Pay Later messaging reference


Last updated: Mar 14th, 6:14pm

The following reference describes how to customize Pay Later messaging in the code samples.

Script query parameters

Pass these parameters to the JavaScript SDK script URL as the query parameters that apply to Pay Later messaging.

For the full set of PayPal script parameters, see the JavaScript SDK guide.

Sample code

    2 src=""
    3 data-partner-attribution-id="BN_CODE"
    4 data-namespace="PayPalSDK"
    Parameter Example value Description
    client-id a1b2c3d4e5f6 The client ID identifies the PayPal account for the messages component.
    merchant-id abcdef123456 The merchant ID of a merchant for whom you're facilitating a message. Only required when you are acting on behalf of another merchant.
    data-partner-attribution-id 6f5e4d3c2b1a Also known as BN code. Your BN code is issued to you as part of the onboarding process.
    data-namespace PayPalSDK The name to use as a global variable when the SDK loads. Only required if you're using a legacy checkout integration such as checkout.js. Can be any string, except paypal. For the example value, invoke PayPalSDK.Messages() in your integration.

    Messages function

    Create a Message object by invoking the paypal.Messages function with the following arguments:

    Arguments Type Description
    Message configuration object Object Configures layout, style for Pay Later messaging. Returns a Message object.

    Message object

    The Message object contains the following properties:

    Property Type Description
    render Function Determines where to render the Pay Later messages on the page, and renders them. Accepts a valid CSS selector string, single HTMLElement reference, or array of HTMLElement references. Returns a Promise that resolves after all messages have rendered to the DOM.

    Message Configuration Object

    The following table lists all configuration properties that you can set on the configuration object. This configuration object is passed into the Messages function to configure your messages. All of these properties have equivalent HTML custom attributes, which you can add inline on the HTML elements you target for messages. None of these properties are mandatory, although several are recommended. Some properties have default values. If no value or an invalid value is passed, the default value is used.

    Object property (path) Possible values Default Details
    amount Any number, up to two decimals precision N/a Jump to amount
    currency USD, GBP, EUR, AUD N/a Jump to currency
    style.layout text, flex text Jump to style.layout
    style.logo.type primary, alternative, inline, none primary Jump to style.logo.type
    style.logo.position left, right, top left Jump to style.logo.position
    style.text.color black, white, monochrome, grayscale black Jump to style.text.color
    style.text.size 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 12 Jump to style.text.size
    style.text.align left, center, right left Jump to style.text.align
    style.color blue, black, white, gray, monochrome, grayscale blue Jump to style.color
    style.ratio 1x1, 1x4, 8x1, 20x1 1x1 Jump to style.ratio
    pageType home,product-listing, product-details, search-results, cart,mini-cart, checkout N/a Jump to pageType
    onApply Any JavaScript function N/a Jump to onApply
    onClick Any JavaScript function N/a Jump to onClick
    onRender Any JavaScript function N/a Jump to onRender


    The product price or cart amount in euros. For example, €598.94 should be passed as 598.94Strongly recommended so that the best message is rendered.

    Object Property (path) Inline HTML Attribute Value Type Possible Values
    amount data-pp-amount Number | String Any number, up to two decimal places


    The buyer's currency code.

    Object Property (path) Inline HTML Attribute Value Type
    currency data-pp-currency String

    Set this option to one of these values:

    Value Description
    USD United States of America Dollar
    GBP Great Britain Pound
    EUR Euro
    AUD Australian Dollar


    Sets the overal style/type of message. Can choose between lightweight text-based or flexible, responsive banner.

    Object Property (path) Inline HTML Attribute Value Type
    style.layout data-pp-style-layout String

    Set this option to one of these values:

    Value Description
    text Default. Lightweight, contextual message.
    flex Responsive display banner.


    Sets the type of logo used in text layout messages.

    Object Property (path) Inline HTML Attribute Dependency Value Type
    style.logo.type data-pp-style-logo-type style.layout === 'text' String

    Set this option to one of these values:

    Value Description Preview
    primary Default. Single-line PayPal or PayPal Credit logo Italian,text,message,for,a,Pay,Later,offer,with,12,pixel,font,,left-aligned,,black,text,on,a,white,background,,with,a,PayPal,logo,displaying,the,PayPal,icon,and,name,on,the,left,side,of,the,text
    alternative "PP" monogram or "PP Credit" logo Italian,text,message,for,a,Pay,Later,offer,with,12,pixel,font,,left-aligned,,black,text,on,a,white,background,,with,a,PayPal,logo,displaying,only,the,PayPal,icon,on,the,left,side,of,the,text
    inline Recommended. Same as primary logo, but inline with the content Italian,Pay,Later,messaging,text,inline,black
    none No logo, text only Italian,Pay,Later,messaging,text,inline,black


    Sets the position of the logo relative to the message content for messages using a text layout.

    Object Property (path) Inline HTML Attribute Dependency Value Type
    style.logo.position data-pp-style-logo-position style.layout === 'text'
    && (style.logo.type
    === 'primary'
    || style.logo.type
    === 'alternative')

    Set this option to one of these values:

    Value Description Preview
    left Default. Logo left of the text. Italian,text,message,for,a,Pay,Later,offer,with,12,pixel,font,,left-aligned,,black,text,on,a,white,background,,with,a,PayPal,logo,displaying,the,PayPal,icon,and,name,on,the,left,side,of,the,text
    right Logo right of the text. Italian,text,message,for,a,Pay,Later,offer,with,12,pixel,font,,left-aligned,,black,text,on,a,white,background,,with,a,primary,PayPal,logo,on,the,right,side,of,the,text
    top Logo above of the text. Italian,text,message,for,a,Pay,Later,offer,with,12,pixel,font,,left-aligned,,black,text,on,a,white,background,,with,a,primary,PayPal,logo,on,top,of,the,text


    Sets the color of the text and PayPal/PayPal Credit logos for text layout messages.

    Object Property (path) Inline HTML Attribute Dependency Value Type
    style.text.color data-pp-style-text-color style.layout === 'text' String

    Set this option to one of these values:

    Value Description Preview
    black Default. Black text with colored logo Italian,text,message,for,a,Pay,Later,offer,with,12,pixel,font,,left-aligned,,black,text,on,a,white,background,,with,a,PayPal,logo,displaying,the,PayPal,icon,and,name,on,the,left,side,of,the,text
    white White text with a white logo Italian,text,message,for,a,Pay,Later,offer,with,12,pixel,font,,left-aligned,,white,text,on,a,black,background,,with,a,white,primary,PayPal,logo,on,the,left,side,of,the,text
    monochrome Black text with a black logo Italian,text,message,for,a,Pay,Later,offer,with,12,pixel,font,,left-aligned,,black,text,on,a,white,background,,with,a,monochrome,primary,PayPal,logo,on,the,left,side,of,the,text
    grayscale Black text with a grayscale logo Italian,text,message,for,a,Pay,Later,offer,with,12,pixel,font,,left-aligned,,grayscale,text,on,a,white,background,,with,a,grayscale,primary,PayPal,logo,on,the,left,side,of,the,text


    Sets the font size of the text for text layout messages.

    Object Property (path) Inline HTML Attribute Dependency Value Type
    style.text.size data-pp-style-text-size style.layout === 'text' Number

    Set this option to one of these values:

    Value Description Preview
    10, 11 Smaller text sizes. Two,Italian,text,message,for,a,Pay,Later,offer,with,10,and,11,pixel,font,,left-aligned,,black,text,on,a,white,background,,with,a,PayPal,logo,displaying,only,the,PayPal,icon,on,the,left,side,of,the,text
    12 Default. Standard text size. Italian,text,message,for,a,Pay,Later,offer,with,12,pixel,font,,left-aligned,,black,text,on,a,white,background,,with,a,PayPal,logo,displaying,only,the,PayPal,icon,on,the,left,side,of,the,text
    13, 14, 15, 16 Larger text sizes. Four,Italian,text,message,for,a,Pay,Later,offer,with,13,,14,,15,,and,16,pixel,font,,left-aligned,,black,text,on,a,white,background,,with,a,PayPal,logo,displaying,only,the,PayPal,icon,on,the,left,side,of,the,text)


    Sets the direction the text aligns for text layout messages.

    Object Property (path) Inline HTML Attribute Dependency Value Type
    style.text.align data-pp-style-align style.layout === 'text' String

    Set this option to one of these values:

    Value Description Preview
    left Default. Text is left aligned. Italian,text,message,for,a,Pay,Later,offer,with,12,pixel,font,,left-aligned,,black,text,on,a,white,background,,with,a,PayPal,logo,displaying,the,PayPal,icon,and,name,on,the,left,side,of,the,text,left
    center Text is center aligned. Italian,text,message,for,a,Pay,Later,offer,with,12,pixel,font,,left-aligned,,black,text,on,a,white,background,,with,a,PayPal,logo,displaying,the,PayPal,icon,and,name,on,the,left,side,of,the,text,center
    right Text is right aligned. Italian,text,message,for,a,Pay,Later,offer,with,12,pixel,font,,left-aligned,,black,text,on,a,white,background,,with,a,PayPal,logo,displaying,the,PayPal,icon,and,name,on,the,left,side,of,the,text,right


    Sets the color of the message background for flex layout messages.

    Object Property (path) Inline HTML Attribute Dependency Value Type
    style.color data-pp-style-color style.layout === 'flex' String

    Set this option to one of these values:

    Value Description Preview
    blue Default. Blue background with white text and white logo A,square,Italian,flex,message,for,a,Pay,Later,offer,with,white,text,and,logo,on,a,blue,background
    black Black background with white text and white logo A,square,Italian,flex,message,for,a,Pay,Later,offer,with,white,text,and,logo,on,a,black,background
    white White background with blue text, colored logo, and blue border A,square,Italian,flex,message,for,a,Pay,Later,offer,with,black,text,and,logo,on,a,white,background,with,a,blue,border
    gray Light gray background with blue text and colored logo A,square,Italian,flex,message,for,a,Pay,Later,offer,with,blue,text,and,a,colored,logo,on,a,light,gray,background
    monochrome White background with black text and black logo A,square,Italian,flex,message,for,a,Pay,Later,offer,with,black,text,and,logo,on,a,white,background
    grayscale White background with black text and grayscale logo A,square,Italian,flex,message,for,a,Pay,Later,offer,with,blue,text,and,a,colored,logo,on,a,light,gray,backgroundscale


    The ratio of the flexible display banner.

    Object Property (path) Inline HTML Attribute Dependency Value Type
    style.ratio data-pp-style-ratio style.layout === 'flex' String

    Set this option to one of these values:

    Value Description Preview
    1x1 Default. Ratio of 1x1 that flexes between 120px and 300px wide A,square,Italian,flex,message,for,a,Pay,Later,offer,with,white,text,and,logo,on,a,blue,background
    1x4 Ratio of 1x4 that is 160px wide A,rectangular,Italian,flex,message,with,a,width,to,height,ratio,of,1x4,for,a,Pay,Later,offer,with,white,text,and,logo,on,a,blue,background
    8x1 Ratio of 8x1 that flexes between 250px and 768px wide A,rectangular,Italian,flex,message,with,a,width,to,height,ratio,of,8x1,for,a,Pay,Later,offer,with,white,text,and,logo,on,a,blue,background
    20x1 Ratio of 20x1 that flexes between 250px and 1169px wide A,rectangular,Italian,flex,message,with,a,width,to,height,ratio,of,20x1,for,a,Pay,Later,offer,with,white,text,and,logo,on,a,blue,background


    Informs PayPal's analytics and system logging of the type of e-commerce page on which the message is placed.

    Object Property (path) Inline HTML Attribute Value Type
    placement data-pp-placement String

    Set this option to one of these values:

    Value Description
    home The message is placed on the home page.
    category The message is placed on a category page.
    product The message is placed on the product page.
    product-list The message is placed on a product list page.
    cart The message is placed on the cart page.
    payment The message is placed on the payment page.


    Callback function called immediately after user selects on an Apply link or button in the pop-up modal.

    Object Property (path) Inline HTML Attribute Value Type Possible Values
    onApply data-pp-onapply Function Any JavaScript function


    Callback function called immediately after user selects on a message.

    Object Property (path) Inline HTML Attribute Value Type Possible Values
    onClick data-pp-onclick Function Any JavaScript function


    Callback function called immediately after a message has been successfully rendered into the DOM.

    Object Property (path) Inline HTML Attribute Value Type Possible Values
    onRender data-pp-onrender Function Any JavaScript function

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