Initialize the SDK


Last updated: Feb 27th, 8:37am

Follow these steps to add the PayPal Mobile Checkout SDK to your mobile app

Know before you code

  • Complete the steps in Get started to set up your PayPal account, client ID, and sandbox emails for testing.

  • To integrate the SDK, complete the steps on this page, then navigate to Server-side integration

  • The PayPal Mobile Checkout SDK uses scopes from the Identity API.

    The sandbox app reviews are typically complete within 2 hours. The live app reviews take 2 to 10 business days.


Enable the SDK

  1. Log into your PayPal Developer Dashboard.

  2. Select your app from the My Apps & Credentials page on the Developer Dashboard.

  3. Under Sandbox App Setting, select the Log in with PayPal checkbox. Select the Log in with PayPal checkbox and the Full name and Email checkboxes found within the Advanced settings. These are the scopes of the Identity API.

  4. The SDK is enabled.

Add the SDK to your app

Add the SDK to your app using your preferred installation method:


  1. Add the following to your Podfile:

      1pod 'PayPalCheckout'
    1. Run pod install or pod update.


    1. Add the following to your Cartfile:

        1binary ""
      1. Download the binaries using the following command:

          1carthage update --platform iOS
        1. Link the .framework file from the /Carthage/Build/iOS directory into your specified target:


        Swift Package Manager

        If you're working in the context of another package, add the latest SDK version: GitHub,release as a dependency in your Package.swift file:

          1let package = Package(
          2 name: "MyPackage",
          3 dependencies: [
          4 .package(url: "", from: "x.x.x"),
          5 ],
          6 ...

          If you're adding the SDK into a standalone project, follow Apple's package integration guide, while specifying as the source Git repository. The changelog provides details on the most recent versions.


          If you prefer to install the SDK without using a package manager, retrieve the framework and xcframework binaries from the release tags in our GitHub repository.

          Configure the SDK

          Create an instance of CheckoutConfig, and pass it to the top level Checkout type of the SDK. Once that is completed, the SDK is configured and your app is ready to add payment buttons that will be displayed on your app.

          Sample code

          Configures the PayPal Mobile Checkout SDK in your app. Once that is completed, the SDK is configured and your app is ready to add payment buttons that will be displayed on your app.

          Providing applicationContext allows for customizing different properties, such as shipping preference, payment method preference, brand name, user action, and more.

          1. Swift
          2. Obj-C
          1func configurePayPalCheckout() {
          2 let config = CheckoutConfig(
          3 clientID: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
          4 createOrder: { action in
          5 let orderRequest = OrderRequest.init(
          6 intent: .capture,
          7 purchaseUnits: [
          8 PurchaseUnit(
          9 amount: PurchaseUnit.Amount(
          10 currencyCode: .usd, value: "10.00"
          11 )
          12 )
          13 ],
          14 applicationContext: OrderApplicationContext(userAction: .payNow)
          15 )
          16 action.create(order: orderRequest)
          17 }
          18 },
          19 environment: .sandbox
          20 )
          21 Checkout.set(config: config)

          Create and capture orders

          You have two options to complete your integration:

          Integration typeUse case
          Client-side integrationIf want the simplest integration, continue with the sample code below for a client-side integration. Client-side integrations don't require you to create your own backend infrastructure.
          Server-side integrationChose a server-side integration if you want more control over your integration. Server-side integrations require you to have your own backend infrastructure.

          Client-Side Integration: Sample Code

          This sample code creates an order of a single item for $10.00 USD. When the buyer selects Pay Nowon a payment sheet, the onApprove callback invokes.

          1. Swift
          2. Obj-C
          1import PayPalCheckout
          2class ViewController: UIViewController {
          3 override func viewDidLoad() {
          4 super.viewDidLoad()
          5 configurePayPalCheckout()
          6 addPayPalButtons()
          7 }
          8 // MARK: PayPal Checkout
          9 private func configurePayPalCheckout() {
          10 Checkout.setCreateOrderCallback { action in
          11 let amount = PurchaseUnit.Amount(currencyCode: .usd, value: "10.00")
          12 let purchaseUnit = PurchaseUnit(amount: amount)
          13 let order = OrderRequest(intent: .capture, purchaseUnits: [purchaseUnit])
          14 action.create(order: order)
          15 }
          16 Checkout.setOnApproveCallback { approval in
          17 print("Order ID: (")
          18 }
          19 }
          20 }
          21 private func addPayPalButtons() {
          22 let container = PaymentButtonContainer()
          23 view.addSubview(container)
          24 NSLayoutConstraint.activate(
          25 [
          26 container.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.centerYAnchor),
          27 container.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.centerXAnchor)
          28 ]
          29 )
          30 }

          Step result

          You can now test purchases.

          Test and go live

          • Use your client ID when adding the PayPal Mobile Checkout SDK to your app.
          • Use your sandbox accounts when testing the SDK.
          • The SDK may prompt buyers to log in with a one-time passcode sent by SMS to their phone number.
          • Sandbox accounts with a confirmed phone number and US as the selected country will always prompt the buyer to log in with a one-time passcode.
          • When testing the SDK with sandbox accounts, enter 111111 as the one-time passcode.


          Enable the SDK

          1. Select your app from the My Apps & Credentials page on the Developer Dashboard.
          2. Go to Features > Other features. Select the Log in with PayPal checkbox. Click on Advanced Settings. A pop-up window will open, and you'll see the Return URL field in the new window.
          • You can use an Android App Link registered within the Developer Console to handle SDK redirects.
          • Alternatively, you can use your application ID (typically referenced via BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID) and register your return URL with ://paypalpay as the suffix. For example, if your application ID is, input as the return URL.
          • The return URL in the Developer Dashboard and the SDK must match exactly.
          • The application ID and return URL must use lower case letters. The return URL is passed to the SDK via an intent filter and host name matching in the Android framework is case-sensitive
          1. Select the Full Name and Email checkboxes found within the Advanced Settings. These are scopes of the Identity API.

          2. The SDK is enabled.

          Add the SDK to your app

          Prepare your app as follows:

          1. Define the android.permission.INTERNET permission in the AndroidManifest.xml file of your application as follows:
            1<manifest xmlns:android="">
            3 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
            4 ...
            6 </manifest>
            1. Add the required repositories to the build.gradle file of your project root.

                1allprojects {
                2 repositories {
                3 mavenCentral()
                4 // This private repository is required to resolve the Cardinal SDK transitive dependency.
                5 maven {
                6 url ""
                7 credentials {
                8 // Be sure to add these non-sensitive credentials in order to retrieve dependencies from
                9 // the private repository.
                10 username paypal_sgerritz
                11 password AKCp8jQ8tAahqpT5JjZ4FRP2mW7GMoFZ674kGqHmupTesKeAY2G8NcmPKLuTxTGkKjDLRzDUQ
                12 }
                13 }
                14 }
              1. Add Java 8 compatibility to the build.gradle file of your app module.

                  1android {
                  2 ...
                  3 compileOptions {
                  4 sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
                  5 targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
                  6 }
                  8 kotlinOptions {
                  9 jvmTarget = "1.8"
                  10 }
                1. Add the most recent version of the PayPal Mobile Checkout SDK SDK,latest,version as a dependency to the build.gradle file of your app module:

                    1dependencies {
                    2 implementation('com.paypal.checkout:android-sdk:X.X.X')

                    The changelog provides details on the most recent versions.

                  Configure the SDK

                  Configure the PayPal Mobile Checkout SDK in the onCreate function of your app. Once that is completed, the SDK is configured and your app is ready to add payment buttons that will be displayed on your app.

                  This sample code includes these optional properties:

                  • currencyCode
                  • userAction
                  • settingsConfig

                  Providing currencyCode and userAction can help with funding eligibility for payment buttons. The settingsConfig provides additional properties that are useful for development builds. loggingEnabled can be set to true to enable logging from the SDK. showWebCheckout can also be set to true or false to control a buyer seeing the web or native experience.

                  1. Kotlin
                  2. Java
                  1class YourApp : Application() {
                  2 override fun onCreate() {
                  3 super.onCreate()
                  4 val config = CheckoutConfig(
                  5 application = this,
                  6 clientId = YOUR_CLIENT_ID,
                  7 environment = Environment.SANDBOX,
                  8 returnUrl = "${BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID}://paypalpay",
                  9 currencyCode = CurrencyCode.USD,
                  10 userAction = UserAction.PAY_NOW,
                  11 settingsConfig = SettingsConfig(
                  12 loggingEnabled = true,
                  13 showWebCheckout = false
                  14 )
                  15 )
                  16 PayPalCheckout.setConfig(config)
                  17 }
                  18 }

                  Add payment buttons

                  To render the payment buttons on your app, add the following code to your checkout page:

                    2 android:id="@+id/payment_button_container"
                    3 android:layout_width="match_parent"
                    4 android:layout_height="wrap_content"
                    5 app:paypal_button_color="silver"
                    6 app:paypal_button_label="pay"
                    7 app:paypal_button_shape="rectangle"
                    8 app:paypal_button_size="large"
                    9 app:paypal_button_enabled="true" />

                    Step result

                    Payment buttons display on your app.

                    Create and capture orders

                    You have two options to complete your integration:

                    Integration typeUse case
                    Client-side integrationIf want the simplest integration, continue with the sample code below for a client-side integration. Client-side integrations don't require you to create your own server infrastructure.
                    Server-side integrationChose a server-side integration if you want more control over your integration. Server-side integrations require you to have your own server infrastructure.

                    Client-Side Integration: Sample Code

                    This sample code creates an order of a single item for $10.00 USD. When the buyer selects Pay Nowon a payment sheet, the OnApprove callback invokes.

                    1. Kotlin
                    2. Java
                    1class CheckoutActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
                    2 override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
                    3 super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)
                    4 // ...
                    5 paymentButtonContainer.setup(
                    6 createOrder =
                    7 CreateOrder { createOrderActions ->
                    8 val order =
                    9 OrderRequest(
                    10 intent = OrderIntent.CAPTURE,
                    11 appContext = AppContext(userAction = UserAction.PAY_NOW),
                    12 purchaseUnitList =
                    13 listOf(
                    14 PurchaseUnit(
                    15 amount =
                    16 Amount(currencyCode = CurrencyCode.USD, value = "10.00")
                    17 )
                    18 )
                    19 )
                    20 createOrderActions.create(order)
                    21 },
                    22 onApprove =
                    23 OnApprove { approval ->
                    24 Log.i(TAG, "OrderId: ${}")
                    25 }
                    26 )
                    27 }

                    Step result

                    You can now test purchases.

                    Test and go live

                    • Use your client ID when adding the PayPal Mobile Checkout SDK to your app.
                    • Use your sandbox accounts when testing the SDK.
                    • The SDK may prompt buyers to log in with a one-time passcode sent by SMS to their phone number.
                    • Sandbox accounts with a confirmed phone number and US as the selected country will always prompt the buyer to log in with a one-time passcode.
                    • When testing the SDK with sandbox accounts, enter 111111 as the one-time passcode.

                    Next Step

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