Test in sandbox


Last updated: Nov 22nd, 9:59am

You can observe what happens when Multiple Account Management (MAM) accounts have limitations. To explore these scenarios, use simulation keywords as shown in the following examples.

Use case: Resolved limitations

In this use case, the account has limitations, and the merchant has to provide additional information to complete transactions.

Complete the following steps to remove the limitations and make the account fully functional:

  1. Create an account.
  2. Initiate a transaction.
  3. Confirm the transaction status.
  4. Analyze the limitation details.
  5. Upload the required documents.
  6. Verify the account status change.
  7. Confirm that the account is fully functional.
  8. Ensure the transaction is complete.

1. Create an account

Create an account with complete and accurate information that passes electronic verification.

  1. Request
  2. Response
2 "external_id": "EXT-{{$timestamp}}",
3 "legal_country_code": "US",
4 "organization": "{{organization}}",
5 "user_id": "{{currentTime}}",
6 "primary_currency_code": "USD",
7 "individual_owners": [
8 {
9 "names": [
10 {
11 "type": "LEGAL",
12 "given_name": "LMTNHaruma",
13 "surname": "LMTNGama"
14 }
15 ],
16 "primary_residence": {
17 "address_line_1": "1234 Lane1 Drive",
18 "admin_area_2": "100",
19 "postal_code": "95014",
20 "country_code": "US"
21 },
22 "citizenship": "US",
23 "birth_details": {
24 "date_of_birth": "1995-05-30"
25 },
26 "identification_documents": [
27 {
29 "identification_number": "050-64-9837",
30 "issuing_country_code": "US"
31 }
32 ],
33 "phone_numbers": [
34 {
35 "country_code": "030",
36 "national_number": "6151175",
37 "extension_number": "1",
38 "type": "MOBILE"
39 }
40 ],
41 "emails": [
42 {
43 "email": "add_email2@provider.com"
44 }
45 ]
46 }
47 ],
48 "business_entity": {
49 "merchant_category_code": 5933,
50 "type": "INDIVIDUAL",
51 "names": [
52 {
53 "type": "LEGAL",
54 "business_name": "Demo"
55 }
56 ],
57 "phone_numbers": [
58 {
59 "country_code": "{{phone_country_code}}",
60 "national_number": "{{phone_number}}",
61 "extension_number": "{{phone_country_code}}",
62 "type": "BUSINESS"
63 }
64 ],
65 "addresses": [
66 {
67 "address_line_1": "Campus 611 - 1876",
68 "address_line_2": "West Seattle",
69 "admin_area_2": "Seattle",
70 "admin_area_1": "WA",
71 "postal_code": "98109",
72 "country_code": "US",
73 "type": "BUSINESS"
74 }
75 ],
76 "emails": [
77 {
78 "email": "add_email2@provider.com"
79 }
80 ],
81 "website_info": {
82 "website_exists": true,
83 "website_url": "www.test.com"
84 }
85 },
86 "agreements": [
87 {
88 "type": "TERMS_ACCEPTED",
89 "accepted_time": "2019-06-02T01:23:45Z"
90 }
91 ]

2. Initiate a transaction

For this scenario, complete a transaction for $71.22, using the following steps:

  • Create the order.
  • Approve the order using the approval link.

The resulting payment capture shows the transaction is in pending status.

  1. Create order request
  2. Create order response
  3. Payment capture response
2 "intent": "CAPTURE",
3 "purchase_units": [
4 {
5 "payment_group_id": "1",
6 "reference_id": "refernece_id_{{$timestamp}}",
7 "description": "Description of PU1",
8 "custom_id": "custom_id_{{$timestamp}}",
9 "soft_descriptor": "soft_1001",
10 "invoice_id": "invoice_id_{{$timestamp}}",
11 "amount": {
12 "currency_code": "{{currency}}",
13 "value":{{total}},
14 "breakdown": {
15 "item_total": {
16 "currency_code": "{{currency}}",
17 "value":{{total}}
18 },
19 "shipping": {
20 "currency_code": "{{currency}}",
21 "value": "0"
22 },
23 "handling": {
24 "currency_code": "{{currency}}",
25 "value": "0"
26 },
27 "tax_total": {
28 "currency_code": "{{currency}}",
29 "value": "0"
30 },
31 "gift_wrap": {
32 "currency_code": "{{currency}}",
33 "value": "1.00"
34 },
35 "shipping_discount": {
36 "currency_code": "{{currency}}",
37 "value": "0"
38 }
39 }
40 },
41 "items": [
42 {
43 "name": "VRLens1",
44 "description": "VRLens1",
45 "sku": "259483234816",
46 "unit_amount": {
47 "currency_code": "{{currency}}",
48 "value":{{amount1}}
49 },
50 "tax": {
51 "currency_code": "{{currency}}",
52 "value": "0"
53 },
54 "quantity": "1",
55 "category": "PHYSICAL_GOODS",
56 "postback_data": [
57 {
58 "name": "order_id",
59 "value": "test1"
60 },
61 {
62 "name": "site_id",
63 "value": "test2"
64 },
65 {
66 "name": "external_id",
67 "value": "test3"
68 }
69 ]
70 },
71 {
72 "name": "VRLens2",
73 "description": "VRLens2",
74 "sku": "259483234816",
75 "unit_amount": {
76 "currency_code": "{{currency}}",
77 "value":{{amount2}}
78 },
79 "tax": {
80 "currency_code": "{{currency}}",
81 "value": "0"
82 },
83 "quantity": "1",
84 "category": "DIGITAL_GOODS",
85 "postback_data": [
86 {
87 "name": "order_id",
88 "value": "test1"
89 },
90 {
91 "name": "site_id",
92 "value": "test2"
93 },
94 {
95 "name": "external_id",
96 "value": "test3"
97 }
98 ]
99 }
100 ],
101 "payee": {
102 "merchant_id": "{{payer_id}}",
103 "display_data": {
104 "business_email": "{{email}}",
105 "brand_name": "INC",
106 "business_phone": {
107 "country_code": "{{phone_country_code}}",
108 "national_number": "{{phone_number}}",
109 "extension_number": "{{phone_country_code}}"
110 }
111 }
112 },
113 "shipping": {
114 "address": {
115 "shipping_name": "William Woodbridge",
116 "phone": "{{phone_number}}",
117 "address_line_1": "{{address_line_1}}",
118 "address_line_2": "{{address_line_2}}",
119 "admin_area_1": "{{admin_area_1}}",
120 "admin_area_2": "{{admin_area_2}}",
121 "postal_code": "{{postal_code}}",
122 "country_code": "{{country_code}}",
123 "address_details": {}
124 },
125 "method": "USPS"
126 },
127 "payment_instruction": {
128 "disbursement_mode": "{{disbursement_mode}}"
129 }
130 }
131 ],
132 "application_context": {
133 "payment_method": {
134 "standard_entry_class_code": "WEB"
135 },
136 "brand_name": "INC",
137 "locale": "{{locale}}",
138 "landing_page": "BILLING",
139 "shipping_preference": "SET_PROVIDED_ADDRESS",
140 "user_action": "PAY_NOW",
141 "return_url": "https://www.google.com",
142 "cancel_url": "https://www.yahoo.com"
143 }

3. Confirm transaction status

View the webhook notification and confirm that the transaction is on hold.

    2 "id": "WH-6LK93443N9686384U-1HB78281R4238074D",
    3 "event_version": "1.0",
    4 "create_time": "2024-06-05T12:46:55.322Z",
    5 "resource_type": "capture",
    6 "resource_version": "2.0",
    7 "event_type": "PAYMENT.CAPTURE.PENDING",
    8 "summary": "Payment pending for $71.22 USD",
    9 "resource": {
    10 "disbursement_mode": "INSTANT",
    11 "amount": {
    12 "value": "71.22",
    13 "currency_code": "USD"
    14 },
    15 "seller_protection": {
    16 "dispute_categories": [
    19 ],
    20 "status": "ELIGIBLE"
    21 },
    22 "create_time": "2024-06-05T12:46:50Z",
    23 "custom_id": "custom_id_1717591512",
    24 "payee": {
    25 "merchant_id": "S2EPPLYD74ZES"
    26 },
    27 "supplementary_data": {
    28 "related_ids": {
    29 "order_id": "0U574022AC8586735"
    30 }
    31 },
    32 "update_time": "2024-06-05T12:46:50Z",
    33 "final_capture": true,
    34 "invoice_id": "invoice_id_1717591512",
    35 "links": [
    36 {
    37 "method": "GET",
    38 "rel": "self",
    39 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v2/payments/captures/8SE43857YJ339540E"
    40 },
    41 {
    42 "method": "POST",
    43 "rel": "refund",
    44 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v2/payments/captures/8SE43857YJ339540E/refund"
    45 },
    46 {
    47 "method": "GET",
    48 "rel": "up",
    49 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v2/checkout/orders/0U574022AC8586735"
    50 }
    51 ]
    52 },
    53 "status_details": {
    54 "reason": "PENDING_REVIEW",
    55 "status": "PENDING"
    56 },
    57 "links": [
    58 {
    59 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-6LK93443N9686384U-1HB78281R4238074D",
    60 "rel": "self",
    61 "method": "GET"
    62 },
    63 {
    64 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-6LK93443N9686384U-1HB78281R4238074D/resend",
    65 "rel": "resend",
    66 "method": "POST"
    67 }
    68 ]

    4. Analyze limitation details

    Complete a GET request GET /v3/customer/managed-accounts/ACCOUNT-ID?views=process_view'. View the limitation details in the response and use the process_view section to understand the required additional information.

      2 "account_id": "S2EPPLYD74ZES",
      3 "legal_country_code": "US",
      4 "individual_owners": [
      5 {
      6 "id": "S2EPPLYD74ZES",
      7 "names": [
      8 {
      9 "given_name": "LMTNHaruma",
      10 "surname": "LMTNGama",
      11 "id": "A699XGE9PDUFJ",
      12 "type": "LEGAL"
      13 }
      14 ],
      15 "citizenship": "US",
      16 "primary_residence": {
      17 "address_line_1": "1234 Lane1 Drive",
      18 "admin_area_2": "100",
      19 "postal_code": "95014",
      20 "country_code": "US"
      21 },
      22 "phone_numbers": [
      23 {
      24 "country_code": "030",
      25 "national_number": "6151175",
      26 "id": "SZVV2TTYCYWDU",
      27 "type": "MOBILE"
      28 }
      29 ],
      30 "birth_details": {
      31 "date_of_birth": "1995-05-30"
      32 },
      33 "identification_documents": [
      34 {
      35 "id": "M9Z5GPY8SRK8U",
      36 "identification_number": "****",
      37 "issuing_country_code": "US",
      38 "type": "SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER"
      39 }
      40 ],
      41 "emails": [
      42 {
      43 "id": "DQWN6EBZB5EHW",
      44 "email": "add_email2@provider.com"
      45 }
      46 ]
      47 }
      48 ],
      49 "business_entity": {
      50 "type": "INDIVIDUAL",
      51 "merchant_category_code": "5933",
      52 "incorporation_details": {},
      53 "names": [
      54 {
      55 "business_name": "Demo",
      56 "id": "4XKZTLKLXPBK8",
      57 "type": "LEGAL"
      58 }
      59 ],
      60 "emails": [
      61 {
      62 "id": "9LT5JRNNHPLU6",
      63 "email": "add_email2@provider.com"
      64 }
      65 ],
      66 "website_info": {
      67 "website_exists": true,
      68 "website_url": "www.test.com"
      69 },
      70 "registered_business_address": {
      71 "address_line_1": "Campus 611 - 1876",
      72 "address_line_2": "West Seattle",
      73 "admin_area_2": "Seattle",
      74 "admin_area_1": "WA",
      75 "postal_code": "98109",
      76 "country_code": "US"
      77 },
      78 "phone_numbers": [
      79 {
      80 "country_code": "1",
      81 "national_number": "4088594848",
      82 "id": "BZ6VQLF8V3BKN",
      83 "type": "BUSINESS"
      84 }
      85 ],
      86 "identification_documents": [
      87 {
      88 "id": "5ZA8M5HRLDQRQ",
      89 "identification_number": "****",
      90 "issuing_country_code": "US",
      92 }
      93 ],
      94 "declarations": [
      95 {
      97 "value": "NO"
      98 }
      99 ]
      100 },
      101 "agreements": [
      102 {
      103 "type": "TERMS_ACCEPTED",
      104 "accepted_time": "2019-06-02T01:23:45Z"
      105 }
      106 ],
      107 "balances": [
      108 {
      109 "available_balances": [
      110 {
      111 "currency_code": "USD",
      112 "value": "0.00"
      113 }
      114 ],
      115 "available": {
      116 "currency_code": "USD",
      117 "value": "0.00"
      118 },
      119 "reserved": {
      120 "currency_code": "USD",
      121 "value": "0.00"
      122 }
      123 }
      124 ],
      125 "external_id": "EXT-1717590249",
      126 "organization": "us",
      127 "user_id": "1717590246369",
      128 "primary_currency_code": "USD",
      129 "soft_descriptor": "DEMO",
      130 "capabilities": [
      131 {
      132 "name": "RECEIVE_MONEY",
      133 "status": "INACTIVE"
      134 }
      135 ],
      136 "process_view": {
      137 "processes": [
      138 {
      139 "name": "REQUEST_FOR_INFORMATION_224",
      140 "status": "NEED_MORE_DATA",
      141 "limitation_category": "REGULATORY_COMPLIANCE",
      142 "limitation_text": "We need additional information to ensure your recent activity complies with our global regulatory obligations. We may request information related to transaction details, activity, or profile information.",
      143 "capabilities": [
      144 {
      145 "name": "RECEIVE_MONEY",
      146 "status": "INACTIVE"
      147 }
      148 ],
      149 "required": {
      150 "op": "ALL_OF",
      151 "attributes": [
      152 {
      153 "op": "ONE_OF",
      154 "attributes": [
      155 "1989a",
      156 "d8654",
      157 "1a90e"
      158 ]
      159 },
      160 {
      161 "op": "ONE_OF",
      162 "attributes": [
      163 "1989a",
      164 "07e05"
      165 ]
      166 }
      167 ]
      168 }
      169 },
      170 {
      171 "name": "MANAGED_PATH_KYC_COLLECTION",
      172 "status": "COMPLETED",
      173 "capabilities": [
      174 {
      175 "name": "RECEIVE_MONEY"
      176 }
      177 ]
      178 },
      179 {
      181 "status": "COMPLETED",
      182 "capabilities": [
      183 {
      184 "name": "RECEIVE_MONEY"
      185 }
      186 ]
      187 }
      188 ],
      189 "required_documents": [
      190 {
      191 "id": "d8654",
      192 "name": "PASSPORT",
      193 "entity": "$.individual_owners[?(@['id']=='S2EPPLYD74ZES')]",
      194 "links": [
      195 {
      196 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/customer/supporting-documents/429cc4d0-f075-4577-a9f7-cd200ad6b44f/upload",
      197 "rel": "upload",
      198 "method": "POST"
      199 }
      200 ]
      201 },
      202 {
      203 "id": "07e05",
      204 "name": "UTILITIES_BILL",
      205 "entity": "$.individual_owners[?(@['id']=='S2EPPLYD74ZES')]",
      206 "links": [
      207 {
      208 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/customer/supporting-documents/951edede-25de-4836-88a0-4c45a7c45e48/upload",
      209 "rel": "upload",
      210 "method": "POST"
      211 }
      212 ]
      213 },
      214 {
      215 "id": "1a90e",
      217 "entity": "$.individual_owners[?(@['id']=='S2EPPLYD74ZES')]",
      218 "links": [
      219 {
      220 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/customer/supporting-documents/429cc4d0-f075-4577-a9f7-cd200ad6b44f/upload",
      221 "rel": "upload",
      222 "method": "POST"
      223 }
      224 ]
      225 },
      226 {
      227 "id": "1989a",
      228 "name": "DRIVERS_LICENSE",
      229 "entity": "$.individual_owners[?(@['id']=='S2EPPLYD74ZES')]",
      230 "links": [
      231 {
      232 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/customer/supporting-documents/429cc4d0-f075-4577-a9f7-cd200ad6b44f/upload",
      233 "rel": "upload",
      234 "method": "POST"
      235 },
      236 {
      237 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/customer/supporting-documents/951edede-25de-4836-88a0-4c45a7c45e48/upload",
      238 "rel": "upload",
      239 "method": "POST"
      240 }
      241 ]
      242 }
      243 ]
      244 },
      245 "links": [
      246 {
      247 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v3/customer/managed-accounts/S2EPPLYD74ZES",
      248 "rel": "self",
      249 "method": "GET"
      250 },
      251 {
      252 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v3/customer/managed-accounts/S2EPPLYD74ZES",
      253 "rel": "edit",
      254 "method": "PATCH"
      255 }
      256 ]

      5. Upload required documents

      Upload the required additional document(s). Use the keyword accept in the document's name to ensure the document is accepted.

        1curl -v -X \
        2POST https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/customer/supporting-documents \
        3-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=WebKitFormBoundarydCVmGbjc9rWllBlE" \
        4-H "Authorization: Bearer Access-Token" \
        5-F 'input={"document_info": "{"document_type":"PASSPORT"}"};type=application/json' \
        6-F 'driver_licence_front_and_back=@passportACCEPT.jpg' \

        6. Verify account status change

        Receive the webhook notification when the status of a managed account changes. Check the processes section to verify the status of various processes. Here, all processes now have a status of "COMPLETED", and the REQUEST_FOR_INFORMATION_224 process no longer shows up on the account.

          2 "id": "WH-9P8034749V1627252-1UA00823T88923542",
          3 "event_version": "1.0",
          4 "create_time": "2024-06-05T12:55:55.000Z",
          5 "resource_type": "managed-accounts",
          7 "summary": "An account status has been changed",
          8 "resource": {
          9 "processes": [
          10 {
          11 "name": "MANAGED_PATH_KYC_VERIFICATION",
          12 "status": "COMPLETED"
          13 },
          14 {
          15 "name": "MANAGED_PATH_KYC_COLLECTION",
          16 "status": "COMPLETED"
          17 }
          18 ],
          19 "account_id": "S2EPPLYD74ZES",
          20 "capabilities": [
          21 {
          22 "name": "CUSTOM_CARD_PROCESSING",
          23 "status": "ACTIVE"
          24 },
          25 {
          26 "name": "RECEIVE_MONEY",
          27 "status": "ACTIVE"
          28 },
          29 {
          30 "name": "WITHDRAW_MONEY",
          31 "status": "ACTIVE"
          32 },
          33 {
          34 "name": "APPLE_PAY",
          35 "status": "ACTIVE"
          36 },
          37 {
          38 "name": "GOOGLE_PAY",
          39 "status": "ACTIVE"
          40 }
          41 ],
          42 "application_context": {
          43 "event_context": "INFO"
          44 },
          45 "external_id": "EXT-1717590249",
          46 "links": [
          47 {
          48 "rel": "self",
          49 "href": "https://api.paypal.com/v3/customer/managed-accounts/S2EPPLYD74ZES",
          50 "method": "GET"
          51 }
          52 ]
          53 },
          54 "links": [
          55 {
          56 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-9P8034749V1627252-1UA00823T88923542",
          57 "rel": "self",
          58 "method": "GET"
          59 },
          60 {
          61 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-9P8034749V1627252-1UA00823T88923542/resend",
          62 "rel": "resend",
          63 "method": "POST"
          64 }
          65 ]

          7. Confirm account is fully functional

          Complete a GET request GET /v3/customer/managed-accounts/ACCOUNT-ID?views=process_view'. View the response to confirm that the limitation is now removed and the account is fully functional.

            2 "account_id": "S2EPPLYD74ZES",
            3 "legal_country_code": "US",
            4 "individual_owners": [
            5 {
            6 "id": "S2EPPLYD74ZES",
            7 "names": [
            8 {
            9 "given_name": "LMTNHaruma",
            10 "surname": "LMTNGama",
            11 "id": "A699XGE9PDUFJ",
            12 "type": "LEGAL"
            13 }
            14 ],
            15 "citizenship": "US",
            16 "primary_residence": {
            17 "address_line_1": "1234 Lane1 Drive",
            18 "admin_area_2": "100",
            19 "postal_code": "95014",
            20 "country_code": "US"
            21 },
            22 "phone_numbers": [
            23 {
            24 "country_code": "030",
            25 "national_number": "6151175",
            26 "id": "SZVV2TTYCYWDU",
            27 "type": "MOBILE"
            28 }
            29 ],
            30 "birth_details": {
            31 "date_of_birth": "1995-05-30"
            32 },
            33 "identification_documents": [
            34 {
            35 "id": "M9Z5GPY8SRK8U",
            36 "identification_number": "****",
            37 "issuing_country_code": "US",
            38 "type": "SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER"
            39 }
            40 ],
            41 "emails": [
            42 {
            43 "id": "DQWN6EBZB5EHW",
            44 "email": "add_email2@provider.com"
            45 }
            46 ]
            47 }
            48 ],
            49 "business_entity": {
            50 "type": "INDIVIDUAL",
            51 "merchant_category_code": "5933",
            52 "incorporation_details": {},
            53 "names": [
            54 {
            55 "business_name": "Demo",
            56 "id": "4XKZTLKLXPBK8",
            57 "type": "LEGAL"
            58 }
            59 ],
            60 "emails": [
            61 {
            62 "id": "9LT5JRNNHPLU6",
            63 "email": "add_email2@provider.com"
            64 }
            65 ],
            66 "website_info": {
            67 "website_exists": true,
            68 "website_url": "www.test.com"
            69 },
            70 "registered_business_address": {
            71 "address_line_1": "Campus 611 - 1876",
            72 "address_line_2": "West Seattle",
            73 "admin_area_2": "Seattle",
            74 "admin_area_1": "WA",
            75 "postal_code": "98109",
            76 "country_code": "US"
            77 },
            78 "phone_numbers": [
            79 {
            80 "country_code": "1",
            81 "national_number": "4088594848",
            82 "id": "BZ6VQLF8V3BKN",
            83 "type": "BUSINESS"
            84 }
            85 ],
            86 "identification_documents": [
            87 {
            88 "id": "5ZA8M5HRLDQRQ",
            89 "identification_number": "****",
            90 "issuing_country_code": "US",
            92 }
            93 ],
            94 "declarations": [
            95 {
            97 "value": "NO"
            98 }
            99 ]
            100 },
            101 "agreements": [
            102 {
            103 "type": "TERMS_ACCEPTED",
            104 "accepted_time": "2019-06-02T01:23:45Z"
            105 }
            106 ],
            107 "balances": [
            108 {
            109 "available_balances": [
            110 {
            111 "currency_code": "USD",
            112 "value": "68.24"
            113 }
            114 ],
            115 "available": {
            116 "currency_code": "USD",
            117 "value": "68.24"
            118 },
            119 "reserved": {
            120 "currency_code": "USD",
            121 "value": "0.00"
            122 }
            123 }
            124 ],
            125 "external_id": "EXT-1717590249",
            126 "organization": "us",
            127 "user_id": "1717590246369",
            128 "primary_currency_code": "USD",
            129 "soft_descriptor": "DEMO",
            130 "capabilities": [
            131 {
            132 "name": "APPLE_PAY",
            133 "status": "ACTIVE"
            134 },
            135 {
            136 "name": "GOOGLE_PAY",
            137 "status": "ACTIVE"
            138 },
            139 {
            140 "name": "CUSTOM_CARD_PROCESSING",
            141 "status": "ACTIVE"
            142 },
            143 {
            144 "name": "RECEIVE_MONEY",
            145 "status": "ACTIVE"
            146 },
            147 {
            148 "name": "WITHDRAW_MONEY",
            149 "status": "ACTIVE"
            150 }
            151 ],
            152 "process_view": {
            153 "processes": [
            154 {
            155 "name": "MANAGED_PATH_KYC_COLLECTION",
            156 "status": "COMPLETED",
            157 "capabilities": [
            158 {
            159 "name": "CUSTOM_CARD_PROCESSING"
            160 },
            161 {
            162 "name": "RECEIVE_MONEY"
            163 },
            164 {
            165 "name": "APPLE_PAY"
            166 },
            167 {
            168 "name": "WITHDRAW_MONEY"
            169 },
            170 {
            171 "name": "GOOGLE_PAY"
            172 }
            173 ]
            174 },
            175 {
            176 "name": "MANAGED_PATH_KYC_VERIFICATION",
            177 "status": "COMPLETED",
            178 "capabilities": [
            179 {
            180 "name": "APPLE_PAY"
            181 },
            182 {
            183 "name": "WITHDRAW_MONEY"
            184 },
            185 {
            186 "name": "GOOGLE_PAY"
            187 },
            188 {
            189 "name": "CUSTOM_CARD_PROCESSING"
            190 },
            191 {
            192 "name": "RECEIVE_MONEY"
            193 }
            194 ]
            195 }
            196 ]
            197 },
            198 "links": [
            199 {
            200 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v3/customer/managed-accounts/S2EPPLYD74ZES",
            201 "rel": "self",
            202 "method": "GET"
            203 },
            204 {
            205 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v3/customer/managed-accounts/S2EPPLYD74ZES",
            206 "rel": "edit",
            207 "method": "PATCH"
            208 },
            209 {
            210 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v3/customer/managed-accounts/S2EPPLYD74ZES/wallet-domains?page=1",
            211 "rel": "wallet-domains",
            212 "method": "GET"
            213 }
            214 ]

            8. Ensure transaction is complete

            Receive the webhook notification and check the transaction status field to confirm the transaction is not on hold. In this example, the status is "COMPLETED", meaning the payment capture was successful.

              2 "id": "WH-8X1481102D930151H-0EW76440CT3112059",
              3 "event_version": "1.0",
              4 "create_time": "2024-06-05T12:56:17.887Z",
              5 "resource_type": "capture",
              6 "resource_version": "2.0",
              7 "event_type": "PAYMENT.CAPTURE.COMPLETED",
              8 "summary": "A $ 71.22 USD pending capture payment was completed",
              9 "resource": {
              10 "disbursement_mode": "INSTANT",
              11 "amount": {
              12 "value": "71.22",
              13 "currency_code": "USD"
              14 },
              15 "seller_protection": {
              16 "dispute_categories": [
              17 "ITEM_NOT_RECEIVED",
              19 ],
              20 "status": "ELIGIBLE"
              21 },
              22 "create_time": "2024-06-05T12:46:50Z",
              23 "custom_id": "custom_id_1717591512",
              24 "payee": {
              25 "merchant_id": "S2EPPLYD74ZES"
              26 },
              27 "supplementary_data": {
              28 "related_ids": {
              29 "order_id": "0U574022AC8586735"
              30 }
              31 },
              32 "update_time": "2024-06-05T12:56:13Z",
              33 "final_capture": true,
              34 "seller_receivable_breakdown": {
              35 "paypal_fee": {
              36 "value": "2.98",
              37 "currency_code": "USD"
              38 },
              39 "gross_amount": {
              40 "value": "71.22",
              41 "currency_code": "USD"
              42 },
              43 "net_amount": {
              44 "value": "68.24",
              45 "currency_code": "USD"
              46 }
              47 },
              48 "invoice_id": "invoice_id_1717591512",
              49 "links": [
              50 {
              51 "method": "GET",
              52 "rel": "self",
              53 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v2/payments/captures/8SE43857YJ339540E"
              54 },
              55 {
              56 "method": "POST",
              57 "rel": "refund",
              58 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v2/payments/captures/8SE43857YJ339540E/refund"
              59 },
              60 {
              61 "method": "GET",
              62 "rel": "up",
              63 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v2/checkout/orders/0U574022AC8586735"
              64 }
              65 ],
              66 "id": "8SE43857YJ339540E",
              67 "status": "COMPLETED"
              68 },
              69 "links": [
              70 {
              71 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-8X1481102D930151H-0EW76440CT3112059",
              72 "rel": "self",
              73 "method": "GET"
              74 },
              75 {
              76 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-8X1481102D930151H-0EW76440CT3112059/resend",
              77 "rel": "resend",
              78 "method": "POST"
              79 }
              80 ]

              Use case: Unresolved limitations

              In this use case, the account has limitations, requiring the merchant to provide additional information to complete transactions. The uploaded documents are rejected and the account is permanently limited.

              To simulate this scenario, complete the following steps:

              1. Create an account
              2. Verify the account status change
              3. Analyze the limitation details
              4. Upload the required documents
              5. Verify that the account is limited

              1. Create an account

              • Create an account with complete information.
              • Use the following keywords to generate an electronic verification failure:
                • The given_name and surname must have a DECLINED prefix.
              1. Request
              2. Response
              2 "external_id": "EXT-{{$timestamp}}",
              3 "legal_country_code": "US",
              4 "organization": "{{organization}}",
              5 "user_id": "{{currentTime}}",
              6 "primary_currency_code": "USD",
              7 "individual_owners": [
              8 {
              9 "names": [
              10 {
              11 "type": "LEGAL",
              12 "given_name": "DECLINEDHaruma",
              13 "surname": "DECLINEDGama"
              14 }
              15 ],
              16 "primary_residence": {
              17 "address_line_1": "1234 Lane1 Drive",
              18 "admin_area_2": "100",
              19 "postal_code": "95014",
              20 "country_code": "US"
              21 },
              22 "citizenship": "US",
              23 "birth_details": {
              24 "date_of_birth": "1995-05-30"
              25 },
              26 "identification_documents": [
              27 {
              28 "type": "SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER",
              29 "identification_number": "050-64-9837",
              30 "issuing_country_code": "US"
              31 }
              32 ],
              33 "phone_numbers": [
              34 {
              35 "country_code": "030",
              36 "national_number": "6151175",
              37 "extension_number": "1",
              38 "type": "MOBILE"
              39 }
              40 ],
              41 "emails": [
              42 {
              43 "email": "add_email2@provider.com"
              44 }
              45 ]
              46 }
              47 ],
              48 "business_entity": {
              49 "merchant_category_code": 5933,
              50 "type": "INDIVIDUAL",
              51 "names": [
              52 {
              53 "type": "LEGAL",
              54 "business_name": "Demo"
              55 }
              56 ],
              57 "phone_numbers": [
              58 {
              59 "country_code": "{{phone_country_code}}",
              60 "national_number": "{{phone_number}}",
              61 "extension_number": "{{phone_country_code}}",
              62 "type": "BUSINESS"
              63 }
              64 ],
              65 "addresses": [
              66 {
              67 "address_line_1": "Campus 611 - 1876",
              68 "address_line_2": "West Seattle",
              69 "admin_area_2": "Seattle",
              70 "admin_area_1": "WA",
              71 "postal_code": "98109",
              72 "country_code": "US",
              73 "type": "BUSINESS"
              74 }
              75 ],
              76 "emails": [
              77 {
              78 "email": "add_email2@provider.com"
              79 }
              80 ],
              81 "website_info": {
              82 "website_exists": true,
              83 "website_url": "www.test.com"
              84 }
              85 },
              86 "agreements": [
              87 {
              88 "type": "TERMS_ACCEPTED",
              89 "accepted_time": "2019-06-02T01:23:45Z"
              90 }
              91 ]

              2. Verify account status change

              Receive the webhook notification when the status of a managed account changes. 

                2 "id": "WH-4G140600NX031150M-0L52907140191552H",
                3 "event_version": "1.0",
                4 "create_time": "2024-06-05T13:46:13.000Z",
                5 "resource_type": "managed-accounts",
                7 "summary": "An account status has been changed",
                8 "resource": {
                9 "processes": [
                10 {
                11 "name": "MANAGED_PATH_KYC_COLLECTION",
                12 "status": "COMPLETED"
                13 },
                14 {
                15 "name": "MANAGED_PATH_KYC_VERIFICATION",
                16 "status": "NEED_MORE_DATA"
                17 }
                18 ],
                19 "account_id": "TU8NQAK97BJ5J",
                20 "capabilities": [
                21 {
                22 "name": "CUSTOM_CARD_PROCESSING",
                23 "status": "ACTIVE"
                24 },
                25 {
                26 "name": "GOOGLE_PAY",
                27 "status": "ACTIVE"
                28 },
                29 {
                30 "name": "APPLE_PAY",
                31 "status": "ACTIVE"
                32 },
                33 {
                34 "name": "WITHDRAW_MONEY",
                35 "status": "ACTIVE"
                36 },
                37 {
                38 "name": "RECEIVE_MONEY",
                39 "status": "ACTIVE"
                40 }
                41 ],
                42 "application_context": {
                43 "event_context": "ACTION"
                44 },
                45 "external_id": "EXT-1717595152",
                46 "links": [
                47 {
                48 "rel": "self",
                49 "href": "https://api.paypal.com/v3/customer/managed-accounts/TU8NQAK97BJ5J",
                50 "method": "GET"
                51 }
                52 ]
                53 },
                54 "links": [
                55 {
                56 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-4G140600NX031150M-0L52907140191552H",
                57 "rel": "self",
                58 "method": "GET"
                59 },
                60 {
                61 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-4G140600NX031150M-0L52907140191552H/resend",
                62 "rel": "resend",
                63 "method": "POST"
                64 }
                65 ]

                3. Analyze limitation details

                Complete a GET request GET /v3/customer/managed-accounts/ACCOUNT-ID?views=process_view'. View the limitation details in the response and use the process_view section to understand the required additional information.

                  2 "account_id": "TU8NQAK97BJ5J",
                  3 "legal_country_code": "US",
                  4 "individual_owners": [
                  5 {
                  6 "id": "TU8NQAK97BJ5J",
                  7 "names": [
                  8 {
                  9 "given_name": "DECLINEDHaruma",
                  10 "surname": "DECLINEDGama",
                  11 "id": "ZERE8PQYY9Q3J",
                  12 "type": "LEGAL"
                  13 }
                  14 ],
                  15 "citizenship": "US",
                  16 "primary_residence": {
                  17 "address_line_1": "1234 Lane1 Drive",
                  18 "admin_area_2": "100",
                  19 "postal_code": "95014",
                  20 "country_code": "US"
                  21 },
                  22 "phone_numbers": [
                  23 {
                  24 "country_code": "030",
                  25 "national_number": "6151175",
                  26 "id": "7KQCFT747TQLQ",
                  27 "type": "MOBILE"
                  28 }
                  29 ],
                  30 "birth_details": {
                  31 "date_of_birth": "1995-05-30"
                  32 },
                  33 "identification_documents": [
                  34 {
                  35 "id": "DMSBWLLSU5BBU",
                  36 "identification_number": "****",
                  37 "issuing_country_code": "US",
                  38 "type": "SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER"
                  39 }
                  40 ],
                  41 "emails": [
                  42 {
                  43 "id": "4HHZF8Y4MG72G",
                  44 "email": "add_email2@provider.com"
                  45 }
                  46 ]
                  47 }
                  48 ],
                  49 "business_entity": {
                  50 "type": "INDIVIDUAL",
                  51 "merchant_category_code": "5933",
                  52 "incorporation_details": {},
                  53 "names": [
                  54 {
                  55 "business_name": "Demo",
                  56 "id": "RHZH8GJECKR84",
                  57 "type": "LEGAL"
                  58 }
                  59 ],
                  60 "emails": [
                  61 {
                  62 "id": "E6J67DUBMUL36",
                  63 "email": "add_email2@provider.com"
                  64 }
                  65 ],
                  66 "website_info": {
                  67 "website_exists": true,
                  68 "website_url": "www.test.com"
                  69 },
                  70 "registered_business_address": {
                  71 "address_line_1": "Campus 611 - 1876",
                  72 "address_line_2": "West Seattle",
                  73 "admin_area_2": "Seattle",
                  74 "admin_area_1": "WA",
                  75 "postal_code": "98109",
                  76 "country_code": "US"
                  77 },
                  78 "phone_numbers": [
                  79 {
                  80 "country_code": "1",
                  81 "national_number": "4088594848",
                  82 "id": "Q5JNBWZ93NVXJ",
                  83 "type": "BUSINESS"
                  84 }
                  85 ],
                  86 "identification_documents": [
                  87 {
                  88 "id": "AUBW6W48XVK6G",
                  89 "identification_number": "****",
                  90 "issuing_country_code": "US",
                  91 "type": "EMPLOYER_IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER"
                  92 }
                  93 ],
                  94 "declarations": [
                  95 {
                  96 "name": "TWENTY_FIVE_PERCENT_BENEFICIAL_OWNER",
                  97 "value": "NO"
                  98 }
                  99 ]
                  100 },
                  101 "agreements": [
                  102 {
                  103 "type": "TERMS_ACCEPTED",
                  104 "accepted_time": "2019-06-02T01:23:45Z"
                  105 }
                  106 ],
                  107 "balances": [
                  108 {
                  109 "available_balances": [
                  110 {
                  111 "currency_code": "USD",
                  112 "value": "0.00"
                  113 }
                  114 ],
                  115 "available": {
                  116 "currency_code": "USD",
                  117 "value": "0.00"
                  118 },
                  119 "reserved": {
                  120 "currency_code": "USD",
                  121 "value": "0.00"
                  122 }
                  123 }
                  124 ],
                  125 "external_id": "EXT-1717595152",
                  126 "organization": "us",
                  127 "user_id": "1717595104341",
                  128 "primary_currency_code": "USD",
                  129 "soft_descriptor": "DEMO",
                  130 "capabilities": [
                  131 {
                  132 "name": "APPLE_PAY",
                  133 "limits": [
                  134 {
                  135 "type": "AMOUNT",
                  136 "unit": "USD",
                  137 "value": "600.00",
                  138 "remaining_value": "600.00",
                  139 "implication_of_limit_breach": "START_GRACE_PERIOD"
                  140 }
                  141 ],
                  142 "status": "ACTIVE"
                  143 },
                  144 {
                  145 "name": "GOOGLE_PAY",
                  146 "limits": [
                  147 {
                  148 "type": "AMOUNT",
                  149 "unit": "USD",
                  150 "value": "600.00",
                  151 "remaining_value": "600.00",
                  152 "implication_of_limit_breach": "START_GRACE_PERIOD"
                  153 }
                  154 ],
                  155 "status": "ACTIVE"
                  156 },
                  157 {
                  158 "name": "CUSTOM_CARD_PROCESSING",
                  159 "limits": [
                  160 {
                  161 "type": "AMOUNT",
                  162 "unit": "USD",
                  163 "value": "600.00",
                  164 "remaining_value": "600.00",
                  165 "implication_of_limit_breach": "START_GRACE_PERIOD"
                  166 }
                  167 ],
                  168 "status": "ACTIVE"
                  169 },
                  170 {
                  171 "name": "RECEIVE_MONEY",
                  172 "limits": [
                  173 {
                  174 "type": "AMOUNT",
                  175 "unit": "USD",
                  176 "value": "600.00",
                  177 "remaining_value": "600.00",
                  178 "implication_of_limit_breach": "START_GRACE_PERIOD"
                  179 }
                  180 ],
                  181 "status": "ACTIVE"
                  182 },
                  183 {
                  184 "name": "WITHDRAW_MONEY",
                  185 "limits": [
                  186 {
                  187 "type": "AMOUNT",
                  188 "unit": "USD",
                  189 "value": "600.00",
                  190 "remaining_value": "600.00",
                  191 "implication_of_limit_breach": "BLOCK_CAPABILITY"
                  192 }
                  193 ],
                  194 "status": "ACTIVE"
                  195 }
                  196 ],
                  197 "process_view": {
                  198 "processes": [
                  199 {
                  200 "name": "MANAGED_PATH_KYC_COLLECTION",
                  201 "status": "COMPLETED",
                  202 "capabilities": [
                  203 {
                  204 "name": "WITHDRAW_MONEY"
                  205 },
                  206 {
                  207 "name": "APPLE_PAY"
                  208 },
                  209 {
                  210 "name": "GOOGLE_PAY"
                  211 },
                  212 {
                  213 "name": "CUSTOM_CARD_PROCESSING"
                  214 },
                  215 {
                  216 "name": "RECEIVE_MONEY"
                  217 }
                  218 ]
                  219 },
                  220 {
                  221 "name": "MANAGED_PATH_KYC_VERIFICATION",
                  222 "status": "NEED_MORE_DATA",
                  223 "capabilities": [
                  224 {
                  225 "name": "WITHDRAW_MONEY",
                  226 "limits": [
                  227 {
                  228 "type": "AMOUNT",
                  229 "unit": "USD",
                  230 "value": "600.00",
                  231 "remaining_value": "600.00",
                  232 "implication_of_limit_breach": "BLOCK_CAPABILITY"
                  233 }
                  234 ]
                  235 },
                  236 {
                  237 "name": "RECEIVE_MONEY",
                  238 "limits": [
                  239 {
                  240 "type": "AMOUNT",
                  241 "unit": "USD",
                  242 "value": "600.00",
                  243 "remaining_value": "600.00",
                  244 "implication_of_limit_breach": "START_GRACE_PERIOD"
                  245 }
                  246 ]
                  247 },
                  248 {
                  249 "name": "GOOGLE_PAY",
                  250 "limits": [
                  251 {
                  252 "type": "AMOUNT",
                  253 "unit": "USD",
                  254 "value": "600.00",
                  255 "remaining_value": "600.00",
                  256 "implication_of_limit_breach": "START_GRACE_PERIOD"
                  257 }
                  258 ]
                  259 },
                  260 {
                  261 "name": "CUSTOM_CARD_PROCESSING",
                  262 "limits": [
                  263 {
                  264 "type": "AMOUNT",
                  265 "unit": "USD",
                  266 "value": "600.00",
                  267 "remaining_value": "600.00",
                  268 "implication_of_limit_breach": "START_GRACE_PERIOD"
                  269 }
                  270 ]
                  271 },
                  272 {
                  273 "name": "APPLE_PAY",
                  274 "limits": [
                  275 {
                  276 "type": "AMOUNT",
                  277 "unit": "USD",
                  278 "value": "600.00",
                  279 "remaining_value": "600.00",
                  280 "implication_of_limit_breach": "START_GRACE_PERIOD"
                  281 }
                  282 ]
                  283 }
                  284 ],
                  285 "required": {
                  286 "op": "ALL_OF",
                  287 "attributes": [
                  288 {
                  289 "op": "ONE_OF",
                  290 "attributes": [
                  291 "c3fa7",
                  292 "186a1",
                  293 "58a2b",
                  294 "0eaed",
                  295 "c3ffa",
                  296 "ad278",
                  297 "e0feb",
                  298 "7785e"
                  299 ]
                  300 }
                  301 ]
                  302 },
                  303 "required_corrections": {
                  304 "op": "ALL_OF",
                  305 "attributes": [
                  306 {
                  307 "op": "ONE_OF",
                  308 "attributes": [
                  309 "c3fa7",
                  310 "186a1",
                  311 "58a2b",
                  312 "0eaed",
                  313 "c3ffa",
                  314 "ad278",
                  315 "e0feb",
                  316 "7785e"
                  317 ]
                  318 },
                  319 "$.individual_owners[?(@['id']=='TU8NQAK97BJ5J')].names[?(@['type']=='LEGAL')]",
                  320 "$.individual_owners[?(@['id']=='TU8NQAK97BJ5J')].birth_details.date_of_birth",
                  321 "$.individual_owners[?(@['id']=='TU8NQAK97BJ5J')].primary_residence"
                  322 ]
                  323 }
                  324 }
                  325 ],
                  326 "required_documents": [
                  327 {
                  328 "id": "c3fa7",
                  329 "name": "VISA",
                  330 "entity": "$.individual_owners[?(@['id']=='TU8NQAK97BJ5J')]",
                  331 "links": [
                  332 {
                  333 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/customer/supporting-documents/1c01149c-dfd4-415a-9514-e670468cdc7d/upload",
                  334 "rel": "upload",
                  335 "method": "POST"
                  336 }
                  337 ]
                  338 },
                  339 {
                  340 "id": "e0feb",
                  341 "name": "BORDER_CROSSING_CARD",
                  342 "entity": "$.individual_owners[?(@['id']=='TU8NQAK97BJ5J')]",
                  343 "links": [
                  344 {
                  345 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/customer/supporting-documents/1c01149c-dfd4-415a-9514-e670468cdc7d/upload",
                  346 "rel": "upload",
                  347 "method": "POST"
                  348 }
                  349 ]
                  350 },
                  351 {
                  352 "id": "58a2b",
                  353 "name": "CHILD_ID_CARD",
                  354 "entity": "$.individual_owners[?(@['id']=='TU8NQAK97BJ5J')]",
                  355 "links": [
                  356 {
                  357 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/customer/supporting-documents/1c01149c-dfd4-415a-9514-e670468cdc7d/upload",
                  358 "rel": "upload",
                  359 "method": "POST"
                  360 }
                  361 ]
                  362 },
                  363 {
                  364 "id": "c3ffa",
                  365 "name": "DRIVERS_LICENSE",
                  366 "entity": "$.individual_owners[?(@['id']=='TU8NQAK97BJ5J')]",
                  367 "links": [
                  368 {
                  369 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/customer/supporting-documents/1c01149c-dfd4-415a-9514-e670468cdc7d/upload",
                  370 "rel": "upload",
                  371 "method": "POST"
                  372 }
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                  374 },
                  375 {
                  376 "id": "0eaed",
                  377 "name": "PASSPORT_CARD",
                  378 "entity": "$.individual_owners[?(@['id']=='TU8NQAK97BJ5J')]",
                  379 "links": [
                  380 {
                  381 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/customer/supporting-documents/1c01149c-dfd4-415a-9514-e670468cdc7d/upload",
                  382 "rel": "upload",
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                  387 {
                  388 "id": "ad278",
                  389 "name": "STATE_ID_CARD",
                  390 "entity": "$.individual_owners[?(@['id']=='TU8NQAK97BJ5J')]",
                  391 "links": [
                  392 {
                  393 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/customer/supporting-documents/1c01149c-dfd4-415a-9514-e670468cdc7d/upload",
                  394 "rel": "upload",
                  395 "method": "POST"
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                  398 },
                  399 {
                  400 "id": "186a1",
                  401 "name": "PASSPORT",
                  402 "entity": "$.individual_owners[?(@['id']=='TU8NQAK97BJ5J')]",
                  403 "links": [
                  404 {
                  405 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/customer/supporting-documents/1c01149c-dfd4-415a-9514-e670468cdc7d/upload",
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                  408 }
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                  412 "id": "7785e",
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                  414 "entity": "$.individual_owners[?(@['id']=='TU8NQAK97BJ5J')]",
                  415 "links": [
                  416 {
                  417 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/customer/supporting-documents/1c01149c-dfd4-415a-9514-e670468cdc7d/upload",
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                  427 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v3/customer/managed-accounts/TU8NQAK97BJ5J",
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                  431 {
                  432 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v3/customer/managed-accounts/TU8NQAK97BJ5J",
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                  438 "rel": "wallet-domains",
                  439 "method": "GET"
                  440 }
                  441 ]

                  4. Upload required documents

                  Complete a GET request GET /v3/customer/managed-accounts/<ACCOUNT-ID>?views=process_view.

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                    33 "identification_documents": [
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                    54 {
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                    58 }
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                    162 "unit": "USD",
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                    173 },
                    174 {
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                    177 }
                    178 ],
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                    185 {
                    186 "name": "WITHDRAW_MONEY",
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                    197 {
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                    200 {
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                    233 {
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                    237 "type": "AMOUNT",
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                    242 }
                    243 ]
                    244 }
                    245 ]
                    246 },
                    247 {
                    248 "name": "MANAGED_PATH_KYC_COLLECTION",
                    249 "status": "COMPLETED",
                    250 "capabilities": [
                    251 {
                    252 "name": "APPLE_PAY"
                    253 },
                    254 {
                    255 "name": "WITHDRAW_MONEY"
                    256 },
                    257 {
                    258 "name": "GOOGLE_PAY"
                    259 },
                    260 {
                    261 "name": "RECEIVE_MONEY"
                    262 },
                    263 {
                    264 "name": "CUSTOM_CARD_PROCESSING"
                    265 }
                    266 ]
                    267 },
                    268 {
                    269 "name": "REQUEST_FOR_INFORMATION_235",
                    270 "status": "FAILED",
                    271 "limitation_category": "REGULATORY_COMPLIANCE",
                    272 "limitation_text": "Due to potential risks with this account, we can no longer do business with you.",
                    273 "capabilities": [
                    274 {
                    275 "name": "WITHDRAW_MONEY",
                    276 "status": "DENY"
                    277 },
                    278 {
                    279 "name": "RECEIVE_MONEY",
                    280 "status": "DENY"
                    281 }
                    282 ]
                    283 }
                    284 ]
                    285 },
                    286 "links": [
                    287 {
                    288 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v3/customer/managed-accounts/TU8NQAK97BJ5J",
                    289 "rel": "self",
                    290 "method": "GET"
                    291 },
                    292 {
                    293 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v3/customer/managed-accounts/TU8NQAK97BJ5J",
                    294 "rel": "edit",
                    295 "method": "PATCH"
                    296 },
                    297 {
                    298 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v3/customer/managed-accounts/TU8NQAK97BJ5J/wallet-domains?page=1",
                    299 "rel": "wallet-domains",
                    300 "method": "GET"
                    301 }
                    302 ]

                    Upload the required additional document(s). In this example, to ensure PayPal rejects it, the document's name must be reject_R65.jpg.

                      1curl -v -X \
                      2POST https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/customer/supporting-documents \
                      3-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=WebKitFormBoundarydCVmGbjc9rWllBlE" \
                      4-H "Authorization: Bearer Access-Token" \
                      5-F 'input={"document_info": "{"document_type":"PASSPORT"}"};type=application/json' \
                      6-F 'driver_licence_front_and_back=@reject_R65.jpg' \

                      5. Verify that the account is limited

                      Receive the webhook notification when the status of a managed account changes.

                      Check the processes section to verify the status of various processes. Here, MANAGED_PATH_KYC_VERIFICATION shows NEED_MORE_DATA, and certain capabilities are denied.

                        2 "id": "WH-0689145738549502W-55U212471E441351D",
                        3 "event_version": "1.0",
                        4 "create_time": "2024-06-05T13:52:47.000Z",
                        5 "resource_type": "managed-accounts",
                        6 "event_type": "CUSTOMER.MANAGED-ACCOUNT.ACCOUNT-STATUS-CHANGED",
                        7 "summary": "An account status has been changed",
                        8 "resource": {
                        9 "processes": [
                        10 {
                        11 "name": "REQUEST_FOR_INFORMATION_235",
                        12 "status": "FAILED"
                        13 },
                        14 {
                        15 "name": "MANAGED_PATH_KYC_VERIFICATION",
                        16 "status": "NEED_MORE_DATA"
                        17 },
                        18 {
                        19 "name": "MANAGED_PATH_KYC_COLLECTION",
                        20 "status": "COMPLETED"
                        21 }
                        22 ],
                        23 "account_id": "TU8NQAK97BJ5J",
                        24 "capabilities": [
                        25 {
                        26 "name": "WITHDRAW_MONEY",
                        27 "status": "DENY"
                        28 },
                        29 {
                        30 "name": "RECEIVE_MONEY",
                        31 "status": "DENY"
                        32 },
                        33 {
                        34 "name": "CUSTOM_CARD_PROCESSING",
                        35 "status": "ACTIVE"
                        36 },
                        37 {
                        38 "name": "APPLE_PAY",
                        39 "status": "ACTIVE"
                        40 },
                        41 {
                        42 "name": "GOOGLE_PAY",
                        43 "status": "ACTIVE"
                        44 }
                        45 ],
                        46 "application_context": {
                        47 "event_context": "ACTION"
                        48 },
                        49 "external_id": "EXT-1717595152",
                        50 "links": [
                        51 {
                        52 "rel": "self",
                        53 "href": "https://api.paypal.com/v3/customer/managed-accounts/TU8NQAK97BJ5J",
                        54 "method": "GET"
                        55 }
                        56 ]
                        57 },
                        58 "links": [
                        59 {
                        60 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-0689145738549502W-55U212471E441351D",
                        61 "rel": "self",
                        62 "method": "GET"
                        63 },
                        64 {
                        65 "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-0689145738549502W-55U212471E441351D/resend",
                        66 "rel": "resend",
                        67 "method": "POST"
                        68 }
                        69 ]

                        If you accept cookies, we’ll use them to improve and customize your experience and enable our partners to show you personalized PayPal ads when you visit other sites. Manage cookies and learn more