File validation errors


Last updated: Sept 23rd, 8:24pm

These errors may occur when Payouts validates your input file. Once you've fixed the errors, retry the payout:

Error Description
DUPLICATE_REF_ID Reference IDs must be unique within an input file.
EMAIL_MESSAGE_EXCEEDED_MAX_SIZE The email message exceeded the maximum character limit. The limit is 1000.
EMAIL_SUBJECT_EXCEEDED_MAX_SIZE The email subject exceeded the maximum character limit. The limit is 255.
ENCODING_ERROR The payout input file is not in UTF-8 format.
FILE_EMPTY_OR_CORRUPT The payout input file is empty or corrupt and cannot be processed.
FILE_NOT_FOUND The file has been removed from the source folder. Contact our customer support.
FILE_SIZE_ERROR The payout input file is empty.
GZ_FILE_CORRUPT_ERROR The payout input file is corrupt or has a checksum issue.
INVALID_CURRENCY The currency code is invalid.
INVALID_FILE_FORMAT The input file contains characters, columns, or details that are not required for processing payouts. Remove these characters, columns, or details and upload the file.
INVALID_FILE_NAME The format of the file name is invalid.
INVALID_FIRST_COLUMN The first column entry in the summary must be PAYOUT_SUMMARY. For an item record, this must be PAYOUT.
INVALID_REF_ID_FORMAT The reference ID must be alphanumeric. The maximum character limit is 63.
INVALID_SUMMARY_LINE_POSITION The payout summary record is missing from the first line in the payout input file.
MANDATORY_COLUMN_MISSING The file is missing mandatory columns. Please enter the required information and retry the Payout.
MULTI_CURRENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED The payout input file has more than one currency.
MULTIPLE_SUMMARY_RECORDS The payout input file should contain only one summary record.
PAYOUT_AMOUNT_INVALID_FORMAT The payout amount must use a decimal. Other special characters aren't allowed.
PAYOUT_AMOUNT_NON_POSITIVE The payout amount must be greater than zero.
SANDBOX_LIMIT_ERROR The number of items in the file exceeds the sandbox file limit (sandbox only).
SCHEDULED_TIME_ERROR The payout can be scheduled a maximum of seven days in advance.
SUMMARY_AMOUNT_INVALID_FORMAT The summary amount must be a decimal. Other special characters aren't allowed.
SUMMARY_AMOUNT_NON_POSITIVE The total payout amount in the summary line must be greater than zero.
SUMMARY_AND_PAYOUT_MATCH_CONFLICT The payout amount in the summary line doesn’t match the total item value.
SUMMARY_LINES_NON_INTEGER The total number of payments field in the summary line must be an integer.
SUMMARY_LINES_NON_POSITIVE The total number of payments field in summary line must be greater than zero.
SUMMARY_MISSING The summary line is missing from the payout input file.
TOTAL_PAYMENTS_MISMATCH The TOTAL_NO_OF_PAYMENTS in the PAYOUTS_SUMMARY row must match the total records in the payout input file.
INVALID_PURPOSE The purpose specified for the transaction is invalid.

See also
