Test Disputes

DocsCurrentLast updated: May 18th 2022, @ 6:02:27 pm

You can run negative tests on your integration to manage the responses you give to your customers.

Know before you code

  • Before you trigger a simulation, you'll need to you need to get an access token.
  • Use Postman to explore and test PayPal APIs.

Simulation method

To trigger a simulation for the Disputes API, you can use a path parameter in the request URI.

Use a path parameter in the request URI

Trigger or test valueSimulated error response


curl -X GET \
  https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/customer/disputes?disputed_transaction_id=ERRDIS023 \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <Access Token>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'


    "name": "FORBIDDEN",
    "message": "No permission for the requested operation.",
    "debug_id": "e90ec082e0e4d"

Test values

Use the following test values to trigger negative responses for these disputes actions:

Note: Test values are case sensitive.

List disputes

Negative response test values

Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate the following error responses at GET /v1/customer/disputes?disputed_transaction_id={transaction_id}.

Trigger or test valueSimulated error response

Show dispute details

Negative response test values

Use the JSON pointer method to simulate the following error responses at GET /v1/customer/disputes/{dispute_id}.

Trigger or test valueSimulated error response

Send message to other party

Negative response test values

Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate the following error responses at POST /v1/customer/disputes/{dispute_id}/send-message.

Trigger or test valueSimulated error response

Make offer to resolve dispute

Negative response test values

Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate the following response at POST /v1/customer/disputes/{dispute_id}/make-offer.

Trigger or test valueSimulated error response

Escalate dispute to claim

Negative response test values

Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate the following error responses at POST /v1/customer/disputes/{dispute_id}/escalate.

Trigger or test valueSimulated response

Provide evidence

Negative response test values

Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate the following error responses at POST /v1/customer/disputes/{dispute_id}/provide-evidence .

Trigger or test valueSimulated response

Accept claim

Negative response test values

Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate the following response at POST /v1/customer/disputes/{dispute_id}/accept-claim.

Trigger or test valueSimulated response

Acknowledge return item

Negative response test values

Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate the following response at POST /v1/customer/disputes/{dispute_id}/acknowledge-return-item.

Trigger or test valueSimulated response

Appeal dispute

Negative response test values

Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate the following response at POST /v1/customer/disputes/{dispute_id}/appeal.

Trigger or test valueSimulated response