Set up payment methods


Last updated: Oct 25th, 7:32am

On your website, you can set up the various payment methods that buyers use to pay for their purchases. To do this, integrate PayPal’s Checkout.  

Checkout integration facilitates you to accept payments made using the following:  

  • PayPal button. 
  • Standard debit and credit card forms. 
  • Customized debit and credit card forms. 
  • Venmo.  
  • Any other supported alternative payment methods (APMs). 
  • Saved cards or billing agreements. 

For partners, PayPal offers the following basic and add-on Checkout integrations: 

  • Standard: Use the PayPal JavaScript SDK to present standard payment buttons and card forms to the buyers.  
  • Advanced: Use the JavaScript SDK to present payment buttons and card forms that can be customized and aligned to your website’s branding.  
  • Pay with Venmo: Use the PayPal Javascript SDK to add the Venmo button to your existing PayPal (Standard or Advanced) Checkout integration.   
  • APMs: Add APMs to your existing PayPal (Standard or Advanced) Checkout integration. 

You can also save the purchaser’s payment methods for future transactions and for transacting without checkout (for example, by offering a free trial and billing after the trial period expires).

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