Test in sandbox


Last updated: Nov 21st, 6:23am

You can test account update errors in the sandbox. If you want to understand the response if you updated an account without adding a required data point, exclude the data point from your update calls.

The default state for updating bank accounts in the sandbox is a happy path because we cannot verify test data. To test negative scenarios, use a simulation keyword for the specific use case, as shown in the following examples.

Incorrect business information

Use case scenario: Update an account that previously completed KYC verification with incorrect merchant name or business information.

Simulation code: The business_name in the patch must be DECLINED.

    2 {
    3 "op": "replace",
    4 "path": "/business_entity/names/@id=='S7S37669QZ2BN'",
    5 "value": {
    6 "business_name": "DECLINED",
    7 "type": "LEGAL"
    8 }
    9 }

    Incorrect primary authorized user name

    Use case: Update a sole proprietor account that has already completed KYC verification with an incorrect primary authorized name.

    Simulation code

    • The given_name for the primary authorized user (individual_owners) must contain the word "DECLINED" (e.g., DECLINEDDAVID).
    • The surname for the primary authorized user (individual_owners) must be "DECLINED".
      2 {
      3 "op": "replace",
      4 "path": "/individual_owners/@id=='{{account_id}}'/names/@id=='HMWK8QBM8V5W'",
      5 "value": {
      6 "given_name": "James DECLINED",
      7 "surname": "DECLINED",
      8 "type": "LEGAL"
      9 }
      10 }

      Incorrect beneficial owner

      Use case scenario: Update a merchant account with an incorrect beneficial owner name.

      Simulation code: The given_name and surname for the beneficial owner (office_bearers or beneficial_owners) must be "DECLINED".

      1. Office bearers
      2. Beneficial owners
      2 {
      3 "op":"replace",
      4 "path":"/business_entity/office_bearers/individuals/@id=='{{ob_id}}'/names",
      5 "value": [{
      6 "type": "LEGAL",
      7 "given_name": "Another DECLINED",
      8 "surname": "DECLINED"
      9 }]
      10 }

      Incorrect beneficial owner address

      Use case scenario: Update a merchant account with incorrect beneficial owner or office bearer address.

      Simulation code: For stakeholders (office_bearers or beneficial_owners):

      • address_line_1 must be Campus 611
      • address_line_2 must be 300
      • admin_area_2 must be 300
      1. Office bearers
      2. Beneficial owners
      2 {
      3 "op": "replace",
      4 "path": "/business_entity/office_bearers/individuals/@id=='{{ob_id}}'/addresses",
      5 "value": [
      6 {
      7 "type": "HOME",
      8 "address_line_1": "Campus 611",
      9 "address_line_1": "300"
      10 "admin_area_2": "300",
      11 "postal_code": "12345",
      12 "country_code": "US"
      13 }
      14 ]
      15 }

      Incorrect business name and beneficial owner name

      Use case scenario: Update a merchant account with an incorrect business name and beneficial owner name.

      Simulation code:

      • The business_name must be "DECLINED".
      • The given_name and surname for the beneficial owner (office_bearers or beneficial_owners) must be "DECLINED".
        2 {
        3 "op": "replace",
        4 "path": "/business_entity/names/@id=='S7S37669QZ2BN'",
        5 "value": {
        6 "business_name": "DECLINED",
        7 "type": "LEGAL"
        8 }
        9 },
        10 {
        11 "op":"replace",
        12 "path":"/business_entity/beneficial_owners/individuals/@id=='{{bo_id}}'/names",
        13 "value": [{
        14 "type": "LEGAL",
        15 "given_name": "Another DECLINED",
        16 "surname": "DECLINED"
        17 }]
        18 }

        Incorrect beneficial owner address and primary authorized user information

        Use case scenario: Update a merchant account with an incorrect beneficial owner address, incorrect primary authorized user information, and missing primary authorized user information.

        Simulation code:

        • The given_name for the primary authorized user (individual_owners) must contain the word "DECLINED".
        • The given_name and surname for the beneficial owner(office_bearers or beneficial_owners) must be "DECLINED".
        • Do not include a required data point for a primary authorized user. In this example, we exclude the date of birth.
          2 {
          3 "op": "replace",
          4 "path": "/individual_owners/@id=='{{account_id}}'/names/@id=='HMWK8QBM8V5W'",
          5 "value": {
          6 "given_name": "James DECLINED",
          7 "surname": "Collins",
          8 "type": "LEGAL"
          9 }
          10 },
          11 {
          12 "op":"replace",
          13 "path":"/business_entity/beneficial_owners/individuals/@id=='{{bo_id}}'/names",
          14 "value": [{
          15 "type": "LEGAL",
          16 "given_name": "Another DECLINED",
          17 "surname": "DECLINED"
          18 }]
          19 }

          Simulate limitations in sandbox

          Use case scenario: Update a key value on the merchant account and trigger a re-verification failure. The system will apply a limitation after 30 days.

          You don't have to wait 30 days to verify the limitation. Instead, you can complete the following steps to advance all the limitation counters on a merchant account:

          • Use the PATCH API with an add operation and a single email object.
          • Use this specific format for the email address you use for the PATCH request, paypaltimetravel.x@domain.com where x represents the number of days you want to simulate. For example, if you want to simulate 30 days passing, you would set x = 30. The email should end with a valid domain.

          When processed, the PATCH request advances the counter, but the email address is not stored and does not affect the account.

          Simulation code:

          • Create a sole proprietor account using keywords that fail verification.
          • Edit the account with keywords that trigger a failed re-verification. For example, change the given name of the primary authorized user (individual_owners) to DECLINEDDAVID and the surname to DECLINED.
          • After PayPal creates the merchant account and sends webhooks about the status change, complet a GET request to confirm that a limitation is placed on the account. Now, use the PATCH API to add the email address paypaltimetravel.30@paypal.com to the account.

          Note: Do not combine the passage of time simulation with other operations in the same PATCH request. For example, you cannot add an email address and phone number in the same request.

            2 {
            3 "op": "add",
            4 "path": "/individual_owners/@id=='{id}'/emails/-",
            5 "value": {
            6 "email": "paypaltimetravel.30@paypal.com"
            7 }
            8 }

            Next steps:

            When you receive an account status updated webhook, complete a GET request to confirm that all transactions and withdrawals are blocked.

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