MarkInvoiceAsUnpaid API Operation


Last updated: Aug 15th, 7:53am

Marks an invoice as unpaid.

MarkInvoiceAsUnpaidRequest Message

Use the MarkInvoiceAsUnpaidRequest message to mark an invoice as unpaid.

RequestEnvelope Fields

Field Description
detailLevel common:DetailLevelCode (Optional) Level of detail required by the client application pertaining to a particular data component. The detail level is specified as a detail level code, which has all the enumerated values of the detail level for the component. By default, the detail level code is ReturnAll, which provides the maximum level of detail.
errorLanguage xs:string (Required) RFC 3066 language in which error messages are returned; by default it is en_US, which is the only language currently supported.

MarkInvoiceAsUnpaidRequest Fields

Field Description
invoiceID xs:string (Required) ID of the invoice to mark as unpaid.
requestEnvelope common:requestEnvelope (Required) Information common to each API operation, such as the language in which an error message is returned.

MarkInvoiceAsUnpaidResponse Message

The MarkInvoiceAsUnpaidResponse message marks an invoice as unpaid.

ResponseEnvelope Fields

Field Description
ack common:AckCode Acknowledgment code. Value is:
  • Success — The operation completed successfully.
  • Failure — The operation failed.
  • SuccessWithWarning — The operation completed successfully; however, there is a warning message.
  • FailureWithWarning — The operation failed with a warning message.
build xs:string Build number. It is used only by PayPal Merchant Technical Support.
correlationId xs:string Correlation identifier. It is a 13-character, alphanumeric string (for example, db87c705a910e) that is used only by PayPal Merchant Technical Support.
timestamp xs:datetime Date on which the response was sent, for example: 2012-04-02T22:33:35.774-07:00

MarkInvoiceAsUnpaidResponse Fields

Field Description
responseEnvelope common:ResponseEnvelope Common response information, including a timestamp and the response acknowledgment status.
invoiceID xs:string ID of the invoice marked as unpaid.
invoiceNumber xs:string Number of the invoice marked as unpaid.
invoiceURL xs:string URL location where merchants view the invoice details.

PPFault Message

The PPFaultMessage returns ErrorData and the ResponseEnvelope information to your application if an error occurs.

FaultMessage Fields

Field Description
error common:ErrorData Detailed error information.
responseEnvelope common:ResponseEnvelope Common response information, including a timestamp and the response acknowledgment status.

ErrorData Fields

Field Description
category common:ErrorCategory The location where the error occurred. Value is:
  • System — The system encountered errors; try again
  • Application — The application encountered errors; try again
  • Request — The request was incorrect
domain xs:string The domain to which this service belongs.
errorId xs:long A 6-digit number that uniquely identifies a particular error.
exceptionID This field is not used.
message xs:string A description of the error.
parameter common:ErrorParameter Represents contextual information about the error.
severity common:ErrorSeverity The severity of the error encountered. Value is:
  • Error — Processing of the request was interrupted
  • Warning — Processing of the request was completed
subdomain This field is not used.

ResponseEnvelope Fields

Field Description
ack common:AckCode Acknowledgment code. Value is:
  • Success — The operation completed successfully.
  • Failure — The operation failed.
  • SuccessWithWarning — The operation completed successfully; however, there is a warning message.
  • FailureWithWarning — The operation failed with a warning message.
build xs:string Build number. It is used only by PayPal Merchant Technical Support.
correlationId xs:string Correlation identifier. It is a 13-character, alphanumeric string (for example, db87c705a910e) that is used only by PayPal Merchant Technical Support.
timestamp xs:datetime Date on which the response was sent, for example: 2012-04-02T22:33:35.774-07:00

MarkInvoiceAsUnpaid API Errors

CodeMessageAdditional Information
520002Internal error.
520003Authentication failed. API credentials are incorrect.
520009Account is restricted.
550026Partner did not create the invoice but attempted to access or modify it; a merchant's invoice can be accessed or modified only by the partner who created it.
550027Merchant cannot access or modify an invoice they did not create; an invoice can only be accessed or modified by the party who created it.
570058Authentication failed. User account is not confirmed.
580022This error code corresponds to validation error messages that deal with errors of supplied parameters.
580047Invoice does not exist.

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