Pay with Venmo integration
Last updated: Mar 6th, 6:13am
Add the Venmo button to your Checkout integration.
Know before you code
- This integration is available to select partners only.
- Complete Onboard merchants before you begin this integration.
- You must have an access token.
- To run test transactions, set
to your sandbox client ID. - Complete a PayPal Checkout integration.
Test and go live
Note: Venmo is available in the US only. To simulate the Venmo button in the PayPal sandbox, add the buyer-country=US
parameter to your JS SDK code.
Pay with Venmo is a mobile experience, so ensure you have the Venmo iOS or Android app installed. You can test this feature on an iOS Safari or Android Chrome browser.
In the sandbox environment, you can test your integration without moving any money. For more information on testing Venmo, see Test Venmo in sandbox.
Best practices
Enable Venmo as a funding source
Venmo isn't displayed as a payment option in Checkout integrations by default. Add enable-funding=venmo
as a query parameter to your JavaScript SDK <script>
to display Venmo as a payment option.
Allow for Venmo placement
If you have an existing vertical button stack, an additional Venmo button renders under the stack. Make sure you leave enough room on your page for the Venmo button.
Display funding source used
If you have a confirmation page or a notification to the user that shows the funding source that was used, use an onClick
handler to display Venmo in the confirmation notification.
1let fundingSource23paypal.Buttons({4 onClick: (data) => {5 // fundingSource = "venmo"6 fundingSource = data.fundingSource78 // Use this value to determine what funding source was used to pay9 // Update your confirmation pages and notifications from "PayPal" to "Venmo"10 },11})