
Server-side Transactionanchor

Step 1: Generate client tokenanchor

To get started, generate a client token. If you use Braintree's GraphQL API on your server, refer to the GraphQL Documentation.

Using Braintree SDK


Your integration may be impacted by upcoming certificate changes. Visit our best practices guide to learn more.

  1. Ruby
require 'braintree'
  @braintree_gateway ||=
    environment: :sandbox,
    merchant_id: ENV['BRAINTREE_MERCHANT_ID'],
    public_key: ENV['BRAINTREE_PUBLIC_KEY'],
    private_key: ENV['BRAINTREE_PRIVATE_KEY']
  client_token = braintree_gateway.client_token.generate

Using Braintree GraphQL

  1. Graphql
mutation ($input: CreateClientTokenInput) {
  createClientToken(input: $input) {
  1. Graphql
  "input": {
    "clientToken": {
      "domains": [
  • After the client token is generated, you can pass it into the client SDK.

  • Send a domain name in the client token generate call: When generating a client token, you need to send a domain name where Fastlane will be displayed to customers to protect against cross-site scripting attacks.

  • Provide the root domain name: You must provide the base or root domain name, such as "Example Domain".

  • If you specify subdomains, wildcards, or protocols, the system will generate an error.

  • Restrictions on Domain Names:

    • No Subdomains: Do not specify subdomains (for example, "").
    • No Wildcards: Do not use wildcard characters (for example, "*").
    • No Protocols: Do not include HTTP or HTTPS protocols in the domain name (for example,"Example Domain")
  • Error Handling: If you specify subdomains, wildcards, or protocols, the system will generate an error.

Step 2: Create server-side API request to complete transactionanchor

On your server, you need to create a transaction using the paymentToken generated on your client and either the Braintree GraphQL API or one of the server-side SDKs.

Required Fields

When creating the transaction request server-side, the following fields are required:

Field name Description Link
shipping Shipping information is required to be passed only if you are collecting it on your end. If not, no need to pass. The shipping object contains fields related to the payer’s shipping address. Link
payment_method_nonce A single-use reference to payment information provided by the payer on the client. Link

Along with the required fields, here is a table of fields which we strongly recommend passing in the server-side transaction API request.

Recommended fields for server-side API request:

Field name Description Link to documentation
device_data An identifier that helps prevent fraud and ensures the highest authorization rates. Link
billing The billing object contains fields related to the payer’s billing information. Link
customer.firstName The payer’s first name. Link
customer.lastName The payer’s last name. Link The payer’s email address. Link
  1. ruby
require 'braintree'

def get_braintree_gateway
  @braintree_gateway ||=
    environment: :sandbox,
    merchant_id: ENV['BRAINTREE_MERCHANT_ID'],
    public_key: ENV['BRAINTREE_PUBLIC_KEY'],
    private_key: ENV['BRAINTREE_PRIVATE_KEY']

def do_POST(request, response)
  data = JSON.parse(request.body)

  email = data['email']
  name = data['name']
  shipping_address = data['shippingAddress']
  payment_token = data['paymentToken']
  device_data = data['deviceData']

  result =
    amount: '10.00',
    payment_method_nonce: payment_token['id'],
    device_data: device_data,
    options: {
      submit_for_settlement: true

  response.status = 201
  response.content_type = 'application/json'
  response.body = {
    result: {
      success: result.success?,
      transaction: { id: }

Using Braintree GraphQL

  1. Graphql
mutation ($input: ChargeCreditCardInput!) {
  chargeCreditCard(input: $input) {
    transaction {
  1. Graphql
mutation ($input: ChargeCreditCardInput!) {
  chargeCreditCard(input: $input) {
    transaction {

Next step: Test your integration