Using the PayPal Here SDK


Last updated: Sept 19th, 7:16pm

The PayPal Here (PPH) SDK enables third-party providers or merchants to integrate PayPal Here's point-of-sale payment solution in their app. You can create fully customized, branded apps that enable credit or debit card payments in-store using PayPal card readers. With a PayPal Here card reader, PayPal manages the PCI compliance so merchants and partners don't have to navigate complex compliance requirements.

Get started with sample apps

Get started by downloading our sample app for the relevant platform:

See also

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Additional information

We have plenty of resources for you. Here's a full list:

Guide Description
SDK Resources Guides, sample applications, and reference material.
- SDK Guide
- SDK Documentation Updates
- iOS Sample app
- Android Sample app
- Web sample code
Sandbox Testing Guide Test your integration in our sandbox environment.
Merchant Onboarding Guide Connect merchant accounts so that you can process transactions on their behalf.
Best Practices Our guidelines to ensure that you provide the best possible experience to your customers.
Go Live A last-stop checklist before lauching your SDK-enabled app.
Customizations Additional features available with the SDK.


Download the sample apps.

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