Partner funds settlement


Last updated: Oct 28th, 7:20am

You can set up automatic withdrawals for your account and transfer money to your linked bank account. You can choose from daily, weekly, or monthly withdrawal schedules. The cutoff period is from midnight to midnight (24 hours). The balance from transactions completed during the previous 24-hour period is withdrawn to your linked bank account.

This fund settlement model applies to only those partners who PayPal approves for this partner settlement model, where you consolidate funds from your merchant's PayPal account into your own PayPal financial account, known as the settlement account.

The consolidated funds from your settlement account is then withdrawn to your linked bank account using the automatic withdrawal. After you receive payments in your bank account, you are responsible for managing the payouts of the money to your end merchants on your platform outside of PayPal. Contact your PayPal Account Manager for more information on getting approved and configured for this model.

Scheduled payouts support multiple currencies, enabling withdrawals to the respective bank accounts. Alternatively, you can convert your multicurrency holdings into a single primary currency for withdrawal to the primary bank account.


Only account managers can set up the settlement schedule for partner fund settlement accounts. Contact your account manager to configure the partner settlement.

Payout processing

  • Your payouts are initiated after the end-of-day cut-off for your time zone (00:00 to 23:59). The balance is calculated, and payment instructions are created and sent to your account.
  • Payouts are processed through the standard ACH rails, so the amount is deposited in your bank account within 2 to 4 days.
  • Payouts are not processed if your account has any issues, such as restrictions or an inactive or incorrect bank account.
  • Payout attempts continue until the schedule is deactivated.

Payout lifecycle

Scheduled payouts do not have a lifecycle and do not generate a payout reference ID. As a result, you cannot query the status of a payout using a GET API.


Scheduled payouts do not provide notifications. Events such as configuration changes, payout processing status, and so on are not available for these payouts.


You can reconcile the payout with pay-ins using the Payouts Reconciliation Report (PYT) and Financial Detail Report (FDR).

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