the Adaptive Payments Preapproval API operation.

transaction_typeThe type of transaction. For a preapproval, this variable returns Adaptive Payment Preapproval.
preapproval_keyThe preapproval key returned after a PreapprovalRequest.
approvedWhether the preapproval request was approved. Value is:
  • true — The preapproval was approved.
  • false — The preapproval was denied.
cancel_urlThe URL to which the sender's browser is redirected if the sender decides to cancel the preapproval as requested. Use the preapproval key to identify the payment: preapprovalKey=`$ preapprovalKey `.
current_number_of_paymentsThe current number of payments made for this preapproval.
current_total_amount_of_all_paymentsThe current total of payments made for this preapproval.
current_period_attemptsThe current number of attempts this period for this preapproval.
currency_codeThe currency code. Value is:
  • Australian Dollar — AUD.
  • Brazilian Real — BRL.
  • Canadian Dollar — CAD.
  • Czech Koruna — CZK.
  • Danish Krone — DKK.
  • Euro — EUR.
  • Hong Kong Dollar — HKD.
  • Hungarian Forint — HUF.
  • Israeli New Shekel — ILS.
  • Japanese Yen — JPY.
  • Malaysian Ringgit — MYR.
  • Mexican Peso — MXN.
  • Norwegian Krone — NOK.
  • New Zealand Dollar — NZD.
  • Philippine Peso — PHP.
  • Polish Zloty — PLN.
  • Pound Sterling — GBP.
  • Singapore Dollar — SGD.
  • Swedish Krona — SEK.
  • Swiss Franc — CHF.
  • Taiwan New Dollar — TWD.
  • Thai Baht — THB.
  • U.S. Dollar — USD.
date_of_monthThe day of the month on which a monthly payment is to be made. A number between 1 and 31 indicates the day of the month. A value of 0 indicates that the payment can be made on any day.
day_of_weekThe day of the week that a weekly payment is to be made. Value is:
starting_dateFirst date for which the preapproval is valid.
ending_dateLast date for which the preapproval is valid. Time is currently not supported.
max_total_amount_of_all_paymentsThe pre-approved maximum total amount of all payments.
max_amount_per_paymentThe pre-approved maximum amount of all payments.
max_number_of_paymentsThe maximum number of payments that is pre-approved.
payment_period The payment period. Value is:
  • DAILY.
pin_typeWhether a personal identification number (PIN) is required. Value is:
  • NOT_REQUIRED — A PIN is not required.
  • REQUIRED — A PIN is required.
sender_emailThe sender's email address.


PDT variables have the same names as IPN variables. Some variables, however, apply only to PDT.

amtAmount of the transaction.
ccCurrency code.
cmCustom message.
stTransaction status.
txTransaction ID/PDT token.

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