Troubleshooting & FAQ


Last updated: Feb 27th, 8:37am

Troubleshoot and frequently asked questions related to the PayPal Mobile Checkout SDK for iOS & Android and their answers.

What is PayPal Mobile Checkout SDK?

PayPal Mobile Checkout SDK is a framework that allows you to provide a native PayPal checkout experience from within your mobile app. Your users will be able to purchase items, select shipping options, payment methods, perform one time payments and set up recurring payments, among other features. The SDK requires just a few lines of code in your app to start working.

What functionalities does the SDK support?

The SDK currently provides native support for the following functionalities:

  • One Time Payment
  • Recurring Payments
  • Adding Billing and Shipping Addresses
  • Adding Payment Methods (e.g. Bank Accounts, Credit Cards, Cryptocurrency)

What countries does the SDK support?

The SDK will provide a native experience as long as the merchant and the user are both located in the US, Canada, Europe, and the UK. For users in other countries, their checkout flow will fallback to a web experience.

What PayPal APIs does the SDK work with?

The SDK works with the following PayPal APIs:

What UI elements can be customized in the native checkout appearance?

You can tweak the payment buttons' appearance (label, color, edges, and size). For more information, check out our docs on Customizing Payment Button Container.

Why do some of my users see a web experience instead of a native one?

If a user is ineligible for the native checkout experience for any reason, they will fallback to a web experience by default. Some of the reasons why a user might be ineligible are:

  • Merchant's or buyer's country is not supported.
  • The checkout experience uses certain features that are not currently supported natively.
  • The user doesn't have any financial instruments.
  • The merchant and buyer for a transaction are both using the same account or email. This can occur while building or testing the integration. This results in a CANNOT_PAY_SELF error that will be reported in the logs.

If possible, search the application's logs for the tag nxoInstrumentationFallback. The log with that tag may provide a reason and error message.

Who can I reach out to for other questions?

If you have more questions, please reach us at PayPal Support.

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