
Reference Typesanchor

braintree.fastlane.create() Configuration Parameters

  1. JavaScript
interface FastlaneOptions {
  authorization: string,
  client: braintree.client,
  deviceData: string,
  shippingAddressOptions: AddressOptions,
  cardOptions: CardOptions,
  styles: StyleOptions

 * To restrict the use of Fastlane to specific countries and/or regions, set
 * allowedLocations to an array containing the countries/regions where Fastlane
 * should be allowed.
 * To allow shipping addresses within a particular country, 
 * specify only the country's ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
 * To limit shipping addresses to only specific regions in a country, 
 * specify the country's ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code, followed by a colon (":"),  * followed by the name of the region.
 * Examples:
 *   - [ "US" ] = Allow all regions within the United States
 *   - [ "US:CA", "US:AZ" ] = Allow in California in Arizona, but nowhere else
 *   - [ "US:CA", "US:AZ", "FR" ] = Allow in California, Arizona, and France,
 *       but nowhere else

interface AddressOptions {
  // default: empty array = all locations allowed
  allowedLocations: [AddressLocationEnum];
  noShipping: boolean;

Enum AddressLocationEnum {

interface CardOptions {
  // default: empty array = all brands allowed
  allowedBrands: [CardBrandEnum];

Enum CardBrandEnum {

type create = (options: FastlaneOptions) => Fastlane;

Fastlane Namespace

This is returned as the result of calling fastlane.create({...})

  1. JavaScript
interface Fastlane {
   identity {
    lookupCustomerByEmail: (email: string) => LookupCustomerResult,
    triggerAuthenticationFlow: (customerContextId: string, options: AuthenticationFlowOptions) => AuthenticatedCustomerResult

   profile {
    showShippingAddressSelector: () => ShowShippingAddressSelectorResult,
    showCardSelector: () => ShowCardSelectorResult,

   setLocale: (locale: string) => void,  // options: en_us, es_us, fr_us, zh_us

   FastlaneCardComponent: (options: FastlaneCardComponentOptions) => FastlaneCardComponent,
   FastlanePaymentComponent: (options: FastlanePaymentComponentOptions) => FastlanePaymentComponent,
   FastlaneWatermarkComponent: (options: FastlaneWatermarkOptions) => FastlaneWatermarkComponent


The LookupCustomerResult object type is returned from the identity.lookupCustomerByEmail(email) method.

  1. JavaScript
interface LookupCustomerResult {
  customerContextId: string


The AuthenticatedCustomerResult object type is returned from the identity.triggerAuthenticationFlow() call.

  1. JavaScript
interface AuthenticatedCustomerResult {
  authenticationState: 'succeeded'|'failed'|'canceled'|'not_found';
  profileData: ProfileData;

interface ProfileData {
  name: Name;
  shippingAddress: Address;
  card: PaymentToken;

interface Name {
  firstName: string;
  lastName: string;

interface Address {
  firstName: string;
  lastName: string;
  company: string;
  streetAddress: string;
  extendedAddress?: string;
  locality: string; // City
  region: string; // State
  postalCode: string;
  countryCodeNumeric: number;
  countryCodeAlpha2: string;
  countryCodeAlpha3: string;
  phoneNumber: string;

interface PaymentToken {
  id: string; // This is the paymentToken
  paymentSource: PaymentSource;

interface PaymentSource {
  card: CardPaymentSource;

interface CardPaymentSource {
  brand: string;
  expiry: string; // "YYYY-MM"
  lastDigits: string; // "1111"
  name: string;
  billingAddress: Address;

Profile Method Reference Types

  1. JavaScript
interface ShowShippingAddressSelectorResult {
  selectionChanged: boolean;
  selectedAddress: Address;

interface ShowCardSelectorResult {
  selectionChanged: boolean;
  selectedCard: PaymentToken;


The FastlaneCardComponent uses the Hosted Card Fields, and the resulting interface is a subset of the Card Fields interface.

The instance of a FastlaneCardComponent can be created using:

  1. JavaScript
const fastlaneCardComponent = fastlane.FastlaneCardComponent({...});
await fastlaneCardComponent.render("#card-container")

FastlaneCardComponent Reference Types

  1. JavaScript
type FastlaneCardComponent = (options: FastlaneCardComponentOptions) => FastlaneCardComponent;

interface FastlaneCardComponent {
  render: (container) => FastlaneCardComponent;
  getPaymentToken: async (options: PaymentTokenOptions) => PaymentToken;

interface FastlaneCardComponentOptions {
  styles: StyleOptions;
  fields: {Field};

interface Field {
  placeholder: string;
  prefill: string;
  enabled: boolean;

interface PaymentTokenOptions {
  billingAddress: Address;
  cardholderName: string;


A FastlanePaymentComponent can be created using the following code:

  1. JavaScript
const fastlanePaymentComponent = fastlane.FastlanePaymentComponent({ ... });
await fastlanePaymentComponent.render("#payment-container");

FastlanePaymentComponent Reference Types

  1. JavaScript
type FastlanePaymentComponent = (options: FastlanePaymentComponentOptions) => FastlanePaymentComponent;

interface FastlanePaymentComponent {
  render: (container) => FastlanePaymentComponent;
  getPaymentToken: async () => PaymentToken;
  setShippingAddress: (shippingAddress: Address) => void;

interface FastlanePaymentComponentOptions {
  styles: StyleOptions;  
  fields: {Field};
  shippingAddress: Address;

interface Field {
  placeholder: string;
  prefill: string;

Card Field Configurations

You can configure the card fields in the FastlaneCardComponent or FastlanePaymentComponent when initializing the components, as shown below:

  1. JavaScript
const styles: {};
const fields: {
    number: {
      placeholder: "Number",
    phoneNumber: {
      prefill: "555-555-5555"


Available Fields

Name Type Attributes Description
number field <optional> A field for card number.
expirationDate field <optional> A field for expiration date in MM/YYYY or MM/YY format. This should not be used with the expirationMonth and expirationYear properties.
expirationMonth field <optional> A field for expiration month in MM format. This should be used with the expirationYear property.
expirationYear field <optional> A field for expiration year in YYYY or YY format. This should be used with the expirationMonth property.
cvv field <optional> A field for 3 or 4 digit card verification code (like CVV or CID). If you wish to create a CVV-only payment method paymentToken to verify a card already stored in your Vault, omit all other fields to only collect CVV.
postalCode field <optional> A field for postal or region code.
cardholderName field <optional> A field for the cardholder name on the payer’s credit card.
phoneNumber field <optional> A field for the cardholder's phone number associated with the credit card.

Style Options and Guidelinesanchor

Colors can be any value that CSS allows including hex values, rgb, rgba, and color names.

  1. JavaScript
interface StyleOptions {
  root: {
    backgroundColor: string,
    errorColor: string,
    fontFamily: string,
    textColorBase: string,
    fontSizeBase: string,
    padding: string,
    primaryColor: string,
  input: {
    backgroundColor: string,
    borderRadius: string,
    borderColor: string,
    borderWidth: string,
    textColorBase: string,
    focusBorderColor: string,

General Design Guidanceanchor

When styling the Fastlane components to match the look and feel of your checkout page, there are some general pointers which you must adhere to in order to provide an accessible and transparent experience to your payer.

  • Always ensure that there is adequate contrast between the backgroundColor and textColorto ensure that all text, especially the legal text under the opt-in, is clear and legible. If the contrast ratio between the two is not 4.5:1, we will automatically set the to the default values in the table below.

  • Always ensure that there is adequate contrast between the borderColor, which drives the consent toggle coloring, and the backgroundColor

PayPal is committed to making our product content accessible. All Fastlane integrations must conform to currently published WCAG levels A and AA. Please be sure you are complying with these standards when styling any Fastlane UI components.

If the color of the legal text and toggle button are not distinguishable from the text and background, the Fastlane component colors will be reverted to the default.

Payment Component UIanchor

Value Description Default Minimum Maximum Guidance and Thresholds
root.backgroundColor The background color of the components. #ffffff N/A N/A May be any valid CSS color. (No transparency allowed)
root.errorColor The color of errors in the components. #D9360B N/A N/A May be any valid CSS color. (No transparency allowed)
root.fontFamily The font family used throughout the UI. PayPal-Open N/A N/A

Must be one of the following:

  • Sans serif

    • Arial
    • Verdana
    • Tahoma
    • Trebuchet MS
  • Serif:

    • Times New Roman
    • Georgia
    • Garamond
  • Monospace:

    • Courier New
  • Cursive:

    • Brush Script MT
root.fontSizeBase The base font size. Increasing this value will change the text size of all text within the UI components. 16px 13px 24px
root.textColorBase The text color used across all text outside of inputs. #010B0D N/A N/A May be any valid CSS color. (No transparency allowed)
root.padding The padding between content and borders. 4px 0px 10px
root.primaryColor This value sets the default for the checkbox for billing address, and the link for the “change”, the toggle primary color, and the legal links for privacy and terms. #0057FF N/A N/A May be any valid CSS color. (No transparency allowed)
input.backgroundColor The background color of the inputs within the components. #ffffff N/A N/A May be any valid CSS color. (No transparency allowed)
input.borderRadius The border radius used for the email field. 0.25em 0px 32px
input.borderColor The border color of the email field. #DADDDD N/A N/A May be any valid CSS color. (No transparency allowed)
input.focusBorderColor The border color of the email field when focused. #0057FF N/A N/A May be any valid CSS color. (No transparency allowed)
input.borderWidth The width of the input borders. 1px 1px 5px Default size is 1px.
input.textColorBase The text color used for text within input fields. #010B0D N/A N/A May be any valid CSS color. (No transparency allowed)

Loading Card Assetsanchor

Card Brand Image URL
Amex View Image
Diners Club View Image
Discover View Image
JCB View Image
Mastercard View Image
Union Pay View Image
Visa View Image

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