
Style Options and Guidelinesanchor

To provide a consistent experience to Fastlane payers, the following constraints have been enforced on the styling:

Payment Component UI

Value Description Default Minimum Maximum Guidance and Thresholds
root.backgroundColor the background color of the components. #ffffff N/A N/A May be any valid CSS color. Transparency is not supported.
root.errorColor The color of errors in the components. #D9360B N/A N/A May be any valid CSS color. Transparency is not supported.
root.fontFamily The font family used throughout the UI. PayPal-Open N/A N/A Must be one of the following: Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, Trebuchet MS, Times New Roman, Georgia, Garamond, Courier New, or Brush Script MT.
root.fontSizeBase The base font size. Increasing this value will change the text size of all text within the UI components. 16px 13px 24px
root.textColorBase The text color used across all text outside of inputs. #010B0D N/A N/A May be any valid CSS color. Transparency is not supported.
root.padding The padding between content and borders. 4px 0px 10px May be any value between 0px and 10px.
root.primaryColor This value sets the default for the checkbox for billing address, and the link for the “change”, the toggle primary color, and the legal links for privacy and terms. #0057FF N/A N/A May be any valid CSS color. Transparency is not supported.
input.backgroundColor the background color of the inputs within the components. #ffffff N/A N/A May be any valid CSS color. Transparency is not supported.
input.borderRadius The border radius used for the email field. 0.25em 0px 32px Any value between 0px and 32px.
input.borderColor The border color of the email field. #DADDDD N/A N/A May be any valid CSS color. Transparency is not supported.
input.focusBorderColor The border color of the email field when focused. #0057FF N/A N/A May be any valid CSS color. Transparency is not supported.
input.borderWidth The width of the input borders. 1px 1px 5px Any value between 1px and 5px.
input.textColorBase The text color used for text within input fields. #010B0D N/A N/A May be any valid CSS color. Transparency is not supported.

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Amex Amex
Diners Club Diners Club
Discover Discover
Mastercard Mastercard
Union Pay Union Pay