Enable Webhook Events


Last updated: Sept 23rd, 7:50pm

The PAYMENT_NETWORKS.INSTRUMENT.LINKED-ACCOUNT-UPDATED webhook publishes with these actions:

  • An instrument is provisioned into the PayPal wallet.
  • A user in PayPal performs a lifecycle action to the linked instrument.
  • The PayPal wallet is closed.

The PAYMENT_NETWORKS.INSTRUMENT.LINKED-ACCOUNT-UPDATED event is a custom webhook event that can only be subscribed using the Webhooks Management API. Please contact your solution engineer for specific details on this one-time setup.

Extract the financial_instrument_id from the webhook payload for future lifecycle updates.

Add an instrument

This sample payload demonstrates a webhook message published when an instrument is added.

    2 "create_time": "2020-01-17T09:43:40.000Z",
    4 "event_version": "1.0",
    5 "id": "WH-0H594075SY936144W-7S4261661U750591V",
    6 "links": [{
    7 "href": "https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-0H594075SY936144W-7S4261661U750591V",
    8 "method": "GET",
    9 "rel": "self"
    10 }, {
    11 "href": "https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-0H594075SY936144W-7S4261661U750591V/resend",
    12 "method": "POST",
    13 "rel": "resend"
    14 }],
    15 "resource": {
    16 "customer": {
    17 "paypal_customer_id": "555LEF84D723C"
    18 },
    19 "event": {
    20 "event_reason": "USER_INITIATED",
    21 "event_type": "INSTRUMENT_ADDED"
    22 },
    23 "financial_instrument_id": "CC-A3FNGL4B8PY32",
    24 "partner_financial_instrument_id": "refid"
    25 },
    26 "resource_type": "INSTRUMENT",
    27 "summary": "An instrument was successfully added."

    Update an instrument

    This sample payload demonstrates a webhook message published when an instrument is updated.

      2 "create_time": "2020-01-17T10:04:40.000Z",
      4 "event_version": "1.0",
      5 "id": "WH-18Y17652UR918020L-3TH50909K5090925J",
      6 "links": [{
      7 "href": "https://yinaxie18063034.qa.paypal.com:14084/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-18Y17652UR918020L-3TH50909K5090925J",
      8 "method": "GET",
      9 "rel": "self"
      10 }, {
      11 "href": "https://yinaxie18063034.qa.paypal.com:14084/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-18Y17652UR918020L-3TH50909K5090925J/resend",
      12 "method": "POST",
      13 "rel": "resend"
      14 }],
      15 "resource": {
      16 "customer": {
      17 "paypal_customer_id": "555LEF84D723C"
      18 },
      19 "event": {
      20 "event_reason": "UPDATED_BY_SYSTEM",
      21 "event_type": "INSTRUMENT_UPDATED"
      22 },
      23 "financial_instrument_id": "CC-A3FNGL4B8PY32",
      24 "partner_financial_instrument_id": "refid"
      25 },
      26 "resource_type": "INSTRUMENT",
      27 "summary": "An instrument was successfully updated."

      Remove an instrument

      This sample payload demonstrates a webhook message published when an instrument is removed.

        2 "create_time": "2020-01-17T10:38:14.000Z",
        4 "event_version": "1.0",
        5 "id": "WH-00798388NG779022P-03818347WW768120D",
        6 "links": [{
        7 "href": "https://yinaxie18063034.qa.paypal.com:14084/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-00798388NG779022P-03818347WW768120D",
        8 "method": "GET",
        9 "rel": "self"
        10 }, {
        11 "href": "https://yinaxie18063034.qa.paypal.com:14084/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-00798388NG779022P-03818347WW768120D/resend",
        12 "method": "POST",
        13 "rel": "resend"
        14 }],
        15 "resource": {
        16 "customer": {
        17 "paypal_customer_id": "555LEF84D723C"
        18 },
        19 "event": {
        20 "event_reason": "REMOVED_BY_SYSTEM",
        21 "event_type": "INSTRUMENT_REMOVED"
        22 },
        23 "financial_instrument_id": "CC-A3FNGL4B8PY32",
        24 "partner_financial_instrument_id": "refid"
        25 },
        26 "resource_type": "INSTRUMENT",
        27 "summary": "An instrument was successfully removed."

        Close a wallet

        This sample payload demonstrates a webhook message published when a wallet is closed.

          2 "id": "WH-5RN64396AC3232932-7WF633765S384762U",
          3 "event_version": "1.0",
          4 "create_time": "2020-02-08T18:56:11.000Z",
          5 "resource_type": "INSTRUMENT",
          7 "summary": "An instrument was successfully closed.",
          8 "resource": {
          9 "partner_financial_instrument_id": "fccb95566c7a421580f034584b835f66",
          10 "financial_instrument_id": "CC-NGXYPUVNNNKEA",
          11 "event": {
          12 "event_type": "PAYPAL_WALLET_CLOSED",
          13 "event_reason": "ACCOUNT_CLOSED"
          14 },
          15 "customer": {
          16 "paypal_customer_id": "V5JJMMG88DY2W"
          17 }
          18 },
          19 "links": [
          20 {
          21 "href": "https://api-m.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-5RN64396AC3232932-7WF633765S384762U",
          22 "rel": "self",
          23 "method": "GET"
          24 },
          25 {
          26 "href": "https://api-m.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-5RN64396AC3232932-7WF633765S384762U/resend",
          27 "rel": "resend",
          28 "method": "POST"
          29 }
          30 ]

          This sample payload demonstrates a webhook message published when consent is revoked.

            2 "id": "WH-4R473912RC1182943-3NV518048H3700835",
            3 "event_version": "1.0",
            4 "create_time": "2020-10-26T21:35:09.667Z",
            5 "resource_type": "authorization_consent_revoked",
            7 "summary": "User consents for merchant were revoked.",
            8 "resource": *{
            9 "refresh_token": "R23AANGUstDsWHaaVQqkN_QOfGvnVfwpuTW5JSwEUxlGPfsPVYjgH8IiJNZD92tfxHZtz9bvBwaHnn6DMDpAutKor_dY6FFLM2qS6UJ5Vm86eyJB0oNFOGbD6V0QhV8pfvnkSjmIud6VtlAVlHlhQ"* *,*
            10 "user_id": "https://www.paypal.com/webapps/auth/identity/user/13-IOKdOHYbZuKRP6t6IJTwSizN7bCRzBx4qLy80Xy8",
            11 "payer_id": "UXTCJJPF765ZL", "scopes": "http://axschema.org/pref/payerid https://uri.paypal.com/services/payment-networks/linked-instruments/readwrite http://schema.openid.net/contact/payerid https://identity.x.com/xidentity/resources/profile/me http://schema.openid.net/contact/email https://uri.paypal.com/services/payment-networks/card-accounts/readwrite email https://uri.paypal.com/services/paypalattributes http://axschema.org/contact/email https://www.paypal.com/webapps/auth/schema/payerID"
            12 },
            13 "links": [\
            14 {
            15 "href": "https:\/\/api-m.sandbox.paypal.com\/v1\/notifications\/webhooks-events\/WH-1XS56299UG7820518-5Y266759LW475001M",
            16 "rel": "self",
            17 "method": "GET"
            18 },
            19 \{
            20 "href": "https://api-m.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-4R473912RC1182943-3NV518048H3700835/resend",
            21 "rel": "resend",
            22 "method": "POST"
            23 }
            24 ]

            Verify event notifications

            See verify event notifications for information about how partners can add signature validation to webhooks received from PayPal.

            Error handling with webhooks

            This section provides webhook examples posted to a partner-registered listener URL to handle errors during an onboarding flow that uses webhooks.

            You may encounter these errors after a Linked Instrument response of 202 Accepted is received in response to the provisioning call during onboarding.


            Error scenarios


            • 202 Accepted
              PayPal recommends capturing the authorization code returned to exchange for refresh token.

            Success with one card:


            Success with two cards:


              2 "id": "WH-9LG8099179700735B-801161897N370874M",
              3 "event_version": "1.0",
              4 "create_time": "2020-02-05T22:29:38.000Z",
              5 "resource_type": "INSTRUMENT",
              7 "summary": "An instrument was successfully added.",
              8 "resource": {
              9 "partner_financial_instrument_id": "B2121XYZ",
              10 "financial_instrument_id": "CC-HFPEET8KTJF9L",
              11 "event": {
              12 "event_type": "INSTRUMENT_ADDED",
              13 "event_reason": "USER_INITIATED"
              14 },
              15 "customer": {
              16 "paypal_customer_id": "6PN79VDMX6566"
              17 }
              18 },
              19 "links": [
              20 {
              21 "href": "https:\/\/api-m.sandbox.paypal.com\/v1\/notifications\/webhooks-events\/WH-9LG8099179700735B-801161897N370874M",
              22 "rel": "self",
              23 "method": "GET"
              24 },


              There is a validation error in the request.


                2 "id":"WH-00798388NG779022P-03818347WW768120D",
                3 "create_time":"2013-06-25T21:41:28Z",
                4 "event_version":"1.0",
                6 "resource_type":"INSTRUMENT-FAILED",
                7 "summary":"Link instrument failed.",
                8 "resource_version":"1.0",
                9 "resource":{
                10 "reference_financial_instrument_id":"refID",
                11 "customer":{
                12 "account_id":"A1B2C3D4E5F6G"
                13 },
                14 "error":{
                15 "name":"UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY",
                16 "message":"The requested action cannot be performed, and may require interaction with APIs or processes outside of the current request",
                17 "debug_id":"90bff07028f7f",
                18 "details":[
                19 {
                20 "issue":"VALIDATION_ERROR",
                21 "description":"Invalid data provided"
                22 }
                23 ]
                24 }
                25 },
                26 "links":[
                27 {
                28 "href":"https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-00798388NG779022P-03818347WW768120D",
                29 "method":"GET",
                30 "rel":"self"
                31 },
                32 {
                33 "href":"https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-00798388NG779022P-03818347WW768120D/resend",
                34 "method":"POST",
                35 "rel":"resend"
                36 }
                37 ]


                Any cards that violate PayPal internal Risk rules are denied.


                  2 "id":"WH-00798388NG779022P-03818347WW768120D",
                  3 "create_time":"2013-06-25T21:41:28Z",
                  4 "event_version":"1.0",
                  6 "resource_type":"INSTRUMENT-FAILED",
                  7 "summary":"Link instrument failed.",
                  8 "resource_version":"1.0",
                  9 "resource":{
                  10 "reference_financial_instrument_id":"refID",
                  11 "customer":{
                  12 "account_id":"A1B2C3D4E5F6G"
                  13 },
                  14 "error":{
                  15 "name":"UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY",
                  16 "message":"The requested action cannot be performed, and may require interaction with APIs or processes outside of the current request",
                  17 "debug_id":"90bff07028f7f",
                  18 "details":[
                  19 {
                  20 "issue":"RISK_DENIED",
                  21 "description":"Denied due to risk"
                  22 }
                  23 ]
                  24 }
                  25 },
                  26 "links":[
                  27 {
                  28 "href":"https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-00798388NG779022P-03818347WW768120D",
                  29 "method":"GET",
                  30 "rel":"self"
                  31 },
                  32 {
                  33 "href":"https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-00798388NG779022P-03818347WW768120D/resend",
                  34 "method":"POST",
                  35 "rel":"resend"
                  36 }
                  37 ]


                  The unverified user has reached the maximum number of linked cards allowed.


                    2 "id":"WH-00798388NG779022P-03818347WW768120D",
                    3 "create_time":"2013-06-25T21:41:28Z",
                    4 "event_version":"1.0",
                    6 "resource_type":"INSTRUMENT-FAILED",
                    7 "summary":"Link instrument failed.",
                    8 "resource_version":"1.0",
                    9 "resource":{
                    10 "reference_financial_instrument_id":"refID",
                    11 "customer":{
                    12 "account_id":"A1B2C3D4E5F6G"
                    13 },
                    14 "error":{
                    15 "name":"UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY",
                    16 "message":"The requested action cannot be performed, and may require interaction with APIs or processes outside of the current request",
                    17 "debug_id":"90bff07028f7f",
                    18 "details":[
                    19 {
                    20 "issue":"INSTRUMENT_COUNT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED_VERIFIED",
                    21 "description":"Maximum number of instruments exceeded for verified user."
                    22 }
                    23 ]
                    24 }
                    25 },
                    26 "links":[
                    27 {
                    28 "href":"https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-00798388NG779022P-03818347WW768120D",
                    29 "method":"GET",
                    30 "rel":"self"
                    31 },
                    32 {
                    33 "href":"https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-00798388NG779022P-03818347WW768120D/resend",
                    34 "method":"POST",
                    35 "rel":"resend"
                    36 }
                    37 ]


                    The Instrument Count Limit has been reached for verified users.

                      2 "id":"WH-00798388NG779022P-03818347WW768120D",
                      3 "create_time":"2013-06-25T21:41:28Z",
                      4 "event_version":"1.0",
                      5 "event_type":"PAYMENT_NETWORKS.INSTRUMENT.LINKED-ACCOUNT-FAILED",
                      6 "resource_type":"INSTRUMENT-FAILED",
                      7 "summary":"Link instrument failed.",
                      8 "resource_version":"1.0",
                      9 "resource":{
                      10 "reference_financial_instrument_id":"refID",
                      11 "customer":{
                      12 "account_id":"A1B2C3D4E5F6G"
                      13 },
                      14 "error":{
                      15 "name":"UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY",
                      16 "message":"The requested action cannot be performed, and may require interaction with APIs or processes outside of the current request",
                      17 "debug_id":"90bff07028f7f",
                      18 "details":[
                      19 {
                      20 "issue":"RISK_DENIED",
                      21 "description":"Denied due to risk"
                      22 }
                      23 ]
                      24 }
                      25 },
                      26 "links":[
                      27 {
                      28 "href":"https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-00798388NG779022P-03818347WW768120D",
                      29 "method":"GET",
                      30 "rel":"self"
                      31 },
                      32 {
                      33 "href":"https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-00798388NG779022P-03818347WW768120D/resend",
                      34 "method":"POST",
                      35 "rel":"resend"
                      36 }
                      37 ]


                      INTERNAL_ERROR System Errors

                        2 "id":"WH-00798388NG779022P-03818347WW768120D",
                        3 "create_time":"2013-06-25T21:41:28Z",
                        4 "event_version":"1.0",
                        5 "event_type":"PAYMENT_NETWORKS.INSTRUMENT.LINKED-ACCOUNT-FAILED",
                        6 "resource_type":"INSTRUMENT-FAILED",
                        7 "summary":"Link instrument failed.",
                        8 "resource_version":"1.0",
                        9 "resource":{
                        10 "reference_financial_instrument_id":"refID",
                        11 "customer":{
                        12 "account_id":"A1B2C3D4E5F6G"
                        13 },
                        14 "error":{
                        15 "name":"UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY",
                        16 "message":"The requested action cannot be performed, and may require interaction with APIs or processes outside of the current request",
                        17 "debug_id":"90bff07028f7f",
                        18 "details":[
                        19 {
                        20 "issue":"INTERNAL_ERROR",
                        21 "description":"Requested operation is not supported"
                        22 }
                        23 ]
                        24 }
                        25 },
                        26 "links":[
                        27 {
                        28 "href":"https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-00798388NG779022P-03818347WW768120D",
                        29 "method":"GET",
                        30 "rel":"self"
                        31 },
                        32 {
                        33 "href":"https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-00798388NG779022P-03818347WW768120D/resend",
                        34 "method":"POST",
                        35 "rel":"resend"
                        36 }
                        37 ]



                        PayPal business policy does not support this instrument.

                          2 "id":"WH-00798388NG779022P-03818347WW768120D",
                          3 "create_time":"2013-06-25T21:41:28Z",
                          4 "event_version":"1.0",
                          5 "event_type":"PAYMENT_NETWORKS.INSTRUMENT.LINKED-ACCOUNT-FAILED",
                          6 "resource_type":"INSTRUMENT-FAILED",
                          7 "summary":"Link instrument failed.",
                          8 "resource_version":"1.0",
                          9 "resource":{
                          10 "reference_financial_instrument_id":"refID",
                          11 "customer":{
                          12 "account_id":"A1B2C3D4E5F6G"
                          13 },
                          14 "error":{
                          15 "name":"UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY",
                          16 "message":"The requested action cannot be performed, and may require interaction with APIs or processes outside of the current request",
                          17 "debug_id":"90bff07028f7f",
                          18 "details":[
                          19 {
                          20 "issue":"INSTRUMENT_COUNT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED",
                          21 "description":"Maximum number of instruments exceeded."
                          22 }
                          23 ]
                          24 }
                          25 },
                          26 "links":[
                          27 {
                          28 "href":"https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-00798388NG779022P-03818347WW768120D",
                          29 "method":"GET",
                          30 "rel":"self"
                          31 },
                          32 {
                          33 "href":"https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-00798388NG779022P-03818347WW768120D/resend",
                          34 "method":"POST",
                          35 "rel":"resend"
                          36 }
                          37 ]


                          INTERNAL_ERROR (Service Unavailable)

                          Payload will have empty reference_financial_instrument_id field. Usually the referral_id expired or some systematic issue causes the payload to be lost. This is an internal error and should typically not happen.

                            2 "id":"WH-00798388NG779022P-03818347WW768120D",
                            3 "create_time":"2013-06-25T21:41:28Z",
                            4 "event_version":"1.0",
                            5 "event_type":"PAYMENT_NETWORKS.INSTRUMENT.LINKED-ACCOUNT-FAILED",
                            6 "resource_type":"INSTRUMENT-FAILED",
                            7 "summary":"Link instrument failed.",
                            8 "resource_version":"1.0",
                            9 "resource":{
                            10 "reference_financial_instrument_id":"null",
                            11 "customer":{
                            12 "account_id":"A1B2C3D4E5F6G"
                            13 },
                            14 "error":{
                            15 "name":"Service Unavailable",
                            16 "message":"The requested action cannot be performed, and may require interaction with APIs or processes outside of the current request",
                            17 "debug_id":"90bff07028f7f",
                            18 "details":[
                            19 {
                            20 "issue":"INTERNAL_ERROR",
                            21 "description":"Requested resource is not found"
                            22 }
                            23 ]
                            24 }
                            25 },
                            26 "links":[
                            27 {
                            28 "href":"https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-00798388NG779022P-03818347WW768120D",
                            29 "method":"GET",
                            30 "rel":"self"
                            31 }
                            32 ]


                            4xx and 5xx errors

                            Do not redirect users to PayPal on 4xx and 5xx responses. Message the user as appropriate. There is no webhook notification for these errors.



                            See Confirm user data to provide a more seamless onboarding experience.

                            If you accept cookies, we’ll use them to improve and customize your experience and enable our partners to show you personalized PayPal ads when you visit other sites. Manage cookies and learn more