3D Secure

Client-Side Implementationanchor

Generate a client tokenanchor


You must generate a client token if you want to use 3D Secure (3DS). Tokenization keys can't be used to verify 3D Secure enabled cards.

Before you can initialize the JavaScript SDK, you will need to generate a client token. The client_token is generated on your server and must be accessible from the JavaScript in your checkout page.

Specify a merchant accountanchor

If you would like to use a merchant account ID other than your default, specify the merchant_account_id when generating the client token.


The merchant account ID used to create the client token must match the merchant account ID used to create the subsequent transaction or verification.

Using 3DSanchor

Drop-in UIanchor


3DS2 support requires Drop-in version 1.20.1 or higher.

If you are using the Drop-In UI to tokenize cards, you have CVV rules enabled and you run 3D Secure verifications, the default setting to vault cards on your client will result in a processor error.

Instead, you should disable vaulting via the Drop-In UI and vault the card on your server. You can do so by setting vaultCard to false when initializing the Drop-In UI and include the vault_on_success=true parameter when creating a transaction using transaction:sale or a GraphQL mutation from your server.

To add our Drop-in UI to your checkout page, include the dropin script:

  1. JavaScript
<!-- Load the Drop-in component -->
<script src="https://js.braintreegateway.com/web/dropin/1.43.0/js/dropin.min.js"></script>

To use 3DS, you will need to pass an object with relevant customer and transaction data into the threeDSecure field of the requestPaymentMethod options in order to minimize the need for issuing banks to present authentication challenges to customers. This object must contain the amount field and should contain as many of the following fields as possible:

As of Braintree Web Drop-in version 1.37.0, an option to submit additional device data to 3DS is available. Submitting this additional data may reduce the occurance of lookup failures or authentication challenges.

  1. JavaScript
var threeDSecureParameters = {
    amount: '500.00',
    email: 'test@example.com',
    billingAddress: {
      givenName: 'Jill', // ASCII-printable characters required, else will throw a validation error
      surname: 'Doe', // ASCII-printable characters required, else will throw a validation error
      phoneNumber: '8101234567',
      streetAddress: '555 Smith St.',
      extendedAddress: '#5',
      locality: 'Oakland',
      region: 'CA', // ISO-3166-2 code
      postalCode: '12345',
      countryCodeAlpha2: 'US'
    collectDeviceData: true,
    additionalInformation: {
      workPhoneNumber: '8101234567',
      shippingGivenName: 'Jill',
      shippingSurname: 'Doe',
      shippingPhone: '8101234567',
      shippingAddress: {
        streetAddress: '555 Smith St.',
        extendedAddress: '#5',
        locality: 'Oakland',
        region: 'CA', // ISO-3166-2 code
        postalCode: '12345',
        countryCodeAlpha2: 'US'

Then, create the Drop-in and pass in the 3DS parameters accordingly.

  1. Callback
  2. Promise
      authorization: 'CLIENT_AUTHORIZATION',
      container: '#dropin-container',
      threeDSecure: true
  }, function (err, dropinInstance) {
      if (err) {
          // Handle any errors that might've occurred when creating Drop-in

      submitButton.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
            threeDSecure: threeDSecureParameters
          }, function (err, payload) {
              if (err) {
                  // Handle errors in requesting payment method
              // Send payload.nonce to your server
              // The 3D Secure Authentication ID can be found
              //  at payload.threeDSecureInfo.threeDSecureAuthenticationId

Hosted Fieldsanchor



3DS2 support requires Braintree version 3.92.0 or higher.

To use 3DS with Hosted Fields, include the client, three-d-secure, and hosted-fields scripts:

  1. HTML
<!-- Load the client component. -->
<!-- Load the 3D Secure component. -->
<!-- Load the Hosted Fields component. -->

To use 3DS2, you will need to pass an object with relevant customer and transaction data into the threeDSecure field of the requestPaymentMethod options in order to minimize the need for issuing banks to present authentication challenges to customers. This object must contain the following fields:

  • amount
  • nonce
  • bin

And should contain as many of the following fields as possible:

As of Braintree version 3.94.0 an option to submit additional device settings to 3D Secure is available. Submitting this data may reduce lookup failures and/or authentication challenges for customers. Set the collectDeviceData option to true to enable collection of additional device data.


You may see an increase in authentication challenges if you do not include this information.

Handle Lookup Responseanchor

You will also need to implement the required callback onLookupComplete, which will be invoked after receiving the ThreeDSecure lookup response, before initializing the challenge and completing the flow.

  1. JavaScript
var threeDSecureParameters = {
  amount: '500.00',
  nonce: NONCE_FROM_INTEGRATION, // Example: hostedFieldsTokenizationPayload.nonce
  bin: BIN_FROM_INTEGRATION, // Example: hostedFieldsTokenizationPayload.details.bin
  email: 'test@example.com',
  collectDeviceData: true,
  billingAddress: {
    givenName: 'Jill', // ASCII-printable characters required, else will throw a validation error
    surname: 'Doe', // ASCII-printable characters required, else will throw a validation error
    phoneNumber: '8101234567',
    streetAddress: '555 Smith St.',
    extendedAddress: '#5',
    locality: 'Oakland',
    region: 'CA', // ISO-3166-2 code
    postalCode: '12345',
    countryCodeAlpha2: 'US'
  additionalInformation: {
    workPhoneNumber: '8101234567',
    shippingGivenName: 'Jill',
    shippingSurname: 'Doe',
    shippingPhone: '8101234567',
    shippingAddress: {
      streetAddress: '555 Smith St.',
      extendedAddress: '#5',
      locality: 'Oakland',
      region: 'CA', // ISO-3166-2 code
      postalCode: '12345',
      countryCodeAlpha2: 'US'
  onLookupComplete: function (data, next) {
    // use 'data' here, then call 'next()'

Specify version: 2 in your options object when calling threeDSecure.create().

  1. Callback
  2. Promise
var threeDSecure;

  // Use the generated client token to instantiate the Braintree client.
  authorization: 'CLIENT_TOKEN_FROM_SERVER'
}, function (clientErr, clientInstance) {
  if (clientErr) {
    // Handle error in client creation

    version: 2, // Will use 3DS2 whenever possible
    client: clientInstance
  }, function (threeDSecureErr, threeDSecureInstance) {
    if (threeDSecureErr) {
      // Handle error in 3D Secure component creation

    threeDSecure = threeDSecureInstance;

Once the 3D Secure client has been created, you can verify cards by passing the threeDSecureParameters into verifyCard. This call may challenge the cardholder to authenticate (if the card is enrolled in a 3D Secure program, such as Verified by Visa, and the cardholder's issuing bank decides to challenge).

  1. Callback
  2. Promise
threeDSecure.verifyCard(threeDSecureParameters, function (err, response) {
  if (err) {
    // Handle error
  // Send response.nonce to your server for use in your integration
  // The 3D Secure Authentication ID can be found
  //  at response.threeDSecureInfo.threeDSecureAuthenticationId

Device Dataanchor

Submitting additional device data to 3D Secure may reduce rejections and/or the need for authentication challenges for customers. Include the following option (set to true) with 3DS lookup parameters to enable collection of additional device data.

  • collectDeviceData

The following device attributes are sent to 3D Secure when this option is enabled:

  • browser color depth
  • browser Java enabled
  • browser JavaScript enabled
  • browser language
  • browser screen height and width
  • browser time zone
  • device channel

Verify a vaulted credit cardanchor

First, on the server, generate and return a payment method nonce for the vaulted credit card.

Then, on the browser, you can use the same verifyCard method just as before and pass it the newly-generated nonce.

Validation errorsanchor

Braintree will evaluate any fields passed against Cardinal's documentation. You will receive a validation error from Braintree if a field is incorrect.

Advanced client-side optionsanchor

We expose additional information about the authentication request that you can use for more advanced UI flows or risk assessment. You should be aware that making such assessments may result in accepting the liability for fraudulent transactions.

These parameters pass through the client-side first and should not be trusted for your server-side risk assessment. They should be used for UI flow only.

  1. Callback
  2. Promise
  amount: '500.00',
  onLookupComplete: function (data, next) {
    // use 'data' here, then call 'next()'
}, function (err, response) {
  var liabilityShifted = response.liabilityShifted; // true || false
  var liabilityShiftPossible =  response.liabilityShiftPossible; // true || false
  1. liabilityShifted indicates that 3D Secure worked and authentication succeeded. This will also be true if the issuing bank does not support 3D Secure, but the payment method does. In both cases, the liability for fraud has been shifted to the bank. You should go on creating a transaction using the new nonce.
  2. liabilityShiftPossible indicates that the payment method was eligible for 3D Secure. If liabilityShifted is false, then the user failed 3D Secure authentication. In this situation, the card brands recommend asking the user for another form of payment. However, if you have server-side risk assessment processes that allow for it, you can still use the new nonce to create a transaction. If you want to use a nonce that did not pass 3D Secure authentication, you need to set the required option to false in your server integration.
  3. If both of the above values are false then this card was ineligible for 3D Secure. You can continue to create the transaction with the new nonce. However, liability shift will not apply to this transaction. This case may be useful if you would like to ask the user for additional verification (AVS, etc).

For American Express SafeKey, liabilityShifted may be returned as true but Amex may later revoke the liability shift for the transaction based on your merchant behavior and fraud rate.

Using 3D Secure with a CVV-only nonceanchor

If you want to use a CVV-only nonce when creating a transaction with 3D Secure, you will need to pass a 3D Secure Authentication ID together with a CVV-only nonce when creating a transaction, creating a payment method, or creating a customer with a payment method

Using 3D Secure Data-Onlyanchor

To use use the 3D Secure data-only protocol for a given cardbrand, add the dataOnlyRequested boolean, and check for the resulting status in the onLookupComplete() callback:

  1. Callback
  2. Promise
  amount: '500.00',
  dataOnlyRequested: true,
  onLookupComplete: function (data, next) {
    // use 'data' here, then call 'next()'
}, function (err, response) {
  var liabilityShifted = response.liabilityShifted; // true || false
  var liabilityShiftPossible =  response.liabilityShiftPossible; // true || false

Using 3D Secure with Google Payanchor

We support 3DS for Google Pay non-network tokenized cards.

Google Pay cards can be tokenized in one of two ways:

  • A non-network tokenized card is a standard credit card. Access to the card's primary account number (PAN) makes 3DS verification possible.
  • A network tokenized card is a generated virtual card with a device-specific account number (DPAN) that is used in place of the underlying source card. These cards cannot be used with 3DS.

Drop-in UI with Google Payanchor

If 3DS was requested, Google Pay cards that are non-network tokenized will automatically be processed for 3DS verification.

Custom UIanchor

To process non-network tokenized Google Pay cards for 3DS verification, include a Google Pay nonce as the nonce field on your threeDSecureParameters. See the Google Pay configuration guide for how to generate a Google Pay nonce. Once you have generated a nonce, follow these instructions:

First, check if your Google Pay nonce is non-network tokenized.

  1. JavaScript
if (nonce.isNetworkTokenized === false) {
  // eligible for 3DS Verification

Then, construct your threeDSecureParameters with this nonce.

  1. JavaScript
var threeDSecureParameters = {
  amount: '500.00',
  nonce: GOOGLE_PAY_NONCE, // Use Google Pay nonce
  email: 'test@example.com',
  billingAddress: {
    // see example above
  additionalInformation: {
    // see example above
  onLookupComplete: function (data, next) {

Using accountType for combo cards in Brazilanchor

When processing Brazilian cards domestically, customers with combo cards should be given the opportunity to select the account type of their card. To do this, generate a UI for this selection and reflect that choice in the 3D Secure call, as well as the corresponding transaction, payment method or customer API call.

  1. Callback
  2. Promise
  amount: '500.00',
  accountType: 'credit',
  onLookupComplete: function (data, next) {
    // use 'data' here, then call 'next()'
}, function (err, response) {
  var liabilityShifted = response.liabilityShifted; // true || false
  var liabilityShiftPossible =  response.liabilityShiftPossible; // true || false

See also

Next Page: Server-side