DoReauthorization API Operation (SOAP)


Last updated: Aug 15th, 8:09am

Reauthorizes an existing authorization transaction. The resulting reauthorization is a new transaction with a new AuthorizationID. (More about authorization and capture)

DoReauthorization Request Message

DoReauthorization Request Fields

Field Description



(Required) Value of a previously authorized transaction identification number returned by PayPal.

Character length and limitations: 19 single-byte characters



(Required) Amount to reauthorize.

Character length and limitations: Value is typically a positive number that cannot exceed nine (9) digits in SOAP request/response for USD, CLP, or JPY or the per transaction limit for the currency. It includes no currency symbol. Most currencies require two decimal places. The decimal separator must be a period (.), and the optional thousands separator must be a comma (,). Some currencies do not allow decimals. For details, see the currency codes page.



(Optional) A message ID used for idempotence to uniquely identify a message. This ID can later be used to request the latest results for a previous request without generating a new request. Examples of this include requests due to timeouts or errors during the original request.

Character length and limitations: 38 single-byte characters

This field is available since version 94.0.

DoReauthorization Response Message

DoReauthorization Response Fields

Field Description



New authorization identification number.

Character length and limits:19 single-byte characters



A message ID used for idempotence to uniquely identify a message. This ID can later be used to request the latest results for a previous request without generating a new request. Examples of this include requests due to timeouts or errors during the original request.

Character length and limitations: 38 single-byte characters

This field is available since version 94.0.

AuthorizationInfo Fields

Field Description



Status of the payment. Value is:

  • None — No status.

  • Canceled-Reversal — A reversal has been canceled. For example, when you win a dispute, PayPal returns the funds for the reversal to you.

  • Completed — The payment has been completed, and the funds have been added successfully to your account balance.

  • Denied — You denied the payment. This happens only if the payment was previously pending because of possible reasons described for the PendingReason element.

  • Expired — The authorization period for this payment has been reached.

  • Failed — The payment has failed. This happens only if the payment was made from the buyer's bank account.

  • In-Progress — The transaction has not terminated. For example, an authorization may be awaiting completion.

  • Partially-Refunded — The payment has been partially refunded.

  • Pending — The payment is pending. See the PendingReason field for more information.

  • Refunded — You refunded the payment.

  • Reversed— A payment was reversed due to a chargeback or other type of reversal. PayPal removes the funds from your account balance and returns them to the buyer. The ReasonCode element specifies the reason for the reversal.

  • Processed — A payment has been accepted.

  • Voided — An authorization for this transaction has been voided.



Reason the payment is pending. Value is:

  • none — No pending reason.

  • address — The payment is pending because your customer did not include a confirmed shipping address and your Payment Receiving Preferences is set such that you want to manually accept or deny each of these payments. To change your preference, go to the Preferences section of your Profile.

  • authorization — The payment is pending because it has been authorized but not settled. You must capture the funds first.

  • echeck — The payment is pending because it was made by an eCheck that has not yet cleared.

  • intl — The payment is pending because you hold a non-U.S. account and do not have a withdrawal mechanism. You must manually accept or deny this payment from your Account Overview.

  • multi-currency — You do not have a balance in the currency sent, and you do not have your Payment Receiving Preferences set to automatically convert and accept this payment. You must manually accept or deny this payment.

  • order — The payment is pending because it is part of an order that has been authorized but not settled.

  • paymentreview — The payment is pending while it is being reviewed by PayPal for risk.

  • unilateral — The payment is pending because it was made to an email address that is not yet registered or confirmed.

  • verify — The payment is pending because you are not yet verified. You must verify your account before you can accept this payment.

  • other — The payment is pending for a reason other than those listed above. For more information, contact PayPal Customer Service.



Prior to version 64.4, the kind of seller protection in force for the transaction. Value is:

  • Eligible — Merchant is protected by PayPal's Seller Protection Policy for Unauthorized Payment and Item Not Received.

  • PartiallyEligible — Merchant is protected by PayPal's Seller Protection Policy for Item Not Received.

  • Ineligible — Merchant is not protected under the Seller Protection Policy.



Since version 64.4, the type of seller protection in force for the transaction.

It is one or more of the following values:
  • ItemNotReceivedEligible – Merchant is protected by PayPal's Seller Protection Policy for Item Not Received.
  • UnauthorizedPaymentEligible – Merchant is protected by PayPal's Seller Protection Policy for Unauthorized Payment.
  • Ineligible – Merchant is not protected under the Seller Protection Policy.
This field is available since version 64.4.

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