

Last updated: Oct 30th, 12:38pm

Report File Naming Convention

The report file naming convention for a report generated for an individual partner account is as follows:


Field Length Information Example
Encrypted Subscription ID 7 Subscription ID within PayPal ADSF13S
Node Identifier 45 For PayPal accounts, this corresponds to the partner's encrypted account number (PayerID)
For Fee reports which are generated at ORG level this would correspond to Organization name
Sub Family 20 Sub family of Report

BTR for Balance Transactional Report

DTR for Disbursement Report

FTR for Fee Transactional Report

Template Name 50 Managed or user-given template name



Date Cadence 4-29

For daily report :

Report date in YYYYMMDD (ISO-8601) format in the merchant's time zone

For a Custom Date Range :


Both date and time are in YYYYMMddHHmmss (ISO-8601 without separators) in the partner's time zone.

Length 29 is including the delimiter for {startDateTime}-{endDateTime}

  1. Daily reports example for June 1st 2022: 20220601
  2. Monthly report example for June 2022: 202206
  3. For a custom date range :

For example, August 1st to August 31st 2022 is shown as:


File Number 3 Current file number or sequence from 1 to 999 None
Total File 3 Total number of files in this report from 1 to 999 None
Window 2

Optional. 2-digit offset from the Coordinated Universal Time on which the report is generated. This is useful when generating multiple reports for the same entity, like MAM.

Gen DateTime 14 Unique generation ID. Generated in YYYYMMddHHmmss format. None
Extension 3 Filename extension None
Delimiters 9 '-', '.' None
Total length 185 Length to be limited to 200 None
format None One of the following:
  • CSV: a comma-separated value file

Sample report file names:

  • Balance Report : 0000ZIZ-YWSCZZCDSYKGA-BTR-BALANCE_TRANSACTIONAL_REPORT-20220601-1-1-20220602000000.CSV
  • Disbursements report : 0000ZIZ-YWSCZZCDSYKGA-DTR-DISBURSEMENTS_REPORT-20230625-1-1-20230625000000.CSV
  • Fee Report : 0000-SHOPIFY-FR-FTR-FEE_TRANSACTIONAL_REPORT-20220601-1-1-20220602000000.CSV.

Record types and subtypes for Partner fee revenue reports

Record Type Record Subtypes Description
Sale Payment received from a buyer for sale of goods or services.
Refund Payment sent to a buyer when you refund them the money they paid you for a sale.
Dispute Money movement resulting from a dispute filed by your buyer or you.
Reversal Payment reversals due to disputes and risks checks.
Partner fees Revenue coming through Partner Fee charged per transaction. Fees charged by a partner for processing a transaction.
Currency conversion Balance conversion from / Balance conversion to / Conversion from / Conversion to Accounting transaction generated to capture currency conversion details and costs.
Funds transfer Sent/Received Applicable if Partner uses Transfer api to payout to their merchants or to receive from their merchants
Funds transfer Transfer refund Reversal of a Funds transfer transaction
Withdraw money Withdrawal of money from your balance to a bank or non-banking institution account by you or auto-generated business events.
Failed disbursement Bank reversal Failure of an automated transaction that was initiated by PayPal to disburse the money from your balance to your linked bank account.
Adjustment Debits or credits made by PayPal in order to make adjustments in your account.
Fees Withdrawal fees Fees charged on withdrawals from PayPal balance under special circumstances.
Fees Payout fees Fees charged on mass-payouts.
Fees Bank return fees If partner takes liability to pay the fees for bank returns. May not be applicable for Partner fee but would apply for Loss account etc.

Note: All these Record types and subtypes are being provided considering the use cases wrt Partner Fee account and revenue for same and costs. If there are going to be any new transactions planned in future this list would have to be enhanced accordingly.

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