Client SDK


Migrating from v4 to v5anchor

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Supported versionsanchor

V5 of the Braintree Android SDK bumps the following supported versions:

Minimum supported Android API 23 Requires Gradle JDK 17+ Requires Kotlin 1.9.10+ Requires Android Gradle Plugin 8.1.4+ (Giraffe or higher)

Gradle dependenciesanchor

Version 4 of the SDK is not compatible with version 5 of the SDK, so all Braintree Android SDK dependencies must be updated to version 5.x in order to upgrade. No other changes in dependencies are required.

  1. Groovy
dependencies {
    implementation 'com.braintreepayments.api:paypal:5.2.0'

Braintree Clientanchor

You no longer need to instantiate a BraintreeClient in order to instantiate the payment method clients. Instead, construct the payment method clients with context and authorization parameters directly.

  1. Kotlin
val cardClient = CardClient(context, "TOKENIZATION_KEY_OR_CLIENT_TOKEN")

Data Collectoranchor

The paypal-data-collector module has been removed and replaced by the data-collector module. The DataCollector class within the data-collector module has the same collectDeviceData methods.

If you were using the data-collector library in v4, DataCollector#collectDeviceData(context,merchantId, callback) is now DataCollector#collectDeviceData(context, riskCorrelationId,callback), where riskCorrelationId is an optional client metadata ID.

  1. Kotlin
val dataCollector = DataCollector(context, authorization)
val dataCollectorRequest = DataCollectorRequest(hasUserLocationConsent)

dataCollector.collectDeviceData(context, dataCollectorRequest) { result ->
    if (result is DataCollectorResult.Success) {
        // send result.deviceData to your server


The card tokenization integration has been updated to simplify instantiation and result handling.

  1. Kotlin
val cardClient = CardClient(context, "TOKENIZATION_KEY_OR_CLIENT_TOKEN")

cardClient.tokenize(card) { cardResult ->
    when (cardResult) {
        is CardResult.Success -> { /* handle cardResult.nonce */ }
        is CardResult.Failure -> { /* handle cardResult.error */ }

American Expressanchor

The result handling of fetching American Express rewards balance has been updated so that the AmericanExpressGetRewardsBalanceCallback returns a single AmericanExpressResult object

  1. Kotlin
val americanExpressClient = AmericanExpressClient(context, "TOKENIZATION_KEY_OR_CLIENT_TOKEN")

americanExpressClient.getRewardsBalance(nonce, currencyCode) { result ->
    when(result) {
        is AmericanExpressResult.Success -> { /* handle result.rewardsBalance */ }
        is AmericanExpressResult.Failure -> { /* handle result.error */ }

Union Payanchor

The union-pay module, and all containing classes, was removed in v5. UnionPay cards can now be processed as regular cards, through the card module. You no longer need to manage card enrollment via SMS authorization.

Now, you can tokenize with just the card details:

  1. Kotlin
val cardClient = CardClient(context, "TOKENIZATION_KEY_OR_CLIENT_TOKEN")

cardClient.tokenize(unionPayCard) { cardResult ->
    when (cardResult) {
        is CardResult.Success -> { /* handle cardResult.nonce */ }
        is CardResult.Failure -> { /* handle cardResult.error */ }


The Venmo integration has been updated to allow for more flexibility with app switching and activity result handling.

VenmoLauncher has been added to handle the app switching portion of the Venmo flow for user authentication via the Venmo app. This class uses the Android Activity Result API and therefore must be instantiated in the OnCreate method of your Activity or OnCreateView of your Fragment.

BraintreeClient and VenmoClient no longer require references to Fragment or Activity and do not need to be instantiated in OnCreate.

  1. Kotlin
class MyActivity : FragmentActivity() {
    private lateinit var venmoLauncher: VenmoLauncher
    private lateinit var venmoClient: VenmoClient
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        // can initialize Venmo classes outside of onCreate if desired

        // VenmoLauncher must be initialized in onCreate 
        venmoLauncher = VenmoLauncher()
    private fun initializeVenmo() {
        venmoClient = VenmoClient(this, "TOKENIZATION_KEY_OR_CLIENT_TOKEN")
    override fun onNewIntent(intent: Intent) {
    override fun onResume() {
    private fun handleReturnToApp(intent: Intent) {
       // fetch stored VenmoPendingRequest.Success 
       fetchPendingRequestFromPersistantStore()?.let {
          when (val paymentAuthResult = venmoLauncher.handleReturnToApp(VenmoPendingRequest.Started(it), intent)) {
               is VenmoPaymentAuthResult.Success -> {
                   // clear stored VenmoPendingRequest.Success
               is VenmoPaymentAuthResult.NoResult -> {
                   // user returned to app without completing Venmo flow, handle accordingly
               is VenmoPaymentAuthResult.Failure -> {
                   // handle error case
    private fun onVenmoButtonClick() {
       venmoClient.createPaymentAuthRequest(this, venmoRequest) { paymentAuthRequest ->
           when (paymentAuthRequest) {
               is VenmoPaymentAuthRequest.ReadyToLaunch -> {
                   val pendingRequest = venmoLauncher.launch(this, paymentAuthRequest)
                   when (pendingRequest) {
                       is VenmoPendingRequest.Started -> { /* store pending request */ }
                       is VenmoPendingRequest.Failure -> { /* handle error */ }
               is VenmoPaymentAuthRequest.Failure -> { /* handle paymentAuthRequest.error */ }
    private fun completeVenmoFlow(paymentAuthResult: VenmoPaymentAuthResult.Success) {
       venmoClient.tokenize(paymentAuthResult) { result ->
           when (result) {
               is VenmoResult.Success -> { /* handle result.nonce */ }
               is VenmoResult.Failure -> { /* handle result.error */ }
               is VenmoResult.Cancel -> { /* handle user canceled */ }

Google Payanchor

The Google Pay integration has been updated to allow for more flexibility with app switching and activity result handling.

GooglePayLauncher has been added to handle the app switching portion of the Google Pay flow for payment authorization via the Google Pay payment sheet. This class uses the Android Activity Result API and therefore must be instantiated in the OnCreate method of your Activity or OnCreateView of your Fragment.

BraintreeClient and GooglePayClient no longer require references to Fragment or Activity and do not need to be instantiated in OnCreate.

The TransactionInfo object has been replaced with individual parameters on the GooglePayRequest for transaction info: currencyCode, totalPrice, and totalPriceStatus.

  1. Kotlin
class MyActivity : FragmentActivity() {
    private lateinit var googlePayLauncher: GooglePayLauncher
    private lateinit var googlePayClient: GooglePayClient
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        // can initialize the GooglePayClient outside of onCreate if desired
       // GooglePayLauncher must be initialized in onCreate 
       googlePayLauncher = GooglePayLauncher(this) { paymentAuthResult ->
            googlePayClient.tokenize(paymentAuthResult) { googlePayResult ->
               when (googlePayResult) {
                   is GooglePayResult.Failure -> { /* handle error */ }
                   is GooglePayResult.Cancel -> { /* handle cancel */ }
                   is GooglePayResult.Success -> { /* handle nonce */ }
    private fun initializeGooglePayClient() {
       googlePayClient = GooglePayClient(this, "TOKENIZATION_KEY_OR_CLIENT_TOKEN")

       googlePayClient.isReadyToPay(this) { readinessResult ->
           if (readinessResult is GooglePayReadinessResult.ReadyToPay) {
                // show Google Pay button 
    private fun onGooglePayButtonClick() {
       googlePayClient.createPaymentAuthRequest(request) { paymentAuthRequest ->
           when (paymentAuthRequest) {
            is GooglePayPaymentAuthRequest.Failure -> { /* handle error */ }
            is GooglePayPaymentAuthRequest.ReadyToLaunch -> { 


The ThreeDSecure integration has been updated to allow for more flexibility with app switching and activity result handling.

ThreeDSecureLauncher has been added to handle the app switching portion of the 3DS flow for user authentication. This class uses the Android Activity Result API and therefore must be instantiated in the OnCreate method of your Activity or onCreateView method of your Fragment.

BraintreeClient and ThreeDSecureClient no longer require references to Fragment or Activity and do not need to be instantiated in OnCreate.

3DS V1 is no longer supported, so versionRequested has been removed from ThreeDSecureRequest and ThreeDSecureV1UICustomization has been removed.

  1. Kotlin
class MyActivity : FragmentActivity() {
    private lateinit var threeDSecureLauncher: ThreeDSecureLauncher
    private lateinit var threeDSecureClient: ThreeDSecureClient
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
      // can initialize clients outside of onCreate if desired

       // ThreeDSecureLauncher must be initialized in onCreate
       threeDSecureLauncher = ThreeDSecureLauncher(this) { paymentAuthResult ->
            threeDSecureClient.tokenize(paymentAuthResult) { result ->
               when (result) {
                   is ThreeDSecureResult.Success -> { /* send result.nonce to server */}
                   is ThreeDSecureResult.Failure -> { /* handle result.error */}
                   is ThreeDSecureResult.Cancel -> { /* user canceled authentication */}
    private fun initializeThreeDSecure() {
       threeDSecureClient = ThreeDSecureClient(this, "TOKENIZATION_KEY_OR_CLIENT_TOKEN")
    fun onCardTokenization() {
       threeDSecureClient.createPaymentAuthRequest(this, threeDSecureRequest) { paymentAuthRequest -> 
             when (paymentAuthRequest) {
                is ThreeDSecurePaymentAuthRequest.ReadyToLaunch -> {
                is ThreeDSecurePaymentAuthRequest.LaunchNotRequired -> {
                    // no additional authentication challenge needed
                    // send paymentAuthRequest.nonce to server
                is ThreeDSecurePaymentAuthRequest.Failure -> { /* handle error */ }


The PayPal integration has been updated to allow for more flexibility with browser switching and result handling.

PayPalLauncher has been added to handle the browser switching portion of the PayPal flow for payment authorization via PayPal login. This class is used to handle browser switch results upon returning to your app from the web flow, therefore must be instantiated in or before the OnResume method of your Activity or Fragment.

BraintreeClient and PayPalClient no longer require references to Fragment or Activity and do not need to be instantiated in OnCreate.

The PayPal integration now requires an Android App link be configured to return to your app from the PayPal flow. See the App Link Setup Guide for more information.

  1. Kotlin
class MyActivity : FragmentActivity() {

   private lateinit var payPalLauncher: PayPalLauncher
    private lateinit var payPalClient: PayPalClient
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
       // can initialize client outside of onCreate if desired

       // PayPalLauncher must be initialized in onCreate
       payPalLauncher = PayPalLauncher()
    override fun onNewIntent(intent: Intent) {
    override fun onResume() {
    private fun handleReturnToApp(intent: Intent) {
       // fetch stored PayPalPendingRequest.Success 
       fetchPendingRequestFromPersistantStore()?.let {
          when (val paymentAuthResult = payPalLauncher.handleReturnToApp(PayPalPendingRequest.Started(it), intent)) {
               is PayPalPaymentAuthResult.Success -> {
                   // clear stored PayPalPendingRequest.Success
               is PayPalPaymentAuthResult.NoResult -> {
                   // user returned to app without completing PayPal flow, handle accordingly
               is PayPalPaymentAuthResult.Failure ->  {
                   // handle error case
    private fun initializePayPal() {
       payPalClient = PayPalClient(
            Uri.parse("") // Merchant App Link
    fun onPayPalButtonClick() {
       payPalClient.createPaymentAuthRequest(this, request) { paymentAuthRequest ->
           when (paymentAuthRequest) {
               is PayPalPaymentAuthRequest.ReadyToLaunch -> {
                   val pendingRequest = payPalLauncher.launch(this, paymentAuthRequest)
                   when (pendingRequest) {
                       is PayPalPendingRequest.Started -> { /* store pending request */ }
                       is PayPalPendingRequest.Failure -> { /* handle error */ }
               is PayPalPaymentAuthRequest.Failure -> { /* handle paymentAuthRequest.error */ }
    private fun completePayPalFlow(paymentAuthResult: PayPalPaymentAuthResult.Success) {
       payPalClient.tokenize(paymentAuthResult) { result ->
           when (result) {
               is PayPalResult.Success -> { /* handle result.nonce */ }
               is PayPalResult.Failure -> { /* handle result.error */ }
               is PayPalResult.Cancel -> { /* handle user canceled */ }

Local Paymentanchor

The Local Payment integration has been updated to allow for more flexibility with browser switching and result handling.

LocalPaymentLauncher has been added to handle the browser switching portion of the local payment flow for payment authorization via bank login. This class is used to handle browser switch results upon returning to your app from the web flow, therefore must be instantiated in or before the OnResume method of your Activity or Fragment.

BraintreeClient and LocalPaymentClient no longer require references to Fragment or Activity and do not need to be instantiated in OnCreate.

  1. Kotlin
class MyActivity : FragmentActivity() {

    private lateinit var localPaymentLauncher: LocalPaymentLauncher
    private lateinit var localPaymentClient: LocalPaymentClient

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
       // can initialize clients outside of onCreate if desired

       // LocalPaymentLauncher must be initialized in onCreate
       localPaymentLauncher = LocalPaymentLauncher()

    override fun onNewIntent(intent: Intent) {
    override fun onResume() {
    private fun handleReturnToApp(intent: Intent) {
       // fetch stored LocalPaymentPendingRequest.Success 
       fetchPendingRequestFromPersistantStore()?.let {
          when (val paymentAuthResult = localPaymentLauncher.handleReturnToApp(LocalPaymentPendingRequest.Started(it), intent)) {
               is LocalPaymentAuthResult.Success -> {
                   // clear stored LocalPaymentPendingRequest.Success
               is LocalPaymentAuthResult.NoResult -> {
                   // user returned to app without completing Local Payment flow, handle accordingly
               is LocalPaymentAuthResult.Failure -> {
                   // handle error case

    private fun initializeLocalPayment() {
       localPaymentClient = LocalPaymentClient(this, "TOKENIZATION_KEY_OR_CLIENT_TOKEN")

    private fun onPaymentButtonClick() {
       localPaymentClient.createPaymentAuthRequest(request) { paymentAuthRequest ->
           when (paymentAuthRequest) {
               is LocalPaymentAuthRequest.ReadyToLaunch -> {
                   localPaymentLauncher.launch(this, paymentAuthRequest)
               is LocalPaymentAuthRequest.Failure -> { /* handle paymentAuthRequest.error */ }
    private fun completeLocalPaymentFlow(paymentAuthResult: LocalPaymentAuthResult.Success) {
       localPaymentClient.tokenize(this, paymentAuthResult) { result ->
            when (result) {
                is LocalPaymentResult.Success -> { /* handle result.nonce */ }
                is LocalPaymentResult.Failure -> { /* handle result.error */ }
                is LocalPaymentResult.Cancel -> { /* handle user canceled */ }

SEPA Direct Debitanchor

The SEPA Direct Debit integration has been updated to allow for more flexibility with browser switching and result handling.

SEPADirectDebitLauncher has been added to handle the browser switching portion of the SEPA flow for payment authorization via bank mandate. This class is used to handle browser switch results upon returning to your app from the web flow, therefore must be instantiated in or before the OnResume method of your Activity or Fragment.

BraintreeClient and SEPADirectDebitClient no longer require references to Fragment or Activity and do not need to be instantiated in OnCreate.

  1. Kotlin
class MyActivity : FragmentActivity() {

    private lateinit var sepaDirectDebitLauncher: SEPADirectDebitLauncher
    private lateinit var sepaDirectDebitClient: SEPADirectDebitClient

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
       // can initialize clients outside of onCreate if desired

       // SEPADirectDebitLauncher must be initialized in onCreate
       sepaDirectDebitLauncher = SEPADirectDebitLauncher() 

    override fun onNewIntent(intent: Intent) {

    override fun onResume() {
    private fun handleReturnToApp(intent: Intent) {
       // fetch stored SEPADirectDebitPendingRequest.Success 
       fetchPendingRequestFromPersistantStore()?.let {
          when (val paymentAuthResult = sepaDirectDebitLauncher.handleReturnToApp(SEPADirectDebitPendingRequest.Started(it), intent)) {
               is SEPADirectDebitPaymentAuthResult.Success -> {
                   // clear stored SEPADirectDebitPendingRequest.Success
               is SEPADirectDebitPaymentAuthResult.NoResult -> {
                   // user returned to app without completing flow, handle accordingly
               is SEPADirectDebitPaymentAuthResult.Failure -> {
                   // handle error case

    private fun initializeSEPA() {
       sepaDirectDebitClient = SEPADirectDebitClient(this, "TOKENIZATION_KEY_OR_CLIENT_TOKEN")

    private fun onPaymentButtonClick() {
       sepaDirectDebitClient.createPaymentAuthRequest(request) { paymentAuthRequest ->
           when (paymentAuthRequest) {
               is SEPADirectDebitPaymentAuthRequest.Failure -> { 
                   // handle paymentAuthRequest.error
               is SEPADirectDebitPaymentAuthRequest.LaunchNotRequired -> {      
                   // web-flow mandate not required, handle paymentAuthRequest.nonce
               is SEPADirectDebitPaymentAuthRequest.ReadyToLaunch -> {
                    // web-flow mandate required
                   val pendingRequest = sepaDirectDebitLauncher.launch(this, paymentAuthRequest)
                   when (pendingRequest) {
                       is SEPADirectDebitPendingRequest.Started -> { /* store pending request */ }
                       is SEPADirectDebitPendingRequest.Failure -> { /* handle error */ }
    private fun completeSEPAFlow(paymentAuthResult: SEPADirectDebitPaymentAuthResult.Success) {
       sepaDirectDebitClient.tokenize(paymentAuthResult) { result -> 
            when (result) {
               is SEPADirectDebitResult.Success -> { /* handle result.nonce */ }
               is SEPADirectDebitResult.Failure -> { /* handle result.error */ }
               is SEPADirectDebitResult.Cancel -> { /* handle user canceled */ }

Visa Checkoutanchor

Visa checkout is not yet available for v5.

Samsung Payanchor

The Samsung Pay integration is no longer supported. Please remove it from your app.

PayPal Native Checkoutanchor

The PayPal Native Checkout integration is no longer supported. Please remove it from your app and use the PayPal (web) integration.

Chrome Custom Tab Picture-in-Pictureanchor

Google has added a Picture-in-Picture feature to Chrome Custom Tabs. Users are now able to minimize the checkout flow at any point while the Chrome Custom Tab is active.

When the Chrome Custom Tab is minimized and your app is resumed, calling handleReturnToApp() on the launcher class will return NoResult instead of Success or Failure. At this point you can prompt the user to return to the Chrome Custom Tab and complete the checkout flow.

PayPal Example:

  1. Kotlin
override fun onResume() {

    getPendingRequest()?.let { pendingRequest ->
        when (val paymentAuthResult = payPalLauncher.handleReturnToApp(pendingRequest, intent)) {
            is PayPalPaymentAuthResult.NoResult -> {
                // Prompt user to return to the Chrome Custom Tab to complete the checkout flow