BMCreateButton API Operation (NVP)

APIDeprecatedLast updated: December 4th 2023, @ 8:19:30 am

Creates a PayPal Payments Standard button.


The Button Manager API is deprecated. For new integrations, see the associated topic.

Button See

Buy Now

PayPal Checkout Overview

Add to Cart

Solution Providers


Create a Donate button

Automatic Billing


Subscriptions Overview

You can create either a button that is hosted on PayPal or a non-hosted button.

BMCreateButton request

The request parameters specify the characteristics of your button, which include associated menu items related to the button. You can specify up to five menu items, each of which can include up to 10 possible selections.

BMCreateButton request parameters




(Required) BMCreateButton


(Optional) The kind of button code to create. Value is:

  • HOSTED. A secure button stored on PayPal. The default for all buttons except the View Cart, Unsubscribe, and Pay Now buttons

  • ENCRYPTED. An encrypted button, not stored on PayPal. The default for View Cart button.

  • CLEARTEXT. An unencrypted button, not stored on PayPal. The default for Unsubscribe button.

  • TOKEN. A secure button, not stored on PayPal, used only to initiate the Hosted Solution checkout flow. The default for Pay Now button. Since version 65.1


(Required) The kind of button you want to create. Value is:

  • BUYNOW. Buy Now button

  • CART. Add to Cart button

  • SUBSCRIBE. Subscribe button

  • DONATE. Donate button

  • UNSUBSCRIBE. Unsubscribe button

  • VIEWCART. View Cart button

  • AUTOBILLING. Automatic Billing button. Since version 63.0.

  • PAYMENT. Pay Now button. Since version 65.1.

Note: Do not specify BUYNOW if BUTTONCODE=TOKEN; specify PAYMENT instead. Do not specify PAYMENT if BUTTONCODE=HOSTED.
Note: BMCreateButton does not create a button to upload the contents of a third-party shopping cart. To upload a cart's contents, use the cart upload command.


(Optional) The use of button you want to create. Value is:

  • PRODUCTS. The button is used to purchase products. The default for Buy Now and Add to Cart buttons.

  • SERVICES. button is used to purchase services


(Optional) HTML standard button variables

Option details fields




(Optional) The menu name.

It is one or more variables, in which n is a digit between 0 and 4, inclusive, for hosted buttons; otherwise, it is a digit between 0 and 9, inclusive.

Option selection details fields


(Optional) The menu item name.

A list of variables for each OPTIONnNAME, where xis a digit between 0 and 9, inclusive.


(Optional) The price associated with the first menu item.

List of variables for each OPTION0NAME, where x is a digit between 0 and 9, inclusive.

Note: If you specify a price, you cannot set a button variable to amount.


Button language options

The button language must be compatible with the country identified by the country code.


Button language options

All countries not identified below

  • en. English. The default.


  • de. German. The default.

  • en. English.


  • en. English. The default.

  • nl. Dutch.

  • fr. French.


  • en. English. The default.

  • fr. French.

China (worldwide)

  • en. English. The default.

  • zh. Chinese.


  • fr. French. The default.

  • en. English.


  • de. German. The default.

  • en. English.

Hong Kong

  • zh. Chinese. The default.

  • en. English.


  • it. Italian. The default.

  • en. English.


  • ja. Japanese. The default.

  • en. English.


  • es. Spanish. The default.

  • en. English.


  • nl. Dutch. The default.

  • en. English.


  • pl. Polish. The default.

  • en. English.


  • es. Spanish. The default.

  • en. English.


  • de. German. The default.

  • fr. French.

  • en. English.

United States

  • en. English. The default.

  • fr. French.

  • es. Spanish.

  • zh. Chinese.

BMCreateButton response

The response contains an ID if the button is hosted on PayPal and code for HTML in a website and for a link in email.

BMCreateButton response fields




HTML code for web pages


Code for email links, links in other documents that support external links, and links to the Hosted Solution checkout flow.


ID of a PayPal-hosted button or a Hosted Solution token.

BMCreateButton errors

Error codeShort and long messagesUser action
10001Internal Error
Internal Error
11923Invalid Argument
The button image value specified is invalid.
11924Invalid Argument
The button image URL specified is invalid.
11925Invalid Argument
The button type specified is invalid.
11926Invalid Data
One of the parameters specified using ButtonVar is invalid.
11927Invalid Argument
The Buy Now button text specified is invalid.
11928Invalid Argument
The email or merchant ID specified is invalid.
11929Invalid Data
A cart button must have an item name and amount specified.
11931Invalid Argument
The subscription button text specified is invalid.
11932Invalid Data
You must specify a corresponding number of entries for option names and selections.
11933Invalid Data
You cannot skip index numbers for option selections. Option selections must be specified sequentially.
11934Invalid Data
You must specify the same number of entries for option prices and selections.
11936Invalid Data
You cannot specify both an item price and prices for individual selections within an option.
11937Invalid Argument
A text box name specified is invalid. Text box names must not exceed 64 characters.
11938Invalid Argument
The button code value specified is invalid.
11940Invalid Argument
An option name specified is invalid. Option names must not exceed 64 characters.
11941Invalid Argument
An option selection value specified is invalid. Option selection values must not exceed 64 characters.
11942Invalid Argument
An option price value specified is invalid. Make sure any punctuation marks are in the correct places.
11943Invalid Argument
The button country value specified is invalid.
11945Invalid Data
The button country and language code combination specified is invalid.
11947Invalid Argument
The tax rate specified is invalid. Make sure any punctuation marks are in the correct places and value specified is in the range 0.0 to 100.
11948Invalid Argument
The amount specified is invalid. Make sure any punctuation marks are in the correct places.


Invalid Argument
The currency code value specified is invalid.


Invalid Argument
Subtotal amount is not valid.


Invalid Argument
Tax amount is not valid.


Invalid Argument
Handling amount is not valid.


Invalid Argument
Shipping amount is not valid.