PayPal Payments Standard Integration Guide
Last updated: Sept 19th, 2:45am
Important: NVP/SOAP is a legacy integration method. We accept new integrations and support existing integrations, but there are newer solutions. If you're starting an integration, we recommend our latest solutions.
Learn how to integrate PayPal Payment Standard buttons with your website to create a checkout process that is fast, easy, and intuitive. Securely accept credit card, debit card, and PayPal payments on your website from any mobile device, tablet, or PC.
For a quick demo, see PayPal buttons demo. Click Customize Demo and select Standard buttons from the Interested Integrations menu.
Integration methods
Depending on your business requirements, use one of these methods to integrate PayPal Payments Standard:
PayPal HTML buttons — Simply log in to the PayPal website to create, and optionally customize, a payment button. Then copy and paste the payment button's HTML code snippet to your website. Use this option if your HTML or web programming skills are limited and you sell only a few products on your site.
Custom integration — Use the cart upload command to create a custom shopping cart experience. Use this option if you have HTML or web programming skills, you sell a large number of products on your site, and you do not use a third-party shopping cart.
Integration steps
These steps describe how to create a payment button using the PayPal website:
1. | Optional | Design an optimal checkout flow. |
2. | Required | Choose the right payment button based on your business requirements. |
3. | Required | Create a payment button using PayPal's website. |
4. | Required | Test your payment button integration. |
5. | Optional | Set up payment notifications. |
6. | Required | Manage transactions. |
Additional information
- PayPal buttons demo. Click Customize Demo and select PayPal Standard buttons from the Interested Integrations menu.
- Cart upload command— Learn how to integrate a third-party shopping cart with PayPal.
- PayPal Payments Standard HTML reference— HTML reference information for programming your own HTML buttons.