Customize advanced features


Last updated: Sept 19th, 2:57am

Learn how to customize the checkout page for a basic payment button.

1. Optional Customize the checkout page.
2. Optional Use advanced variables.

Customize the checkout page

Allow customers to change order quantities and enter special instructions at checkout. You can also collect shipping addresses and redirect customers to an order cancellation or successful transaction webpage.

  1. On the Create a PayPal payment button page, click Step 3: Customize advanced features (optional).

  2. Under Do you want to let your customers change order quantities?, click one of these options:

    • Yes — Prompts the buyer for item quantities after they click the payment button. Buyers may specify a quantity greater than you can fulfill. To prevent over-selling your current inventory, set up inventory tracking.

    • No — Does not allow customers to change quantity. (Default)

  3. Under Can your customer add special instructions in a message to you?, click one of these options:

    • Yes — Provides a text box where customers can enter special instructions during checkout. In the Name of message box text box, enter the text that you want displayed for the text box where customers enter their special instructions. The default value is Add special instructions to seller. (Default)

    • No — Removes the text box for special instructions from the checkout page.

  4. Under Do you need your customer's shipping addresses?, click one of these options:

    • Yes — Prompts the customer to select or enter shipping addresses during checkout. (Default)

    • No — Does not prompt the customer for shipping addresses. Click this option for items that do not require shipping, such as digital goods that buyers download, or if the item is a service that does not require on-site delivery.

  5. Under Take customers to this URL when they cancel their checkout, enter the URL to redirect a customer to a cancellation page on your website if they cancel their checkout before completing the transaction.

  6. Under Take customers to this URL when they finish checkout, enter the URL to the success on your website when the customer successfully completes their transaction.

Use advanced variables

Create and customize a button using PayPal HTML payment button variables. Requires HTML programming experience.

Configure these options to use advanced HTML variables:

  1. Click Add advanced variables to enable this feature.

  2. Enter the HTML variables in the following name/value-pair format:


      For example, if you want to handle purchases as orders rather than as final sales, use the HTML variable paymentaction with the value order. If you choose to include this variable within HTML code that you write manually, you use the following standard HTML format:

      <input type="hidden" name="paymentaction" value="order">

      However, in the text box, instead of the HTML format, use the following shortened name/value-pair format:


        Do not enclose values in quotes, even if values contain spaces. PayPal surrounds the value from the equal sign (=) to the end of the line with quotes in the generated HTML code.

        For more information, see HTML Form Basics for PayPal Payments Standard.


      Click Create Button on the Create a PayPal payment button page, and then copy and paste your button code on your web page.

      Additional information

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