Braintree Auth (Beta)
Merchant Connect Flow
By placing the Connect with Braintree button in your dashboard, you are enabling your merchants to connect their Braintree account to your platform.

User experience
When the merchant clicks the button, they will be redirected to a Braintree-hosted page that's cobranded with PayPal powered by Braintree and the logo you provided in your OAuth configuration. They will then be prompted to log into an existing Braintree account, using either their PayPal credentials or their Braintree credentials.
After clicking one of the login buttons, by default, they will also have the option of entering a new email and password to sign up for a new Braintree account. If you are not interested in allowing merchants to do this through your platform, you can choose to enable only the login flow.
Login flow
If the merchant logs into an existing Braintree account, they will be immediately presented with the Authorize step. This is where they will grant you the specific permissions you define in your OAuth scope so you can interact with their Braintree account on their behalf. This example shows an Authorize page giving full read_write
Clicking the Agree and Return button redirects the merchant back to a URI you allowlisted as part of the OAuth configuration.
Signup flow
If the merchant does not already have a Braintree account, they will be asked to provide personal and business information before getting to the Authorize step. The form fields can be pre-populated if you already know some of the information; see the full list of fields in the reference.
The Connect flow has a built in “Finish Later” capability, allowing the merchant to stop and restart from where they left off at a later time. In this case the merchant is redirected back to a URI you define.
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