Error and error codes
Last updated: Oct 18th, 5:46am
During your onboarding journey, you may encounter error codes.
The following table details any errors you could encounter while creating, verifying, updating, and monitoring the accounts.
Error | Error Description |
MISSING_REQUEST_BODY | Request body is missing |
CLIENT_EXCEPTION | An internal error has occured |
ACCOUNT_CANNOT_BE_FETCHED | Unable to retrieve the specified account |
VALIDATION_ERROR | The data provided failed the required field validation |
MISSING_FIELD | A required field is missing in the request |
MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETER | A required field or parameter is missing in the request |
INVALID_FORMAT | The data format is invalid for the specified field |
INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE | The specified field value is invalid |
MALFORMED_REQUEST_ERROR | An error occurred due to malformed request syntax |
INTERNAL_SERVER_EXCEPTION | An internal error has occured |
PAYMENT_REVIEW_STATUS_ERROR | Error processing Payment review status |
INVALID_RESERVE_TYPE | Reserve type is invalid |
INVALID_ROLLING_RESERVE_PERCENT | Rolling reserve percentage is invalid |
INVALID_ROLLING_RESERVE_PERIOD | Rolling reserve period is invalid |
MISSING_ROLLING_RESERVE_PERCENT | Rolling reserve percentage is missing |
MISSING_ROLLING_RESERVE_PERIOD | Rolling reserve period is missing |
RESERVE_CONFIGURATION_NOT_FOUND | Reserve configuration for this account doesn't exist |
RESERVE_RELEASE_IN_PROGRESS | Reserve release is already in-progress |
RESERVE_ERROR_EXCEPTION | Reserve operation occurs an internal service error |
INVALID_FIXED_RESERVE_EXPIRATION_DATE | Fixed reserve expiration date exceeds 180 days |
OUT_DATE_FIXED_RESERVE_EXPIRATION_DATE | Fixed reserve expiration date cannot be less than or equal the current date |
MISSING_FIXED_RESERVE_AMOUNT | Fixed reserve amount is missing |
ZERO_FIXED_RESERVE_AMOUNT | Fixed reserve amount specified is zero |
INVALID_FIXED_RESERVE_AMOUNT | Fixed reserve has invalid currency/value for target amount field. |
INVALID_FIXED_RESERVE_CURRENCY | Fixed reserve can only be placed on primary currency of the account |
UNKNOWN_RESERVE_CONFIG_ERROR | Error processing reserve configuration |
RELEASE_PARALLEL_CALLS_ERROR | Previous release is in-progress. Please try later |
RELEASE_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS_ERROR | There is no balance on the account |
INSTRUMENT_ACCOUNT_NUMBER_MISSING | Bank account number is missing |
INSTRUMENT_CURRENCY_CODE_MISSING | Bank account currency code is missing |
INSTRUMENT_COUNTRY_CODE_MISSING | Bank account country code is missing |
INSTRUMENT_ACCOUNT_NUMBER_TYPE_MISSING | Bank account account number type is missing |
ACCOUNT_CREATION_ERROR | Account Cannot be created |
USER_ACCOUNT_CLOSED | The account has been closed, no further operation allowed |
NOT_SUPPORTED | Bank account country and PayPal account country combination not allowed |
INSTRUMENT_UNAVAILABLE | Not a bank supported by PayPal |
MULTIPLE_BANKS | Only one Bank allowed to add |
CANNOT_ADD_BANK | Bank account has already been added |
CANNOT_ADD_BANK_RISK_DENIAL | Unable to add bank |
MULTIPLE_BANKS_NOT_PERMITTED | Only one financial instrument is permitted |
MULTIPLE_PATCH_OPERATIONS_WITH_FI | Only add one Financial Instrument for this PATCH operation |
CANNOT_REMOVE_BANK | Unable to remove bank. Please try again later. |
CANNOT_REMOVE_BANK_HARD_DECLINE | Unable to remove bank. Please check bank account. |
CANNOT_REMOVE_BANK_NEGATIVE_BALANCE | Unable to remove bank due to negative account balance. |
BANK_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED | Bank operation is not currently allowed due to restriction |
FORBIDDEN_NO_API_SCOPE | User doesn't have this API in their scope |
FORBIDDEN_NO_ONBOARDING_SCOPE | Partner doesn't have the onboarding scopes |
FORBIDDEN_NO_VALID_SCOPE | User doesn't have either this API in their scope or account permissions |
FORBIDDEN_FLEXIBLE_PAYOUT_PARTNER | Partner is not enabled for flexible payout |
FAILED_ACC_CREATION_TYPE | Fail to check account creation type |
FORBIDDEN_NO_ACC_MGG_PERMISSION | Partner account does not have account management permission |
FORBIDDEN_UNSUPPORTED_ACC_CREATION_TYPE | Partner account has unsupported account creation type |
INTERNAL_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_ACC_CREATION_TYPE | Fail to check account creation type |
ADD_SECONDARY_CURRENCY_INTERNAL_ERROR | An internal error has occured |
INVALID_SECONDARY_CURRENCY_CODE | Invalid secondary currency codes |
EXISTING_EMAIL_HANDLE | Email address is already associated with an account |
EXISTING_EXTERNAL_ID | External id already associated with another account |
MISSING_EMAIL_HANDLE | Email id is required |
MISSING_EMAIL_ADDRESS | Email address is required |
CONFLICTING_COUNTRY_SETTINGS | Account type does not allow country switch |
MISSING_BUSINESS_ENTITY_NAME | Missing Business_entity Name |
MISSING_AGREEMENTS | Missing Agreements |
MISSING_BUSINESS_TYPE | Missing Business Type |
INVALID_UPDATE_PATH | The path field for this update object is invalid. |
INVALID_UPDATE_VALUE | The update value has an invalid field. |
MISSING_FIELD_UPDATE_VALUE | The update value has a missing required parameter. |
COUNTRY_CODE_DOC_TYPE_MISMATCH | The country code input provided does not match the associated document type. |
INVALID_ARRAY_VALUE_UPDATE | The array provided in the value field is invalid. |
INVALID_ARRAY_VALUE_PATCH | The array provided in the value field is invalid. |
INVALID_UPDATE_MAX_ELEMENTS_REACHED | The update would cause the array to exceed its maximum allowed size. |
INVALID_UPDATE_MIN_ELEMENTS_REACHED | The update would cause the array to fall below its minimum allowed size. |
INVALID_BUSINESS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_VALUE_PATCH | The name provided in Business Attribute is invalid. |
ACCOUNT_ID_MISMATCH | Account ID in body does not match account ID in update path |
INVALID_VIEWS_QUERY_PARAMETER | Query parameter has invalid value. |
INVALID_TYPE_PROVIDED | Invalid type provided. |
RETRIEVE_CONFIG_FAILED | Error on retrieving config value |
INVALID_ENUMERATED_VALUE | Error on enumerated value. |
AMQ_PUBLISH_FAILED | An internal error has occured |
BANK_ASSOCIATION_LIMIT_REACHED | This account has reached its association limit. Please use another bank account. |
BANK_ACCOUNT_DECLINED | The bank account provided cannot be used. A different bank account must be used. |
BANK_VALIDATION_ERROR | The bank account information provided is not valid. Please check all the details provided are accurate. |
PPH_BUNDLE_ID_NOT_FOUND | An internal error has occured when configuring PayPal Here |
BANK_BAD_INSTRUMENT | The financial instrument has been flagged as risky and cannot be accepted. |
BANK_MAXED_CONFIRMATION_TRIES | The verification of the bank failed previously. We recommend you to use another bank. |
BANK_INSTRUMENT_RESTRICTED | The bank account provided cannot be accepted. |
BANK_REMOVE_DENIED_NEGATIVE_BALANCE | The currently associated bank has unsettled balance and cannot be removed at this time. |
BANK_DOES_NOT_BELONG_TO_THE_MERCHANT | The bank account provided does not belong to merchant. |
Account linking across countries is not supported. |
USER_VALIDATION_ERROR | The account creation was not successful due to the limitation in the provided user information. Please review the provided documentation to pass the needed information to create the account. |
CLOSE_ACCOUNT_FAILED | Failed to close account |
MISSING_HYPERWALLET_API_CREDENTIALS | Hyperwallet credentials setup missing. |
INVALID_MAPPING_METADATA | An internal error has occured |
DOMAIN_ALREADY_REGISTERED | The domain is already registered. |
DOMAIN_NOT_REGISTERED | The domain is not registered. |
DOMAIN_REGISTRATION_NOT_ALLOWED | Domain registration is not allowed for this account. |
INVALID_DOMAIN_NAME | The domain name is invalid. |
INVALID_PROVIDER_TYPE | The provider type is invalid. |
DOMAIN_REGISTERED_WITH_ANOTHER_ENTITY | The domain is registered with another entity. |
RHINO_PARSING_EXCEPTION_ERROR | An internal error has occured |
AMQ_PUBLISH_ERROR | An internal error has occured |
AMQ_PUBLISH_EXCEPTION | An internal error has occured |
INVALID_BENEFICAL_OWNER_DECLARATION | Invalid Beneficial Owner Declaration |
TIMEOUT_EXCEPTION | Timeout Exception |
INSTRUMENT_ALREADY_ASSOCIATED | Instrument is already associated with another user |
INSTRUMENT_BLOCKED | Instrument is currently blocked |
INVALID_ACCOUNT_TYPE | Not a valid business type account |