Large Batch Payouts

DocsLegacyLast updated: April 6th 2022, @ 4:06:12 pm

Large Batch Payouts enables you to send payouts to an unlimited amount of recipients at once. To use Large Batch Payouts, create a payouts input file and place it in a folder on a secure FTP server.

How it works

How large batch payouts work

  1. You create a payouts input file and share it in a folder tied to your account on PayPal's secure DropZone server.

  2. Payouts validates the input file and returns one of the following reports:

    • ACK (acknowledgment) report. The file passed validations. PayPal begins processing the file.
    • NACK (negative acknowledgement) report. The file failed validations, and the report explains the errors.
    • DUPS (duplicate filenames) report. The file name is identical to a previous file.
  3. Large files are processed in parts of up to 500,000 individual records. After each part of the input file is processed, payouts provides a Part File report. When the entire file is processed, you receive an Out File report. The reports are available in your DropZone account.

    Note: After 30 days, you receive a Final report that contains the status for each individual record.

  4. Recipients are notified of the payout.


Before you begin, complete the prerequisites.

1. Set up DropZone account

You can choose to first test your integration in the PayPal sandbox and send mock payouts or go straight to production and send live payouts. Follow the steps to set up a sandbox environment or production environment.

Sandbox environment

Use the PayPal sandbox to:

  • Simulate file transfer to a designated folder on PayPal’s DropZone server via SFTP.
  • Validate the file name, file format, checksum and file integrity.
  • Test Out File reports and reconciliations.

To set up your sandbox environment:

  1. Contact your account manager or PayPal customer support and provide this information:

    • PayPal account ID
    • Your public ssh key
    • Your public outgoing IP address. PayPal uses your IP address to white list your account in the sandbox.

    PayPal creates your SFTP account and provides your sandbox user name.

  2. To access your sandbox SFTP account, use the SFTP tool of your choice and include this information:

    • Sandbox endpoint/URL:
    • Destination host port: 22
    • Sandbox user name
    • Public ssh key

Next, set up your production environment to send live payouts or create an input file.

Production environment

Transactions performed in the production environment are live. Money is debited from your PayPal balance and credited to each recipient’s PayPal or Venmo account. If the recipient doesn't claim the money within 30 days from the payout date, the money is returned to your account.

To set up your production environment:

  1. Contact your account manager or PayPal customer support and provide this information to create your SFTP account:

    • PayPal account ID
    • Production ssh public key

    Note: You must create a new set of ssh keys for your production environment.

    PayPal creates your SFTP account and provides your production user name.

  2. To access your production SFTP account, use the SFTP tool of your choice and include this information:

    • Production endpoint/URL for the SFTP login:
    • Destination host port: 22
    • Production user name
    • Publish ssh key

Next, create an input file and place it in your Incoming folder.

2. Create input file

Create a comma separated value (.csv) input file that includes a summary line and information for each individual payout item.

The following sample .csv sends a payout to three PayPal recipients and two Venmo recipients:

Note: Payments to Venmo recipients require a US mobile number and information in the note.

PAYOUT_SUMMARY,17.9,USD,5,"You got paid",Payout for

Add Summary line

The first line of the input file must contain a PAYOUT_SUMMARY as shown in this example:


Use this information to complete each field of the summary:

  • Static value.
  • Must be upper case.
  • Value of all individual payout items.
  • Must be in decimal format.
  • Currency for the payout, such as USD, EUR, and so on. Only one currency type is supported per input file.
  • The number of payout items in the file.
  • In the example above, the item count is 5.
  • The subject of the email that recipients receive as a payout notification.
  • For txt input files:
    • If an email subject contains a comma or other special character, enclose the subject in double quotes.
    • If an email subject contains a double quote, enclose the double quote with an additional set of double quotes and enclose the subject in double quotes. Example double quote subject: "Our way of saying ""thanks"""
  • Max character length: 256
  • A common note in the email notification sent to all recipients for all payout items.
  • For txt input files:
    • If a note contains a comma or other special character, enclose the note in double quotes.
    • If a note contains a double quote, enclose the double quote with an additional set of double quotes and enclose the entire note with double quotes. Example double quote note: "Our way of saying ""thanks"""
  • Max character length: 1000

Add individual item records

Beginning with the second line of the input file, add a record for each individual payout item as shown in this example:


Use this information to complete each field for an individual item record:

  • Set to PAYOUT for a PayPal recipient.
  • Must be upper case.
  • The recipient identifier.
  • Use the recipient's email address, phone number, or their encrypted PayPal account number.
  • Value of individual payout item.
  • Only use decimal format. Localized currency formats are not supported.
  • Must not be empty or a zero amount.
  • Currency in which the payouts are sent.
  • Use a single currency per input file. Multiple currencies are not supported in a single input file.
  • In the example above, the currency code is USD.
  • Unique identifier for a payout item.
  • Must also be unique within the input file.
  • Must be alphanumeric [0-9, a-z, A-Z]. Only use the underscore (_) and hyphen (-) as special characters.
  • Maximum character length: 30
  • Customized note that can be sent in email notification for every payout item.
  • Use any special character or alphanumeric character.
  • For txt input files:
    • If a note contains a comma or other special character, enclose the note in double quotes.
    • If the note contains a double quote, enclose the double quote with an additional set of double quotes and enclose the entire note with double quotes. Example double quote note: "Our way of saying ""thanks"""
  • Maximum character length: 1000

Save input file

Use this naming convention to save the file:


Where pp_payouts is static and lower-case. Variable fields in the file name include:

epoch_timeUse an epoch timestamp. Timestamps in the past are acceptable. Future timestamps must be within seven days from the time that you place the file on the DropZone server.
reference_nameMust be alphanumeric [0-9, a-z, A-Z]. Only use the underscore (_) and hyphen (-) as special characters. Other special characters are not allowed. Maximum character length: 63
formatEither .csv or .csv.gz

3. Upload input file

You can upload and test your input file in your sandbox environment or upload your input file to your production environment and make live payouts. Once you upload the file, Payouts validates the file.

File validation

Payouts performs the following validations on your input file:

ValidationFails if
Currency mismatchThe input file contains more than one currency.
Duplicate fileThe input file name isn't unique. The file can't match a previous input file name.
File emptyThe file is empty or corrupt.
File encoding formatThe file isn't in UTF-8 format.
File existenceThe file doesn't exist in the source folder.
File formatThe file contains characters, columns, or details not required for processing payouts.
File integrityThe payout summary doesn't match the payout item record details.
File nameThe input file doesn't use the correct file naming convention.
Sandbox items limitThe number of items in the file exceeds the sandbox file limit (sandbox only).
Summary and line itemAny of these conditions exist:
  • Character length surpasses the maximum values
  • Contains an invalid currency code
  • Contains multiple summary records
  • Currency field is empty or missing
  • Currency uses a localized format
  • Invalid payout summary format
  • The file is missing a PAYOUT_SUMMARY
  • The PAYOUT_SUMMARY is not in the first line of the file
  • Total number of payments field is
    • Empty
    • Mismatched to the total number of payments in the file
    • Missing

When the validation is complete, you receive an acknowledgment report.

Acknowledgment reports

After Payouts validates your input file, you receive one of these acknowledgment reports:

  • ACK report Validation passed.
  • NACK report Validation failed.

ACK report

If your input file passes validation, Payouts places an ACK report in your Outgoing folder. The ACK report name matches the input file name, as shown in this example:

Input file nameACK report name

The file is formatted as follows:


Where the date is the time of acknowledgment, as shown in this example:


When you receive an ACK report, Payouts begins processing the input file. You can then view reports to see the payout status.

NACK report

If your input file fails validation, PayPal places a NACK report in your Outgoing folder.

Tip: If you send a file with content that matches a file you sent within seven days, you receive a NACK file. You can contact your PayPal account manager and ask to override this feature.

The NACK report name matches the input file name:

Input file nameNACK report name

The file contains the errors found and is formatted as follows:


This example shows a NACK file with errors:

PAYOUT,4,fourth-ref-id,PAYOUT_AMOUNT_INVALID_FORMAT,Invalid Payout amount format

Correct any issues. Give the corrected file a unique name and put it in your Incoming folder. Payouts validates again and sends a new ACK or NACK report to your Outgoing folder.

When you receive an ACK report, Payouts begins processing the input file. You can then view status reports.

For more information on errors, see File validation errors.

4. View reports

Payouts generates reports at three different file processing stages. This table describes the reports and shows the example report name for an input file named PP_PAYOUTS_1517395059_ABC123.csv:

ReportDescriptionExample report name
Part File reportGenerated after a part of an input file is processed. In the case of multiple part files, the payout items are mutually exclusive across each part file. The Part File report contains the start and end row number in the file name. For example, if a part file name contains 1_350, items 1 through 350 were processed.PP_PAYOUTS_1517395059_ABC123_1_350.csv
Out / Interim reportGenerated after all parts of an input file are processed.PP_PAYOUTS_1517395059_ABC123_OUT.csv
Final reportGenerated 31 days after the Interim report. Includes the final status of unclaimed transactions.PP_PAYOUTS_1517395059_ABC123_FINAL.csv

Report format

The Part, Out/Interim, and Final reports all use the same format:


Sample report

REF_ID_1,SX3QT8QVBVE4L,35P324312A142790D,,,USD,4.82,0.25,5.07,UNCLAIMED,RECEIVER_UNREGISTERED,Receiver is unregistered,2018-01-16T10:33:22Z
REF_ID_3,BUPR735Z5CJBJ,7FB53422KY616915S,,,USD,2.77,0.25,3.02,UNCLAIMED,RECEIVER_UNREGISTERED,Receiver is unregistered,2018-01-16T10:33:19Z
REF_ID_6,AU49JFTXWUQ8Q,7RG81691FV520321P,,,USD,0.86,0.25,1.11,UNCLAIMED,RECEIVER_UNREGISTERED,Receiver is unregistered,2018-01-16T10:33:20Z
REF_ID_7,C5USHNEDMCXWL,,,,USD,1.71,0,1.71,FAILED,ACCOUNT_RESTRICTED,User is restricted,2018-01-16T10:33:16Z

Transaction status and error messages

For information on Payouts API error messages, see Payouts Error Messages.

File validation errors

These errors may occur when Payouts validates your input file. Once you've fixed the errors, retry the payout:

DUPLICATE_REF_IDReference IDs must be unique within an input file.
EMAIL_MESSAGE_EXCEEDED_MAX_SIZEThe email message exceeded the maximum character limit. The limit is 1000.
EMAIL_SUBJECT_EXCEEDED_MAX_SIZEThe email subject exceeded the maximum character limit. The limit is 255.
ENCODING_ERRORThe payout input file is not in UTF-8 format.
FILE_EMPTY_OR_CORRUPTThe payout input file is empty or corrupt and cannot be processed.
FILE_NOT_FOUNDThe file has been removed from the source folder. Contact our customer support.
FILE_SIZE_ERRORThe payout input file is empty.
GZ_FILE_CORRUPT_ERRORThe payout input file is corrupt or has a checksum issue.
INVALID_CURRENCYThe currency code is invalid.
INVALID_FILE_FORMATThe input file contains characters, columns, or details that are not required for processing payouts. Remove these characters, columns, or details and upload the file.
INVALID_FILE_NAMEThe format of the file name is invalid.
INVALID_FIRST_COLUMNThe first column entry in the summary must be PAYOUT_SUMMARY. For an item record, this must be PAYOUT.
INVALID_REF_ID_FORMATThe reference ID must be alphanumeric. The maximum character limit is 63.
INVALID_SUMMARY_LINE_POSITIONThe payout summary record is missing from the first line in the payout input file.
MANDATORY_COLUMN_MISSINGThe file is missing mandatory columns. Please enter the required information and retry the Payout.
MULTI_CURRENCY_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe payout input file has more than one currency.
MULTIPLE_SUMMARY_RECORDSThe payout input file should contain only one summary record.
PAYOUT_AMOUNT_INVALID_FORMATThe payout amount must use a decimal. Other special characters aren't allowed.
PAYOUT_AMOUNT_NON_POSITIVEThe payout amount must be greater than zero.
SANDBOX_LIMIT_ERRORThe number of items in the file exceeds the sandbox file limit (sandbox only).
SCHEDULED_TIME_ERRORThe payout can be scheduled a maximum of seven days in advance.
SUMMARY_AMOUNT_INVALID_FORMATThe summary amount must be a decimal. Other special characters aren't allowed.
SUMMARY_AMOUNT_NON_POSITIVEThe total payout amount in the summary line must be greater than zero.
SUMMARY_AND_PAYOUT_MATCH_CONFLICTThe payout amount in the summary line doesn’t match the total item value.
SUMMARY_LINES_NON_INTEGERThe total number of payments field in the summary line must be an integer.
SUMMARY_LINES_NON_POSITIVEThe total number of payments field in summary line must be greater than zero.
SUMMARY_MISSINGThe summary line is missing from the payout input file.
TOTAL_PAYMENTS_MISMATCHThe TOTAL_NO_OF_PAYMENTS in the PAYOUTS_SUMMARY row must match the total records in the payout input file.


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