Track inventory, profit, and loss
Last updated: Sept 19th, 2:54am
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PayPal automatically saves your buttons to your PayPal account. For saved buttons, you can:
- Set up inventory tracking and automatically receive email alerts when your inventory runs low.
- Set up profit and loss tracking to view reports in your PayPal account.
- Edit an existing payment button.
- Create new buttons based on a similar button.
Tip: PayPal recommends leaving the automatic save option enabled. However, if you want to disable this option, click Step 2: Track inventory, profit & loss on the Create a PayPal payment button page and uncheck Save button at PayPal.
NOTE: Inventory and profit and loss tracking do not apply to Donate buttons.
1. | Optional | Track inventory. |
2. | Optional | Track profit and losses. |
Track inventory
On the PayPal button creation page, click Step 2: Track inventory, profit, and loss (optional).
Click Track inventory.
Click one of these tracking methods:
By Item — Track inventory by item only, regardless of any product options that may exist for this button.
By Option — Track inventory by the product options you specified for this button. If you set up product options with prices, this option is automatically selected.
Note: If you track both inventory and profit and loss, you must use the same tracking method.
Enter values for Item ID, Qty. in stock, and Alert qty. PayPal sends you an email alert when your inventory falls to or below the alert quantity.
Under Can customers buy an item when it is sold out?, click one of these options:
Yes, customers can buy the item as usual.
Allows buyers to checkout and authorize their payments, even when inventory tracking shows that your item is out of stock. Buyers are not informed of oversold or out-of-stock situations nor that their items will be on back order after they complete their transactions.
No, don't let customers buy the item. (Default)
Prevents buyers from checking out and authorizing their payments when inventory tracking shows that the item is out of stock. If there are some items in stock, but not enough to fulfill a buyer's request, the amount currently available is displayed and the number is adjusted in Quantity. Buyers can accept the adjusted quantity or adjust the quantity to a lower number.
If you chose No, don't let customers buy the item, enter the URL to a page on your website where buyers are informed that the item is out of stock. If there are no items in stock, the buyer is informed that the item is completely sold out. Buyers can click the Continue Shopping button to return to the web page at the URL that you specified.
Track profit and losses
On the PayPal button creation page, click Step 2: Track inventory, profit, and loss (optional).
Click Track profit and losses.
Click a tracking method. See descriptions above in Track inventory.
Enter the Item ID and Price. Include the price that you paid to acquire the item, and other costs, such as warehousing, quality control, and administrative overhead.
Choose one of these actions:
- If you are satisfied with your payment button, click Create Button on the Create a PayPal payment button page, and then copy and paste the HTML code to your webpage.
- Customize advanced features.