Optimized Debit Routing

Network response codesanchor

In addition to the processor response code and text, some transaction objects include a network response code and text.

These network response values are the raw responses that the card network may return, and when present they can provide additional detail about why a request was approved or declined. However, this information is supplemental to the processor response code. Consider the processor response code to be the source of truth.

Each card network has distinct response codes:

Card NetworkCodeText
Accel001Approved with identification
Accel002Approved for partial amount
Accel003Approved (VIP)
Accel100Do not honor (general denial)
Accel101Expired card
Accel102Suspected fraud
Accel103Card acceptor contact acquirer
Accel104Restricted card
Accel105Card acceptor call acquirer's security department
Accel106Allowable PIN tries exceeded
Accel107Refer to card issuer
Accel108Refer to card issuer's special condition
Accel109Invalid merchant
Accel110Invalid amount
Accel111Invalid card number
Accel112PIN data required
Accel113Unacceptable fee
Accel114No account of type requested
Accel115Requested function not supported (invalid transaction)
Accel116Insufficient funds
Accel117Incorrect PIN
Accel118No card record
Accel119Transaction not permitted to cardholder
Accel120Transaction not permitted to terminal
Accel121Exceeds withdrawal amount limits
Accel122Security violation
Accel123Exceeds withdrawal limit frequency
Accel124Violation of law
Accel126Invalid PIN block
Accel127PIN length error
Accel128PIN key synchronization error
Accel129Suspected counterfeit card
Accel130Transaction failed OFAC check
Accel131Check not acceptable
Accel180Limit exceeded due to cash back amount
Accel181Enter lesser amount
Accel182Institution not supported by switch
Accel183Balances not available for inquiry
Accel184Resubmission in violation of network rules
Accel185Stop Payment on check (shared branch only)
Accel200Do not honor
Accel201Expired card-Denial advice
Accel202Suspected fraud
Accel203Card acceptor contact acquirer
Accel204Restricted card
Accel205Card acceptor call acquirer's security department
Accel206Allowable PIN tries exceeded
Accel207Special conditions
Accel208Lost card
Accel209Stolen card
Accel210Suspected counterfeit card
Accel211Invalid card number
Accel214No account of type requested
Accel216Insufficient funds
Accel217Incorrect PIN
Accel601Not able to trace back to original transaction
Accel880Key Change rejected-check value mismatch
Accel881Key Change rejected-local system problem
Accel882Key Change rejected-key change in progress
Accel883Declined-incorrect institution identifier
Accel907Card issuer or switch inoperative
Accel908Transaction destination cannot be found for routing
Accel909System malfunction
NYCE00Approved or completed successfully
NYCE01Function not available-refer to card issuer
NYCE02Refer to card issuer's special conditions
NYCE03Invalid merchant or terminal
NYCE05Do not honor
NYCE07Capture card, special conditions (bad delay)
NYCE10Partial Approval
NYCE12Invalid transaction
NYCE13Invalid amount
NYCE14Invalid card number (no such number)
NYCE15Cardholder not on file
NYCE24File update not supported by receiver (only in 03xx)
NYCE25Unable to locate record on file (only in 03xx)
NYCE26Duplicate file update record, no action (only in 03xx)
NYCE27File update field edit error (only in 03xx)
NYCE28File update record locked out (only in 03xx)
NYCE29File update not successful, contact acquirer (only in 03xx)
NYCE30Format error, Data Element 044 (additional response data) contains bit # in e
NYCE31Bank not supported by switch
NYCE33Expired card, capture
NYCE34Suspected fraud, capture
NYCE38Allowable PIN tries exceeded, capture
NYCE39No credit account
NYCE40Requested function not supported
NYCE41Lost card, capture
NYCE42Invalid account
NYCE43Stolen card, capture
NYCE44Lost/stolen card, no capture
NYCE51Insufficient funds
NYCE52No checking account
NYCE53No savings account
NYCE54Expired card
NYCE55Incorrect PIN
NYCE56No card record
NYCE57Transaction not permitted to cardholder
NYCE58Transaction not permitted to terminal
NYCE59Suspected fraud
NYCE61Exceeds withdrawal amount limit
NYCE62Restricted card
NYCE63Security violation (may also be a chargeback)
NYCE65Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit
NYCE67Hard capture, permanent restraint
NYCE75Allowable number of PIN tries exceeded
NYCE76Key synchronization error (NYCE)
NYCE81Issuer-requested stand-in
NYCE89Card Verification Value (all CVx, ICVx, dCVx routines) validation failed (no pickup) suspected counterfeit card
NYCE90Processor not signed on
NYCE91Card issuer unavailable
NYCE92Financial institution or intermediate network unknown for routing
NYCE94Duplicate transaction
NYCE96System malfunction
NYCEN0Authorization life cycle unacceptable
NYCEN1Authorization life cycle expired
NYCERDRMS reject (due to risk scoring)
NYCES9Expiration date mismatch
NYCESAInactive card
NYCESDAccount closed
NYCET7Partial Approval, cash-back not allowed
NYCETAARQC validation failed for ICC chip card
Pulse00Approved or completed successfully
Pulse01Refer to card issuer
Pulse02Refer to card issuer (special condition)
Pulse03Invalid merchant
Pulse04Pick up card (no fraud)
Pulse05Do not honor
Pulse07Pick up card special conditions
Pulse10Approved for partial amount
Pulse12Invalid transaction
Pulse13Invalid amount
Pulse14Invalid card number (no such number)
Pulse15No such issuer
Pulse19Re-enter transaction
Pulse20Invalid response
Pulse23Unacceptable transaction fee
Pulse30Format error (may also be a reversal)
Pulse31Bank not supported by switch
Pulse33Expired card pick-up
Pulse34Suspected fraud pick-up
Pulse35Card acceptor contact acquirer pick-up
Pulse36Restricted card pick-up
Pulse37Card acceptor call acquirer security pick-up
Pulse38Allowable PIN tries exceeded pick-up
Pulse39No credit account
Pulse40Requested function not supported
Pulse41Lost card pick up
Pulse42No universal account
Pulse43Stolen card pick up
Pulse44No investment account
Pulse51Insufficient funds
Pulse52No checking account
Pulse53No savings account
Pulse54Expired card
Pulse55Incorrect PIN
Pulse56No card record
Pulse57Transaction not permitted to cardholder
Pulse58Transaction not permitted to terminal (may also be a chargeback)
Pulse59Suspected fraud
Pulse60Card acceptor contact acquirer
Pulse61Exceeds withdrawal amount limit
Pulse62Restricted card
Pulse63Security violation (may also be a chargeback)
Pulse65Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit
Pulse66Card acceptor call acquirer security
Pulse67Hard capture pick-up
Pulse75Allowable number of PIN tries exceeded
Pulse76Key synchronization error
Pulse78Customer not eligible for POS
Pulse79Invalid Digital Signature
Pulse80Stale dated transaction
Pulse88Information not on file
Pulse89Card verification value (CVV) or iCVV verification failed (no pick-up)
Pulse90Cutoff in progress
Pulse91Issuer or switch is inoperative
Pulse92Financial institution or intermediate network unknown for routing
Pulse93Transaction cannot be completed violation of law
Pulse94Duplication transaction
Pulse95Reconcile error
Pulse96System malfunction
PulseN0Authorization life cycle unacceptable
PulseN1Authorization life cycle expired
PulseR3Approved with overdraft protection
PulseR4Invalid CVC3/ATC/dCVV
PulseS5PIN not selected
PulseS6PIN already selected
PulseS8Allowable PAN tries exceeded - denial
PulseS9Expiration date mismatch
PulseSAInactive card
PulseSBExpiration date mismatch (card pickup)
PulseSCItem suspected for stop pay
PulseSDAccount closed
PulseSEIneligible account
PulseSFItem submitted more than two times
PulseSGNo account on file - absolute
PulseSHUnable to locate
PulseSIGeneral denial
PulseSJItem settled via ACH
PulseSKCross-reference card not found
PulseSLCategory limit exceeded
PulseSMTransaction limit exceeded
PulseSNDaily limit exceeded
PulseSOMonthly limit exceeded
PulseSQPIN Key Synch Error
PulseSRBad CVV2
PulseSSStop payment order
PulseSTRevocation of authorization order
PulseSVStop recurring payments
PulseT3Lost card (no pickup)
PulseT4Closed account
PulseT5Dormant account
PulseT6Special conditions (no pickup)
PulseT7Purchase only approval for purchase with cash back transactions
PulseT9Insufficient funds for fees
PulseTAARQC validation failed for contactless Chip data rules
PulseTBUnsafe PIN
Star, Star Acces00Approved
Star, Star Acces01Refer to Card Issuer
Star, Star Acces02Refer to Card Issuer, special condition
Star, Star Acces03Invalid merchant
Star, Star Acces04Pick-up
Star, Star Acces05Do not honor
Star, Star Acces06Error/General Denial
Star, Star Acces07Pick-up card, special conditions
Star, Star Acces08Honor w/ID
Star, Star Acces09Request in progress
Star, Star Acces10Approved for partial Amount
Star, Star Acces11Transaction approved (VIP)
Star, Star Acces12Invalid Transaction
Star, Star Acces13Invalid amount
Star, Star Acces14Invalid card number (no such number)
Star, Star Acces15No such issuer
Star, Star Acces16Approved
Star, Star Acces19Re-enter transaction
Star, Star Acces20Invalid response
Star, Star Acces23Unacceptable transaction fee
Star, Star Acces24File update not supported by
Star, Star Acces25Unable to locate record on file
Star, Star Acces26Duplicate file update record
Star, Star Acces27File update edit error
Star, Star Acces28File update file locked out
Star, Star Acces29File update not successful, contact acquirer
Star, Star Acces30Format error
Star, Star Acces31Bank not supported by switch
Star, Star Acces33Expired card (capture)
Star, Star Acces34Suspected fraud (capture)
Star, Star Acces35Card acceptor contact acquirer (capture)
Star, Star Acces36Restricted card (capture)
Star, Star Acces37Card acceptor, call acquirer security (capture)
Star, Star Acces38Allowable PIN tries exceeded (capture)
Star, Star Acces39No credit account
Star, Star Acces40Requested function not supported
Star, Star Acces41Lost card
Star, Star Acces42No universal account
Star, Star Acces43Stolen card (capture)
Star, Star Acces44No investment account
Star, Star Acces51Not sufficient funds
Star, Star Acces52No checking account
Star, Star Acces53No savings account
Star, Star Acces54Expired card
Star, Star Acces 55 Incorrect PIN
Star, Star Acces56 No card record
Star, Star Acces57 Transaction not permitted to cardholder
Star, Star Acces58 Transaction not permitted to terminal
Star, Star Acces59 Suspected fraud
Star, Star Acces60 Card acceptor contact acquirer
Star, Star Acces61Exceeds ATM withdrawal or POS purchase amount limit
Star, Star Acces62 Restricted card
Star, Star Acces63 Security violation
Star, Star Acces65 Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit
Star, Star Acces66 Card acceptor call Acquirer's security department
Star, Star Acces67 Hard capture
Star, Star Acces68 Late Response
Star, Star Acces75 Allowable PIN tries exceeded
Star, Star Acces76Key sync error*
Star, Star Acces78 Cardholder not eligible for POS
Star, Star Acces80 Private use (Stale dated transaction)
Star, Star Acces82 Count exceeds limit (valid only for VisaNet issuers)
Star, Star Acces84 Time for preauthorization reached (Only valid for Interlink issuers)
Star, Star Acces85 Additional authentication required
Star, Star Acces86 Cannot verify PIN (valid only for VisaNet issuers)
Star, Star Acces87 Duplicate
Star, Star Acces88 Information not on file
Star, Star Acces89 Card Validation failure (CVC/CVV)
Star, Star Acces90STAR SE/W platform: Cutoff in progress (or) STAR NE platform: Card Validation failure (CVC/CVV)-Track 2
Star, Star Acces91 Issuer inoperative/unavailable
Star, Star Acces92 FI cannot be found for routing *
Star, Star Acces93 Transaction cannot be completed
Star, Star Acces94 Duplicate transaction
Star, Star Acces95 Reconcile error
Star, Star Acces96 System malfunction
Star, Star Acces98 Card Validation failure (CVC2/CVV2)-Trackless Transactions
Star, Star Acces99 Card Validation failure (CVC3/CVV3)
Star, Star AccesA1 Invalid voucher ID
Star, Star AccesA2 Invalid authorization number
Star, Star AccesK2 Special reply for SE/W token lookup
Star, Star AccesK3 Token lookup failure
Star, Star AccesR4 CVC3/dCVV failure
Star, Star AccesS7 Unmatched voucher information
Star, Star AccesS9 Expiration date mismatch - no capture
Star, Star AccesSA Inactive Card
Star, Star AccesSB Expiration date mismatch capture card
Star, Star AccesSC Item suspected for stop pay
Star, Star AccesSD Acct closed
Star, Star AccesSE Ineligible account
Star, Star AccesSF Item submitted more than two times
Star, Star AccesSG No acct on file
Star, Star AccesSH Unable to locate
Star, Star AccesSI General Denial
Star, Star AccesSM Transaction limit exceeded
Star, Star AccesSP Special conditions (no capture)
Star, Star AccesSR Card validation (CVC2/CVV2) Failure (or) 3-D Secure (MC Secure Code AAV/VISA CAVV) Failure
Star, Star AccesT3 Lost card (no capture)
Star, Star AccesT4 Closed account
Star, Star AccesT5 Dormant account
Star, Star AccesT6 Special conditions/CV Threshold reached
Star, Star AccesT7 ATC Failure
Star, Star AccesT8 ARQC Validation Failure
Star, Star AccesTA ARQC Validation Failure
Star, Star AccesTG ATC Failure
Star, Star AccesTS Suspected Fraud
Star, Star AccesVC Risk Block (country code blocking)
Maestro00Approved or completed successfully
Maestro01Refer to card issuer
Maestro04Capture card
Maestro05Do not honor
Maestro10Partial Approval
Maestro12Invalid transaction
Maestro13Invalid amount
Maestro14Invalid card number
Maestro15Invalid issuer
Maestro30Format error
Maestro41Lost card
Maestro43Stolen card
Maestro51Insufficient funds/over credit limit
Maestro54Expired card
Maestro55Invalid PIN
Maestro57Transaction not permitted to issuer/cardholder
Maestro58Transaction not permitted to acquirer/terminal
Maestro61Exceeds withdrawal amount limit
Maestro62Restricted card
Maestro63Security violation
Maestro65Exceeds withdrawal count limit
Maestro70Contact card issuer
Maestro71PIN not changed
Maestro75Allowable number of PIN tries exceeded
Maestro76Invalid/nonexistent "To Account" specified
Maestro77Invalid/nonexistent "Fron Account" specified
Maestro78Invalid/nonexistent account specified(general)
Maestro79"Life cycle (Mastercard use only for 0210 messages)"
Maestro81Domestic Debit Transaction Not Allowed (Regional use only)
Maestro82"Policy (Mastercard use only for 0210 messages)"
Maestro83"Fraud/Security (Mastercard use only for 0210 messages)"
Maestro84Invalid Authorization Life Cycle
Maestro85Not declined
Maestro86PIN validation not possible
Maestro87Purchase Amount only, no cash back allowed
Maestro88Cryptograpic failure
Maestro89Unacceptable PIN - Transaction declined - Retry
Maestro91Authorization platform or issuer system inoperative
Maestro92Unable to route transaction
Maestro94Duplicate transmission detected
Maestro96System Error