iOS/Android SDK


Last updated: Feb 27th, 7:32am


Work with the SDK

To prepare to process transactions with the SDK for the first time, an app must complete these setup operations:

  1. Initialize the SDK each time the app starts.
  2. Initialize the merchant by passing their credentials into the SDK.
  3. Find and Connect to a card reader (for card-present transactions).

After setup is complete, an app must complete these steps to process a basic card-present transaction:

  1. Create an invoice.
  2. Add items to the invoice.
  3. Take a payment using a credit card reader.
  4. Capture the customer's signature, if required for the transaction.
  5. Send a receipt.

Initialize the SDK, merchant, and device

  1. Initialize the SDK.

  1. iOS (Swift)
  2. iOS (Obj-C)
  3. Android
  4. Windows
  1. Initialize the merchant. You pass an SdkCredential object, which includes the access token, refresh URL, and the environment. For details, see Token Management.

  1. iOS (Swift)
  2. iOS (Obj-C)
  3. Android
  4. Windows
1let sdkCreds = SdkCredential.init(accessToken: "access token of merchant", refreshUrl: "refresh URL to use to refresh access token after expiry", environment: "either live or sandbox")
2PayPalRetailSDK.initializeMerchant(withCredentials: sdkCreds) { (error, merchant) in
3 // Code to handle success or failure
4 // To continue, this must succeed
  1. Device discovery. After you initialize the SDK and merchant, connect to a card reader. The following code demonstrates how to connect:

    • You can look for the last known reader.
    • You can search for a reader.
    • You can auto-connect to the last known reader.
  1. iOS (Swift)
  2. iOS (Obj-C)
  3. Android
  4. Windows
1// previous declaration of deviceManager
2let deviceManager = PayPalRetailSDK.deviceManager()
3// code to connect to last known reader or find another
4deviceManager.connect(toLastActiveReader: { (error, paymentDevice) -> Void in
5 // Code to handle success or failure
6 // On error, check the error and retry
7 // On success for a Bluetooth reader, check for software update
9// code to search and connect
10deviceManager.searchAndConnect({ (error, paymentDevice) -> Void in
11 // Code to handle success or failure
12 // On error, check the error and retry
13 // On success for a Bluetooth reader, check for software update
15// code to auto-connect to the last known reader
16let lastActiveReader = deviceManager?.getLastActiveBluetoothReader()
17deviceManager.scanAndAutoConnect(toBluetoothReader: lastActiveReader, callback: { (error, paymentDevice) in
18 // Code to handle success or failure
19 // On error, check error and connect by another method
20 // On success for a Bluetooth reader, check for software update
  1. Reader firmware update. If the connected card reader is a Bluetooth reader, you must check for and start the firmware update.
  1. iOS (Swift)
  2. iOS (Obj-C)
  3. Android
1reader.pendingUpdate.offer({ (error, updateComplete) in
2 // Code to handle success or failure
3 // On error, check the error and retry
4 // On success, continue with the payment flow

SDK capabilities


  1. Create an invoice. Be sure to provide a unique invoice number to protect against duplicate transactions.
  1. iOS (Swift)
  2. iOS (Obj-C)
  3. Android
  4. Windows
1var invoice: PPRetailInvoice?
2invoice = PPRetailInvoice.init(currencyCode: "USD")
3invoice.addItem("My Order", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 1.00, itemId: 123, detailId: nil)
4invoice.number = "unique_invoice_number"
  1. Create a TransactionContext using the previously created invoice.
  1. iOS (Swift)
  2. iOS (Obj-C)
  3. Android
  4. Windows
1var tc: PPRetailTransactionContext?
2PayPalRetailSDK.transactionManager().createTransaction(invoice, callback: { (error, context) in
3 // On error, handle error. Else, set transaction context to call beginPayment in next step
4 = context

  1. Accept a transaction. This part activates the reader so that the customer can select their payment method and then also adds the listeners that will fire when the payment method is chosen.

  1. iOS (Swift)
  2. iOS (Obj-C)
  3. Android
  4. Windows
1// Listener called once the transaction is completed
2tc.setCompletedHandler { (error, txnRecord) -> Void in
3 // if error, handle accordingly, else pop back to view controller and handle success
4 self.navigationController?.popToViewController(self, animated: false)
5 // txnRecord would have any info needed to record the successful transaction
7// Setting up the options for the transaction.
8let options = PPRetailTransactionBeginOptions()
9options.showPromptInCardReader = true
10options.showPromptInApp = true
11options.preferredFormFactors = []
12options.tippingOnReaderEnabled = false
13options.amountBasedTipping = false
14options.isAuthCapture = false
15options.quickChipEnabled = false
16// Activates the reader to show the payment options
Payment optionTypeDescription
showPromptInCardReaderBoolPrompts the customer to tap/insert/swipe the card and whether that appears on the reader.
showPromptInAppBoolPrompts the customer to tap/insert/swipe the card and whether that UI shows in the integrating app.
preferredFormFactorsArrayRestricts accepted payment methods (contactless, swipe, chip).
tippingOnReaderEnabledBoolDefines whether the customer is prompted for a tip on the card reader.
amountBasedTippingBoolDefines whether the tipping is amount based or percentage based.
isAuthCaptureBoolDefines whether the transaction runs as an authorization or a sale. If true, you also must implement the Receipts API.
quickChipEnabledBoolEnables quick chip processing so customers don't have to leave their card inserted the whole time the transaction is processing.

Offline payment

This feature is currently only available to US merchants.

  1. Merchant initialization If you have an Internet connection and can call initializeMerchantsuccessfully, you can proceed to step 2 to enable offline mode. You do not need to call initializeMerchantOffline if you've already completed a successful online merchant initialization. However, if you do not have an Internet connection to call initializeMerchant, you can call intializeMerchantOffline to successfully initialize the merchant before processing offline transactions.
  1. iOS (Swift)
  2. iOS (Obj-C)
  3. Android
1PayPalRetailSDK.initializeMerchantOffline { (error, merchant) in
2 // Code to handle success or failure
  1. Enable offline payments to accept payments when you have no internet connection. This will start the offline processing of transactions and save them on the device.
  1. iOS (Swift)
  2. iOS (Obj-C)
  3. Android
1PayPalRetailSDK.transactionManager().startOfflinePayment(callback: { (error, offlinePaymentInfo) in
2 // Code to handle success or failure
  1. Create a TransactionContext using the previously created invoice in the same way as one would for a normal payment.

  2. Accept a transaction in the same way as a normal payment. For offline payments the reader will only accept swipe transactions at this time. Transaction options are not available when processing offline payments and also there is a separate completed handler for offline payments.

  1. iOS (Swift)
  2. iOS (Obj-C)
  3. Android
1tc.setOfflineTransactionAdditionHandler({ (error, txnRecord) in
2 // if error, handle accordingly, else pop back to view controller and handle success
3 self.navigationController?.popToViewController(self, animated: false)
4 // txnRecord would have any info needed to record the successful offline saved transaction
  1. Check the status of the offline payment saved on the device.
  1. iOS (Swift)
  2. iOS (Obj-C)
  3. Android
1PayPalRetailSDK.transactionManager().getOfflinePaymentStatus(callback: { (error, offlinePaymentInfo) in
2 // Code to handle success or failure
  1. Start processing the offline payments.
  1. iOS (Swift)
  2. iOS (Obj-C)
  3. Android
1PayPalRetailSDK.transactionManager().startReplayOfflineTxns(callback: { (error, offlinePaymentInfo) in
2 // Code to handle success or failure of the offline replay
  1. Stop processing the offline payments at any time.
  1. iOS (Swift)
  2. iOS (Obj-C)
  3. Android
1PayPalRetailSDK.transactionManager().stopReplayOfflineTxns(callback: { (error, info) in
2 // Status of the remaining offline transactions
  1. Disable offline payments.
  1. iOS (Swift)
  2. iOS (Obj-C)
  3. Android
1PayPalRetailSDK.transactionManager().stopOfflinePayment({ (error, info) in
2 // Status of the remaining offline transactions


Refunds can either be done within your app or you can use our Refund API to incorporate refund functionality in your back-office. These steps outline how to complete a refund within your app:

  1. Create a TransactionContext for the invoice you would like to refund. The createRefundTransaction method takes in the following parameters: PayPal invoice ID, transaction ID, payment method of the transaction, and a callback handler.
  1. iOS (Swift)
  2. iOS (Obj-C)
  3. Android
  4. Windows
1PayPalRetailSDK.transactionManager().createRefundTransaction(paypalInvoiceId, transactionNumber: transactionNumber, paymentMethod: paymentMethod, callback: refundHandler)

The callback handler accepts an error object and transaction context. If the error object is not nil, then handle accordingly. Otherwise, use the transaction context to call beginRefund.

  1. Call into beginRefund to determine whether the card is present for the refund, and to process the refund. This code would be used as part of the callbacks mentioned in the createRefundTransaction method.
  1. iOS (Swift)
  2. iOS (Obj-C)
  3. Android
  4. Windows
1// Listener that gets called once the refund processes
2tc.setCompletedHandler { (error, txnRecord) -> Void in
3 // if error, handle accordingly, else pop back to view controller and handle success
4 self.navigationController?.popToViewController(self, animated: false)
5 // txnRecord would have any info needed to record the successful refund
7// Begins refund process and asks if a card is present for the refund
8tc.beginRefund(true, amount: refundAmount)

Additional capabilities

The SDK also supports several additional capabilities:

  • Adding a referrer code to a transaction
  • Accepting keyed-in card payments
  • Adding a unique invoice ID to a transaction

When your integration is complete, check the going live page to ensure that you have everything ready for activation. Once that is working, you can implement other customizations that are available with the SDK into your integration.

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