Marketing Solutions Reference

Last updated: Aug 15th, 6:20am

When you integrate the Marketing Solutions button, use these parameters:

element — The element ID that houses the button.

options — Pass one or more of these optional parameters to the button:

Parameter Default Description
onContainerCreate None The callback function.
host_name None The URL or hostname of the merchant site.
partner_name None Your organization's name.
bn_code None The partner code PayPal gives you. It is typically from six to eight digits in length.
cid None The settings the container ID passes back to the partner upon activation.
env production The environment where the Marketing Solutions button operates: sandbox or production.
styles PayPal button default The styles option supports custom styles for the button. You can control the appearance of the button by entering a string of CSS values in camel case. Example:
    1style: [{"key1": "value1"}, {"button": "CSSvalueInCamelCase"}]

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